Природоохранное законодательство развитых стран Ч. 2. - Лебедева A.H.
ISBN 7-7623-0226-1
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348. Hahn R. W. Innovative approaches for revising the Clean Air Act // Natur. Resour. J. - 1988. - Vol. 28, N 1. - P. 171 - 18S.
349. Haigh N. Articles. Environmental assessment - the EC directive // J. Plann, and Environ. Law. - 1987. - N January. - P. 4 - 20.
350. Haigh N. EEC Environmental Policy in Britain. An essay and a handbook. -London: IEEP / IIED, 1984. - 324 p.
351. Haigh N. Keynote address: the overall Europe scene // Desulphurisat. Coal Combust. Syst.: Three-day Symp. Sheffield, 19 - 21 Apr., 1989. - N.Y., etc., 1989. - P. 1 - 13.
352. Накагава Редзи. Охрана окружающей среды на Земле и экобизнес // Кэдзай. - 1991. - N 322. - С. 80 - 90.
353. Haker W., Krieshammer G. Juristische Erfordernisse bei der Organisation des Umweltschutzes in der Energiewirtschaft // Energiewirt. Tagesfragen. - 1989. - Bd 39, N 8. - S. 522 - 528.
354. Hamrin R.A. Renewable Resources Economy. - N.Y., 1983. - P. 139.
355. Handbook of Air Pollution Technology / Ed. S.Calvert, H.Englung. - N.Y., 1984. - P. 1033.
356. Handler T., Keltie A. The new environmental protection act // Environ. Policy and Law. - 1991. - Vol. 21, N 1. - P. 26 - 28. - Реф.: Закон об охране окружающей среды (Великобритания) // Правовые вопр. ООС: ЭИ. - 1992. - N 3. - С. 8 - 13.
357. Hanson D. Righl-to-know trade secret rule proposed // Chem. and Eng. News.
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358. Harison D. J. EPAs emissions inventory shows some pollution reduction // Chem. and Eng. News. - 1990. - Vol. 68, N 43. - P. 15 - 16.
359. Harrington W., Krupnick A. Y. Stationary source pollution policy and choices of reform // Natur Resour. J. - 1981. - Vol. 21, N 3. - P. 539 - 564.
360. Hartley W. R., Ohanian, E. V. The use of short-term toxicity data for prediction of long-term health effects // Trace Substances Environ. Health - XXII, Columbia (Mo), Proc. Univ. Missouris 22nd Annu. Conf., St. Louis, Mo, May 23 - 26, 1988. - 1988. -P. 3 - 12.
361. Harvey T. Programme for environmental practioners // Environmentalist. -1987. - Vol. 7, N 2. - P. 150 - 151.
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363. Hawke N., Iimant J. Water Pollution Law; Plugging the Leaks // J. Plann, and Environ. Law. - 1988. - Oct. - P. 670 - 673.
364. Hayashi Shuro. Законодательные основы выплаты компенсаций // Канке кэнкю = Environ. Res. Quart. - 1987. - N 64. - P. 54 - 65.
365. Hedeman W., Shore P., Mclean C The Superfund amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986: Statutory provisions and EPA implementation // Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Water. - 1987. - Vol. 4, N 2. - P. 193 - 210.
366. Heide H.J. Die Umsetzung der EG-Richtlinie zur Umweltvertraglichkeitprufung in Praxis und Wissenschaft // Raumforschung und Raum. - 1986. - Bd 44, N 4 - 5. -P. 208 - 211.
367. Heimlich R. A wetlands reserve: what cost? // Agr. Outlook. - 1990. - N 166.
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369. Henrichs R. Law // J. Water Pollut. Conlr. Ted. - 1988. - Vol. 60, N 6. - P. 748 - 773.
370. Henrichs R., Hallenbeck R. Legal implications of chemical releases // Chem. Eng. Progr. - 1986. - Vol. 82, N 11. - P. 16 - 20.
371. Henriet C, Levi Y., Coutant J.-P. Automatisation dun test de toxicite aigue utilisant des bacteries luminescentes // Eau, Ind., Nuisances. - 1990. - N 140. - P. 80 -
372. Herzog M. Die Deutsche Umweitschutzgesetzgebung im Licht der EG-Rechtlinie zur Umweltvertraglichkeitsprufung //VGB Kraftwerkstechn. - 1987. - Bd 67, N 10. - P. 966 - 969.
373. Heydanek D. The protocol and the Clean Air Act: ultimate phasing out of 1,1,1-trichloroethane // Plat, arid Suface Finish. - 1991. - Vol. 78, N 1. - P. 61 - 63.
374. Highlights of groundwater bills // J. Water Pollut. Contr. Fed. - 1988. - Vol. 60, N 3. - P. 308.
375. Hinfichsen D. Multiple pollutants and forest decline // АМВЮ. - 1986. - Vol. 15, N 5. - P. 258 - 265.
376. Hocker Ph. M. Who is QUI ТАМ? Privatizing environmental enforcement // Proc. 1st Int. Symp. Oil and Gas Explor and Prod. Waste Manag. Pract., New Orleans, La, Sept. 10 - 13, 1990. - Silver Spring (Md), 1990. - P. 1081 - 3189.
377. Hodas D.R. Private actions for public nuisance: common law citizen suits for relief from environmental harm // Ecol. Law Quart. - 1989. - Vol. 16, N 4. - P. 883 -908.
378. Hoffjann T., Streckmann R. Umweltvertraglichkeitsprufung im Bauleitplanverfahren // Garten und Landschaft. - 1987. - Bd 97, N 9. - S. 61 - 64.
379. Hohenstein W. EPA and the Endangered Species Act // J. Forest. - 1987. -Vol. 85, N 6. - P. 6 - 8.
380. Hoir Jay D. Clean Air Act: promises and priorities // J. Air Pollut. Contr. Assoc. - 1986. - Vol. 36, N 9. - P. 1000 - 1002.
381. Holdgate M.W., Krssas M., White G.F. World environment 1972 - 1982: a Report by the UNEP. - Dublin: Tycuoly International, 1982. - 637 p.