Природоохранное законодательство развитых стран Ч. 2. - Лебедева A.H.
ISBN 7-7623-0226-1
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607. Swinbank D. New projects flood Japan // Nature. - 1989. - Vol. 341, N 6237.
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609. Tabota Mitsuo. Заседание комитета по окружающей среде Японского парламента // J. Environ. Pollut. Contr. = Кагай то майсаку. - 1988. - Т. 24, N 1.
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611. Teets J.W. A new enforcement era: individual liability under environmental statutes // Photovoltaic Safety: Conf., Denver, Colo., 19-20 Jan., 1988. - New York, 1988. - P. 202 - 211.
612. Terhardt G., Wolen K.N. Natursehutz in Geldontauch Stiftungen konnen helfen // Loet. - Milt. - 1985. - Bd 10, N 2. - P. 8, 11 - 12.
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614. The Environmental Policy of the European Communities. - London: Dordrecht; Boston: S.P. Graham and G. Corcelle, 1989. - 349 p. - (International Environmental Law and Policy Series / Gen. Ed. Stanley P. Johnson).
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634. Turnbull R.G.H. Environmental management machinery // Adv. Policy Workshop, Crete, 23 - 30 oct., 1988: Environ. Manag, and Impact Assessment. - Old Aberdeen, 1988. - P. 101 - 119.
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