Природоохранное законодательство развитых стран Ч. 2. - Лебедева A.H.
ISBN 7-7623-0226-1
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644. Vestigo J.R. Acid rain and toll stack regulation under the Clean Air Act // Environ. Law. - 1985. - Vol. 15, N 4. - P. 711 - 744. .
645. Vigod Toby. The law and "toxic blob" // Alternatives. - 1986. - Vol. 15, N 3. - P. 24 - 26.
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647. Waile A.J. Public law, private law and conservation policy in England and Wales // Environ. Policy and Low. - 1988. - Vol. 18, N 5. - P. 159 - 168.
648. Wallace R. R. Assessing the assessors: an examination of the impact of the federal environmental assessment and review process on federal decision making // Arctic. - 1986. - Vol. 39, N 39. - P. 240 - 246.
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653. Weisfeld L.B. Formulation away from CFCS. Part 1. The whys and wherefores // Plast. Compounds. - 1988. - Vol. 11, N 2. - P. 15, 16, 18, 20, 22.
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663. Whittow J. Environmental issues // Progr. Hum. Geogr. - Vol. 10, N 3. - P. 427 - 435.
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665. Wigley T.M. The greenhouse effect: scientific assessment of clinical change // Uranium and Nucl. Energy, 1989; Proc. 14th Int. Symp. Uranium Inst., London, 6-8 Sept., 1989. - London, 1990. - P. 92 - 115.
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