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eg 9. —I hardly ever go to Covent Garden now. The tickets are so expensive. — ГIl treat you for your birthday.
125Here treat corresponds to приглашать.
As mentioned above, treat is not always connected with payment, at least not directly; it may mean simply something exceptional and pleasant.
eg 10. We're treating the children to a day in London. In some cases no payment is involved at all.
eg 11. I treated myself to a day off yesterday.
(of a person working at home, for example, or a housewife)
Treat may be used as a noun in situations of this type.
eg 12. The children were allowed to stay up late as a special treat.
13. It's a real treat for me to spend an evening just relaxing.
Treat in such situations (examples 10-13) appears to have no Russian equivalent.
Exercise 1. In which of the following situations can treat be used? Make up sentences which could be used in or about each situation, using the examples given above as models.
1. John took his parents out to dinner at a restaurant. 2. Christine offers her guests some coffee. 3. When Pat went to see her friends she took them some jam she had made. 4. Paul took Ms niece and nephew to the zoo. 5. Diana asks her guests to have some strawberries. 6. Brenda bought herself some French perfume. 7. Philip gave his neighbours some tomatoes he had grown in his garden. 8. Susan made a cake and asked her friends in the hostel to have some. 9. Janet paid for her friend's dinner at a restaurant as well as her own. 10. Andrew bought himself a rather expensive record which he very much wanted.
Exercise 2. Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Мальчик выбежал во двор и угостил леденцами всех своих приятелей. 2. Она часто пекла пироги и угощала соседей. 3. Бутерброды, фрукты перед вами. Угощайтесь! 4. По вечерам его часто приглашали в ресторан, где угощали великолепным вином, фруктами и всевозможными деликатесами (delicacies). 5. Скоро варенье будет готово, и я угощу тебя. 6. Она повела детей в кафе и угостила их мороженым. 7. В Сибири меня часто угощали пельменями. 8. Старуха угостила солдата яблоком. 9. Я хочу угостить вас грибами, которые я сам мариновал. 10. Гостей пригласили в ресторан и угощали русскими блинами и икрой.
Used То
Used occurs with to in the following two constructions: 1. as a finite verb, denoting something that existed or was
126done in the past (generally a repeated action) but no longer exists or is done now.
Used here is the past tense of to use, the present form use having become archaic in this sense. It is pronounced [ju:st], although the final t is not usually sounded before a following t, as in used to ['jurstu]. To here is part of the following infinitive.
eg 1. We used to live in the centre, (but we don't live there any longer)
2. I used to go to work on the bus before the new metro station opened, (but now I go on the metro)
3. There's the cafe we used to go to. (We don't go there any more.)
4. Ann used to play the piano very well in her youth.
5. Mother used to read us a story every night before we went to bed.
6. There used to be some old wooden houses here.
The second verb is generally omitted when implied by the context.
eg 7. She doesn't come to see me as often as she used to.
8. —Have a cigarette.
— No, thank you. I don't smoke.
— OA, I thought you did.
— No. I used to, but I gave it up last year.
This construction is very useful to guides and others showing people round historic places:
9. Peter-Paul's fortress used to be a prison.
10. This is the place where they used to make tar for ships.
It is clear from the above examples that used to does not always denote a repeated action (nos. 1, 6, and 9). Weused to live in the centre obviously does not mean We usually lived in the centre. Even in those sentences where the verb does denote a repeated action (nos. 2-4, 7, 8, 10) this is not the main idea. For example, I used to go to work on the bus is not synonymous with I usually went on the bus. The first sentence means that formerly (always, usually or only sometimes — it is not relevant here) I went on the bus, whereas now I do not; the second means that in most cases I went by bus but sometimes by some other means of transport, or walked. Used to does not necessarily imply fre-
127quent repetition, for we may say I sometimes/occasionally used to go on the bus. The main idea is that I no longer do so at all.
It therefore follows that the most appropriate Russian translation of used to with the infinitive is the imperfect aspect of the verb, with the inclusion of раньше or когда-то if there is no adverbial modifier in the English sentence.
eg 1. We used to live in the centre. Мы раньше жили в центре.
2. I used to go to work on the bus before the new metro station opened.
Я ездил на работу на автобусе до тех пор, пока не открылась новая станция метро.
3. There's the cafe we used to go to. Вот кафе, где мы раньше бывали.