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Such should especially be avoided when translating colloquial Russian sentences of the following type:
31. У меня такой (=этой) книги нет.
32. Он всегда дома в такое (=это) время.
Here only this/that is possible:
There is, however, a certain type of sentence where, in contrast to the general tendency, such is used with reference to a particular instance, both in formal and informal style.
eg 33. — Is there such a word as "fantasize"?
(Есть такое слово fantasize?) — Yes9 there is (such a word). (Да, такое слово есть.) J there isn't. °> \ there's no such word. (for emphasis only) (Нет такого слова.)
The negative sentence There's no such word may be used not only in answer to a question but, for example, if a pupil or student uses a non-existent word. If the word has not been mentioned, we should say, for example,
We cannot agree to conditions.
I haven't got that book.
They're always in at
this time, (referring to the moment
of speaking) that time. (referring to another time already mentioned)
11834. — There's no such word as "glain".
In practice, the above use of such appears to be limited to a fairly small group of cases, mainly interrogative and negative sentences with the verb to be, where the existence of something is being questioned or denied, or positive sentences asserting something which has been questioned. Other examples are:
35. Is there such a town as Beverley?
36. There's no such writer as Dunleavy.
37. There is such a rule, (emphatic assertion)
38. There's no such person (on my list).
In situations like that in example 38, of that name is often used.
eg 39. There's nobody of that name on my list.
40. — Could I speak to Mr Fowler, please, (on the telephone)
— There's nobody of that name (living (working) here or: — We haven't got a Fowler or: — We haven't anyone called Fowler.
41. I don't know anybody of that name.
42. — I was told that you teach Peter Williams.
— Yes, I have (got) a student of that name.
The above remarks about the use of such in comparison with такой can be summarized briefly as follows. Such is a less common and less colloquial word than такой and should be used only in the following cases:
1) in formal and informal style a) as an intensifier; b) in sentences of the type Is there such a ... as ...?, There's no such ... as ... .
2) in formal style only a) in a generic sense; b) to introduce examples.
In other cases such should be avoided as a translation of такой. Instead an article or a demonstrative pronoun should be used, depending on the context and the structure of the sentence.
Exercise. Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Почему он себя вел таким образом? 2. — В русском языке есть такое слово «стажер». — А по-английски нет такого слова. 3. — Как можно перевести такое выражение: "to lose heart"? 4. В общежитии есть такая комната, где можно смотреть телевизор, разговаривать с друзьями. 5. — У вас в больнице работает сестра по фамилии Николаева?— Есть такая. 6. —В одном из романов Айрис Мердок я встретил такую фразу: "to come porlocking". — Я такой фразы никогда не
119слышал. 7.— По-моему, такого закона нет. 8. Учебник дает такое объяснение: ... (объяснение следует). 9. В Советском Союзе существуют такие лагеря, где дети могут провести летние каникулы. 10.— Попросите, пожалуйста, к телефону Ивана Петровича.—У нас такого нет. 11. —У тебя есть такая книга? — Нет, я ее не купил. 12. —Почему эта улица называется «Маклина»? — Был такой шотландский коммунист Маклин. 13. —Очень трудно работать с такими людьми. На них нельзя положиться. 14. — Я люблю такие конфеты.
Thank You
Thank you is used alone (or simply with very much or so much) mainly when the speaker has been given something, or when somebody has helped him in some way or addressed some good wish to him (for example, liHappy Birthday" or itHave a good holiday"). It is not enough in response to an offer, for example an offer of something to eat or drink. In this context "Thank you (very/so much)" is ambiguous; it may be understood either as an acceptance or a refusal, depending on the tone of voice, although on the who!e it is more likely to be taken for an acceptance (in contrast to the Russian спасибо). It is therefore better to use the responses "Yes, please" or "No, thank you" (with no pause after yes and no).
Thank you without no can naturally be used as one takes something or when one has already taken it, or, for example, when followed immediately by but...
eg — Would you like a cup of tea?
— Thank you, but I've just had one.
Thank you alone should also be avoided when replying to inquiries about health, for example, uHow are you?" or iiHow1S your mother keeping?" To reply simply iiThank you (very much)" in such cases will create an impression of mystery about the person's health, because it avoids answering the question. Custom requires that some sort of answer, usually general, be given, followed by "thank you" if the answer is favourable. The most usual forms are: