Природоохранное законодательство развитых стран Ч. 2. - Лебедева A.H.
ISBN 7-7623-0226-1
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531. Pirades S.W. Legislative directions: hazardous waste management in the USA // Safewaste'87 Conf., Cambridge, 31st March - 2nd Apr., 1987; Safe and Cost-Eff. Manag. Wastes Conf. Proc. - Tunbridge Wells, 1987. - P. 56 - 61.
532. Plant and equipment expenditures by businnes for pollution abutement // Survey of Current Business. - 1986. - Vol. 66, N 2. - P. 39-45. 377.
533. Polizei. - 1982. - N 11. - S. 332 - 342.
534. Pollution Atmospherique. - 1985. - N 107. - P. 225.
535. Pollution watchdog too stretched to act // New Sei. - 1988. - Vol. 117, N 168.
- P. 27.
536. Ponder W. Technologus for controling pollutants from coal combustion: 4th seminar on the control of sulfur and nitrogen oxides from stationary sources, Graz. (Austria), 12-16 May 1986. - Pap. EB / AIR / Sem. 1/R.71.
53". Popkin Roy. The new Clean Water Act // EPA J. - 1987. - Vol. 13, N 2. - P. 30 - 31.
538. Powell J. The oldest and largest recycling market development programs // Resour. Recycl. - 1990. - Vol. 9. N 3. - P. 48 - 49, 72 - 73.
539. Power. - 1985. - Vol. 129, N 5. - P. 31 - 32.
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541. Prearce D., Maler K.-G. Environmental economics and the developing world // AMBIO. - 1991. - Vol. 20, N 2. - P. 52 - 54.
542. Preed'homme P. Note sur la gestion de !'environment // Analyse et prevision.
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543. Probhu M.A. .'/ Environment. - 1986. - Vol. 28, N 5. - P. 14 - 20, 28 - 29.
544. Progress reported on Canadian Environmental Protection Act // J. Air Pollut. Contr. Assoc. - 1988. - Vol. 38, N 4. - P. 438 - 439.
545. Quality of the Environment in Japan 1984 / Environmental Agency, Government of Japan. - 1985. - P. 38 - 39, 118 - 119.
546. Quality of the Environment in Japan 1986 / Environment Agency Government of Japan. - 305 p.
547. Quality of the Environment in Japan 1988 / Environment Agency, Government of Japan. - 1989. - 353 p.
548. Ragna Henrichs, Hallenbeck Robert M. Legal implications of chemical releases // Chem. Eng. Progr. - 1986. - Vol. 82, N 11. - P. 16-20.
549. Palph Heimlich. A wetlands reserve: What cost? // Agr. Outlook. - 1990. - N
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550. Rapoport S.D. The taking of wetlands under section 404 of the Clean Water Act // Environ. Law. - 1986. - Vol. 17, N 1. - P. 111 - 124.
551. Rau E.L. How acid rain legislation might change coal use pattern '/ Mining Eng. - 1987.- Vol. 39, N 1. - P.22.
552. Rechnergestutzte Umweltplanung // Chip. - 1987. - N 11. - S. 34 - 37.
553. Reform der Luftreinhaltung // Brennstoff-Spiegel. - 1985. - N 8. - S. 27 - 29.
554. Rehbinder E. Ersatz okologischer Schaden-Begriff, Anspruchsberechtigung und Umfang des Ersatzes unter Berucksichtigung rechts-vergleichender Erfahrungen // Natur und Recht. - 1988. - Bd 10, N 3. - S. 105 - 115.
555. Rochter S. Finanzierungshilfen fur Umweltschutzimvestationen // Wasser, Luft und Betr. - 1986. - N 6. - S. 8.
556. Roller G. Die Reform des Umweltstraf rechts // Око Mitteilungen. - 1990. - Bd 13, N 1. - S. 18 - 19.
557. Ruchay D. Abfallwirtschaft im Umbruch // Entsorg. Prax. - 1991. - N 1 - 2. -P. 48-51.
558. Ruchay D. Pflanzenschutzmittelanwendung ohne Grund- und Trinkwassergefahrdung - Aspekte des Umweltschutzes // Schriftenr. Ver. Wasser-, Boden und Lufthyg. - 1989. - N 79. - S. 39 - 44
559. Ruck Ch. Paragraphen fur die Umwelt: Gesetze, Verordnungen und Richtlinien in der Abfall- und Drinkwasserwirtschaft // Umweltmagazin. - 1989. - Bd 18, N 10. -S. 24 - 28, 30.
560. Rupp J.-J. Legal requirements regarding environmental protection for the construction and operation of central heat and power plants // Fernwarem Int. - 1988. -Jahrbuch.- P. 23 - 32.
561. Russ P. e.a. Development of strategies for reducing air pollutant emission in the European Community // Int. J. Energy Res. - 1990. - Vol. 14, N 8. - P. 833 - 847-
562. Rutledge I., Stergiolas N.A. Plant and equipment expenditures by business for pollution abatement, 1987 and planned 1988 // Survey of Current Business. - 1988. -Vol. 68, N 11. - P. 26 - 29.
563. SAE Technical Paper. - 1985. - N 852094. - 9 p.
564. Ibid. - 1985. - N 852098. - P.45-52.
565. Sagoff M. Some problems with environmental economics // Environ. Ethics. -1988. - Vol. 10, N 1. - P. 55 - 74.
566. Sagoff M. Where ickes went right or reason and rationality in environmental law // Ecol. Law Quarterly. - 1987. - Vol. 14, N 2. - P. 265 - 364.
567. Saiki Yoshio, Nakazawa Makoto. Оценка выбросов СОг от автотранспорта // Тайки осэн гаккайси, J. Jap. Soc. Air Pollut. - 1991. - Vol. 26, N 1. - P. 45 - 50.
568. Sander E. Rechtsfragen im Verhaltnis von Wasserrecht und Naturschutz // Natur und Recht. - 1986. - Bd 8, N 8. - S. 317 - 324.
569. Sander Horst P. Spitzenthemen des Umweltrechts, Umweltverlraglichkeitsprufung - Haftungsrecht "Umwelt. Tuv." // Umweltmagazin. -1988. - Bd 17, N 5. - S. 42 - 45.
570. Sander Horst P. Wohin mit Krankenhausabfallen // Umweltmagazin. - 1991. - Bd 20, N 6. - S. 116, 118, 120.
571. Sauber M. H. Promoting mandatory deposit laws in the United States: a marketing approach // J. Environ. Syst. - 1987 - 1988. - Vol. 17, N 1. - P. 33 - 46.