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6. The family had both a town house and a country house.
Without an article it often denotes the most important town (or city) in the speaker's neighbourhood, or the centre of the one in which he lives (if he lives in the suburbs).
eg 7. Гт going into town today to do some shopping. 8. I saw him in town a few days ago.
Formerly town was frequently used with reference to London, even when it was not the nearest city, with up denoting movement to the capital.
eg 9. The next day Mr Bennett went up to town (from York) to consult his solicitor.
10. They usually spent the winter in town.
11. Mr Irving is out of town for the weekend.
123However, this use is now comparatively rare, except when London is the speaker's nearest city. In other cases London is used instead.
City is used loosely to denote a large and important town. Strictly speaking, however, a city in Britain is a town which has been created a city by royal charter. Such charters were often given to towns with a cathedral (the most important church in the area) and therefore most cathedral towns are cities. The fact that some English cities are comparatively small can be explained as follows. They were created several centuries ago, when they were important centres, but they gradually lost their importance and only grew slowly, whereas other towns grew very quickly and overtook the old cities in population and importance, especially during the Industrial Revolution. These large industrial towns were eventually given the status of city and the older cities kept their title, too.
The official name of a city begins with the City of ..., for example, the City of York. However, the City of is included only in very formal style (official notices, laws, regulations, etc.). In America, however, City sometimes follows the name of the place, for example, New York City, Kansas City, and is included in all cases when it is necessary to distinguish the city from the state of the same name, in which it is situated (for example, New York City — New York State, Kansas City — Kansas State).
The City in Britain is the City of London, that is, the eastern part of central London governed by the Lord Mayor and Corporation, now the financial and commercial centre.
With reference to foreign countries it is the custom to use city of the larger and more important towns, and of ancient and historic ones, although there is some variation here.
City, not town, is used with the word capital (capital city), although capital is often used alone in this sense.
Exercise. Fill in the blanks with town or city (sg. or pi.). Note that in a few cases both words are possible.
1. What ... do you come from? 2. There was no doctor in the village so he had to cycle to the nearest .... 3. Most banks have their head office in the ... (of London). 4. Leningrad is a very beautiful ... . 5. We had lunch in ... and then went to the cinema. 6. They drove through one ... after another. 7. We went on a tour of the old ... . 8. She enjoyed the peace and quiet of the country after the noise and bustle of the ... . 9. A concert was given by the ... of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra. 10. Shall we go to ... tomorrow? 11. Do they live in New York ...? 12. — Is Norwich a big ...?— Yes. In fact it's
124а ... . 13. People from all the ... and villages in the area took part in the competition. 14. Vienna is the capital ... of Austria. 15. We visited the ancient ... of Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva.
Treat (v and n)
The verb treat means "to buy something for someone else as a friendly gesture, with the idea of giving him pleasure".
eg 1. Let me treat you to an ice-cream. (=buy you one)
2. ГIl treat you. ( = pay for you, e.g. at a restaurant, theatre, etc.) or: It's/This is my treat.
3. As it was her birthday she treated everybody to coffee and cakes at the nearby cafe.
One may also treat oneself.
eg 4. I treated myself to lunch at an Italian restaurant.
5. She treated herself to a new dress.
This means "to buy for oneself something which one does not usually have, something exceptional and pleasant".
Thus treat, unlike the Russian verb, угощать is usually (although not necessarily — see below) connected with money, with buying or paying for something. It is therefore incorrect to use treat with reference to food or drink offered to guests at home. English people do not say:
* She treated us to a nice dinner.
* Let me treat you to some cake.
* Treat yourself to some grapes.
but, for example:
6. She gave us a nice dinner.
7. Would you like some cake or: Do have some cake.
8. Have some grapes or:
Help yourself to (some) grapes. — if the dish is left on the table.
These sentences do not express the full idea of угощать but this is impossible in English.
Another difference between treat and угощать is that treat does not necessarily refer to food and drink. For example, it may be used when someone pays for someone else's theatre or cinema ticket.