Природоохранное законодательство развитых стран Ч. 2. - Лебедева A.H.
ISBN 7-7623-0226-1
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494. Nagel S., Nagel R. Incentives, MCDV, and Environmental Protection // Comput., Environ, and Urban. Syst. - 1989. - Vol. 13, N 4. - P. 225 - 230.
495. Nancy G. The French Republic //Environ. Policies East and West. - London, 1987. - P. 124 - 147.
496. Nancy S. Citizen enforcement of environmental laws // Environment. - 1987.
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497. Naser H.,Oberpottkamp U. Rechtliche Aspekte der Langzeitsicherheit von Endlegern fur radioaktive Abfalle // PTB-Mitt. - 1988. - Bd 98, N 1. - S. 73 - 80.
498. Nash A.E. Wilderness aesthetics and metrowildernist "Trump rights" in American wildlands policy // Wett. Wildlands. - 1988. - Vol. 14, N 3. - P. 27 - 33.
499. National Air Quality and Emissions Trends Report, 1988. - U.S. EPA, 1990.
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505. Nimlos T. The 1985 Food Security Act: a conservation boon // Wett. Wildlands.
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506. Nishimura Seigo. Региональное развитие и оценка воздействия на среду // Канке кэнкю = Environ. Res. Quart. - 1986. - N 62. - P. 120 - 129.
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512. Onz K.-Ch. The Republic of Austria // Environmental Policies in East and West // Ed. G. Enyedi, o.a. - London: Taylor Graham, 1987. - P. 30 - 52.
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514. O'Riordan T. The politics of the environmental regulation in Great Britain // Environment (USA). - 1988. - Vol. 30, N 8. - P. 5 - 9, 39 - 44.
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