Природоохранное законодательство развитых стран Ч. 2. - Лебедева A.H.
ISBN 7-7623-0226-1
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271. Development of Environmental Protection in Japan. - Japan, 1973. - P. 96.
272. Die Umweltpolitik der nachsten vier Jahre // Entsorga Mag. - 1987. - Bd 5, N 3. - S. 28 - 33.
273. Die Verantwortlichkeit fur Altlasten im offentlichen Recht. - 1987. - Bd 9, N 1. - S. 7 - 21.
274. Dodd J. Trouble in Blue Sky Country // Environ. Views. - 1990. - Vol. 12, N 4. - P. 19 - 22.
275. Doern G.B. Getting it green: Canadian environvental policy in the 1990s // Environ, imperative: Market Approaches Green Canada: Pap. Conf. "Environ. Policy and Energy Ind. Alberta", Calgary, Jan. 18 - 19, 1990. - Totonto: Calgary, 1990. - P. 1 - 18.
276. Doern G.Bruce. Regulations and market approaches: the essential environmental partnership // Getting it Green: Case studies Can. environ, regul. - Toronto; Calgary, 1990. - P. 90.
277. Dopper M. Genehmigungsrechtliche Situation fur Mabnahmen zur Altlastensanierung // WLB: Wasser, Luft und Boden. - 1990. - N 11 - 12. - S. 72 - 73.
278. Dowd R. M. EPA's air quality bubble revisited // Environ. Sei. and Technol.
- 1984. - Vol. 18, N 8. - P. 249A.
279. Du Fort Gisele C All the king's forces or the nuclear age // Ecol. Law Quart.
- 1988. - Vol. 15, N 4. - P. 477 - 502.
280. Dubeau D. Etude sur les effects environnmentoux cumulaties du plan des installations // Rev. energ. (Fr.). - 1991. - Vol. 42, N 428. - P. 147 - 152.
281. Dudek D.J., LeBlanc A.V., Sewall R. Cutting the cost of environmental policy: lessons from business response to CFC regulation // AMBIO. - 1990. - Vol. 19, N 6 -7. - P. 324 - 328.
282. Dumanski J., Birch A.L., Chambers L.B. et al. A Canadian perspective on the Food Security Act // J. Soil and Water Conserv. - 1988. - Vol. 43, N 1. - P. 76 - 77.
283. Durbin R. Scientific consideration in the legislative arena // Aquat. Toxicol, and Hazard Assessment. Philadelphia, Pa, 1985. - P. 7 - 14.
284. Economist. - 1990. - Vol. 317, N 7679. - P. 44.
285. Easterty J. H. Acid rain legislation could drown as utilities // Mod. Power Syst.
- 1987. - Vol. 7, N 11. - P. 11, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25.
286. Easterwood P. K. Ord W. 0. Implementing Part 2 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974 // Water Pollut. Contr. - 1986. - Vol. 85, N 2. - P. 214 - 245.
287. Eberhardt A. Das Konzept der deutschen Umweltvertraglichkeitsprufung im Lichte der Arbeit internationaler Organisationen // Natur + Recht. - 1991. - Bd 13, N 1. - S. 1 - 8.
288. Elkins Ch. Risk communications; getting ready for "right-to-know" // EPA J.
- 1987. - Vol. 13, N 9. - P. 23-26.
289. Ember L. R. Clean air law will be costly to chemical industry // Chem. and Eng. News. - 1990. - Vol. 68, N 46. - P. 23 - 24. - Реф.: Закон о чистом воздухе: рост природоохранительных расходов в химической промышленности США // Правовые вопр. ООС: ЭИ. - 1991. - N 17. - С. 2 - 5.
290. Ember L. R. EPA urges to tackle to solve highest risk pollution problems // Chem. and Eng. News. - 1990. - Vol. 66, N 42. - P. 24 - 25. .
291. Endres A. Umwelthaftung : Okonomische Aspekte des Umwelthaftungs-rechts // WiST: Wirtshaftswiss. Stud. - 1989. - Bd 18, N 9. - S. 411 - 412.
292. Environment (USA). - 1980. - Vol. 22, N 9. - P. 25-28.
293. Environment Protection Act et al., Regering. Kunsleits Offsetientral. -Stockholm, 1984. - 62 p.
294. Environment. Sofia and Bonn meetings // Environ. Policy and Law. - 1990. -Vol. 20, N 3. - P. 85.
295. Environmental Assessment. A Guide to the Procedures. Department of the
Environment. - Welsh Office, 1989. - 64 p.
296. Environmental Auditing: report of a United Nations Environment Programme / Industry and Environment ( UNEP/IEO) Workshop, Paris, 10 - 11.01, 1989. - UNEP, 1990. - 125 p.
297. Environmental controls in the power industry - a world perspective: (Pap.] Coal Handl. and Uli!. Conf., Sydney, 19 - 21 June, 1990 / Porter J.R. // Nat. Conf. Publ. / Inst. Eng., Austral. - 1990. - N 3. - P. 119 - 123.
298. Environmental Law and Chemical Substances. - Berlin, 1991.
299. Environmental Laws and Regulations in Japan / Environment Agency, 1974.
300. Environmental Progress and Challenges : EPAs Update. - US EPA, 1988. -140 p.
301. Environmental Protection in Sweden / National Swedish Environment Protection Board, 1984. - 29 p.
302. Environmental Quality, 1983. 14th Annual Report of the Council on Environmenta Quality. - 1984. - P. 251 - 255.
303. Environmental Quality. 15th Annual Report of the Council on Environmental Quality / U. S. Governement Printing Office. - Washington, D.C., 1985. - 586 p.; Nature.
- 1989. - Vol. 339, N 6222. - P. 242.
304. Environmental Regulation and Economic Efficiency. Congress of the United States, Congressional Budget Office, 1985. - 114 p.
305. Environmental Sciance and Technology. - 1977. - Vol. 11, N 4. - P. 352 - 357.
306. Ibid. - 1978. - Vol. 12, N 1. - P. 41 - 43.
307. Ibid. - 1979. - N 10. - P. 1202 - 1207.
308. Ibid. - 1985. - Vol. 19, N 3. - P. 205.
309. Ibid. - 1985. - Vol. 19, N 12. - P. 1156.
310. Ibid. - 1991. - Vol. 25, N 3. - P. 357. - Реф.: Новые нормативы качества питьевой воды // Правовые вопр. ООС: ЭИ. - 1991. - N 10. - С. 4.