Природоохранное законодательство развитых стран Ч. 2. - Лебедева A.H.
ISBN 7-7623-0226-1
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311. Environmental uncertainty: science and the greenhouse effect // Environ. Imperative: Market Approaches Green. Canada: Pap. Conf. "Environ. Policy and Energy Ind. Alberta", Calgary, Jap., 18 - 19, 1980. - Toronto, Calgary, 1990. - P. 19-24.
312. Environmental Views. - 1990. - Vol. 12, N 4. - P. 5 - 10.
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315. Ervin Christine A. Implementing the conservation title // Soil and Water Conserv. - 1989. - Vol. 44, N 5. - P. 367 - 370.
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317. Exxon sues Alaska over tanker oil spill response // Oil and Gas J. - 1989. -Vol. 87, N 44. - P. 26 - 27.
318. Feitshans T.A. Liability issues in groundwater quality protection // J. Soil and Water Conserv. - 1990. - Vol. 45, N 2. - P. 211 - 215. - Реф.: Ответственность за экологический >щерб и ее страхование // Правовые вопр. ООС: ЭИ. - 1992. - N 2.
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319. Fertigungstechnik und Betrieb. - 1991. - Bd 41, N 6.
320. Flam Faye. Clean Air Act: on stage again // Chem. Week. - 1990. - Vol.147, N 17. - P. 9.
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322. Fraas A.G. Regulations of hasardous air pollutants under the Clean Air Act // Proc. 78th APCA Annu. Meet., Detroit, Mich., June 16-21, 1985. - Pittsburg, PA, 1985. Vol.3, N AOS. - P. 35.3/1 - 35.3/17.
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326. Fuller G.I. The environmental assessment directive proposals for implementation // Environ. Educ. and Inf. - 1986. - Vol. 5, N 3. - P. 164 - 170.
327. Ganten R.H. Law on liability for environmental damage: a model for Europe // Environ. Policy and Law. - 1988. - Vol. 18, N 3. - P. 83 - 88.
328. Gareis-Grahmenn Fideiis-Jasmin. Umweltvertraglichkeitsprufung bei Deponier-Vorteile und Probleme // Muml. und Abfall. - 1988. - Bd 20, N 9. - S. 413 - 422.
329. Gebhardt M. Verringerung der Luftverunreinigung durch Mullverbrennungsanlagen im nationalen und EG-Bereich // Entsorg. Prax. - 1991. - N 1 - 2. - S. 34 - 38. - Реф.: Контроль выбросов от мусоросжигательных установок в странах Западной Европы и на уровне ЕЭС // Правовые вопр. ООС: ЭИ. - 1991. - N 22. - С. 2 - 9.
330. Gehu J. Les moyens de la conservation: lout il juridique et politique // Rev. Quest. Sei. - 1986. - Vol. 157, N 1. - P. 71 - 84.
331. Gerber C.K. EPA's hazardous waste research programs: 1985 // J. Ad'Pollution. - 1985. - Vol. 35, N 7. - P. 749 - 752.
332. Gesetz zur Umsetzung der Richtlinie des Rates vom 27.Juni 1985 uber die Umweltvertraglichkeitsprufung bei bestimmten offentlichen und privaten Projekten (85/337/EWG) // Bundesgesetzblatt, z 5702A. - 1990. - Bd 1, N 6. - S. 205 - 214.
333. Getting it Green: Case studies in Canadian environmental regulation / Ed. Doern G. Druce. - Toronto; Calgary: CD. Howe Inst., 1990. - V. - 214 p.
334. Gibson R.B. Lessons of a legislated process: twelve years of experience with Ontario's Environmental Assessment Act // Impact Assess. Bull. - 1990. - Vol. 8, N 3. -P. 63 - 80.
335. Gillespie J., Hatch L., Duffy P. An economic analysis of conservation tillage systems under the conservation provisions of the 1985 farm bill // J. Soil and Water „Conserv. - 1989. - Vol. 44, N 5. - P. 483 - 487.
336. Gleiches Zielverschiedene Wege // Energiewirt. Tagesfragen. - 1987. - Bd 37, N 2. - S. 107 - 112.
337. Gleis M., Rossmanith P. Stand der Entsorgung von Krankenhausabfallen in der BRD // Mull and Abfall. - f990. - Bd 22, N 11. - S. 717 - 725.
338. Global Pollution and Health / UNEP ; WHO - UNEP, WHO, 1987.
339. Goldfarb W. Environmental Law // Encycl. Environ. Sei. and Eng. - New-York e.a, 1983. --Vol. 11 A-E. - P. 362 - 368.
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341. Grad F.P. Environmental baw: Sources and Problems. - N.Y., 1971. - P. 1-20.
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344. Gunby D.S. The British road to post war planning: the forty year journey to the 1974 Town and Country Planning Act // Plann. Outlook. - 1987. - Vol. 30,Nl.-P. 6-12.
345. Haag Melida. Proposition 65's right-to-know provision: can it keep its promise to California voters // Ecol. Law Quarterly. - 1987. - Vol. 14, N 4. - P. 685 - 712.
346. Hadley M. L'importance des etudes d'impact sur l'environnement // Bull. Techn. Bur. Veritas. - 1988. - Vol. 70, N 2. - P. 52 - 55.
347. Hafner M. Wie stark ist unser Trinkwasser heutzutage gefahrdet durch Pflanzenschutzmittel - Ruckstande? // TASPO-Mag. - 1990. - "Od 17, N 7. - S. 29 - 31.