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9. — There can be no doubt that the fire was started deliberately. 10. It is clear that the conditions in which the experiment was conducted were unfavourable, because the data obtained conflicts with that previously collected. 11 . — There is no doubt that he was telling the truth. 12. —It seems that the plan for an extension to the library has been approved.
Appear, Seem, Turn Out, Prove
Appear and seem both mean "to give the impression of being". (Appear also has other meanings, one of which is discussed below.)
Seem is more widely used in this sense than appear, which is confined mainly to formal style. Thus in some sentences either verb can be used, the difference being stylistic.
eg 1. She seems/appears (to be) happy.
2. He seemed/appeared surprised by the news.
J It seems/appears that there has \ been an acci-• \ There seems/appears to have J dent.
4. It seems!appears so.
5. — I've been walking in the rain.
14— So it seems !appears.
(=Your wet clothes give that impression.)
Seem and appear in such sentences usually correspond to казаться. However, they are by no means always appropriate translations of this Russian verb. For example, they should generally be avoided when translating such sentences as:
a. — Он, кажется, родился в Москве.
b. — Кажется, он написал новую книгу.
c. — Пора, кажется.
Here / think or I believe (more formal) are usually the best translations.
eg 6. — I think/believe he was born in Moscow.
7. — I think/believe he's written a new book.
8. — I think it's time (to go!start, etc.).
Seem and appear (in the sense discussed above) can express only the imperiective aspect (Russian казаться, оказываться). The idea expressed by the Russian verb оказаться (і. e. the perfective aspect) is rendered by turn out (to be) or prove (to be).
eg. 9. Он оказался прав.
rr ( turned out Ї . , . f . He \ proved ) t0 be riSht-
10. Женщина оказалась известной актрисой.
The woman | ^proved } to be a famous actress.
11. Оказалось, что наши друзья уже уехали.
It turned out that our friends had (already) left.
Prove is more formal than turn out, and less widely used in this sense. In addition, it cannot be followed by that... in sentences like no. 11 above.
Another meaning of appear (in fact its main meaning) is "to come into view, to become visible".
eg 12. As Janet was looking across the field the figure of a man appeared in the distance. As he came nearer she recognized him as the owner of the nearby farm.
In such sentences appear usually corresponds to the Russian появляться/появиться. However, it should not be used as an equivalent of the Russian verb to mean simply "come
15in/along", etc., "enter", "arrive", as in the following sentences:
* As they were discussing what to do next, their father appeared in the room. (=came into the room)
* The day after the article was published, several art-dealers appeared at the Powells' house. (=came to, arrived at)
In such cases appear gives a slightly ridiculous impression of becoming (suddenly) visible. Here come in(to)/aiong, etc., enter (formal style) or arrive should be used, according to the context.
eg 13. As they were discussing what to do next, their father came into the room.
14. The day after the article was published, several art-dealer s came to jar rived at the Powells' house.
The colloquial use of появляться in such sentences as Он появился только в 10 часов can be translated by turn up.
15. He didn't turn up till ten o'clock.
Exercise 1. Translatethefollowing sentences into English.
1. —Она, кажется, довольна. 2. —Где Юра? — Кажется, он болен. 3. Без мебели комната казалась просторнее. 4. К ее удивлению, комната оказалась совсем крошечной. 5. —Ребенок, кажется, спит. 6. —Мне показалось, что она что-то скрывает. 7. —Оказалось, что они уже знакомы. 8. Обещанный дворец оказался скромным одноэтажным домиком с полуразрушенным (dilapidated) крыльцом. 9. Охотнику показалось, что сзади хрустнула ветка. (Use to crack.) 10. Казалось, дождь никогда не кончится. 11. —Он, кажется, специалист по сердечным заболеваниям. 12. При проверке оказалось, что информация, изложенная в статье, соответствует действительности. (Use to be correct.) 13. —Он, оказывается, только вчера приехал. 14. Молодой человек, с которым он ехал в поезде, оказался коллегой его отца.
Exercise 2. Read the following sentences, saying in each case whether you think the use of appear is justified or not. If you think not, replace it by a more appropriate verb, for example, come (in/along, etc.), enter, arrive.
1. Soon a small dot appeared in the sky above their heads; it was the long-awaited plane. When it landed two men appeared. 2. There was a sound of voices in the corridor; then the door opened and Mr Dent appeared in the room, accompanied by his secretary. 3. The crowd suddenly moved and one of the brothers was pushed into the road. Just at that moment a bus appeared and knocked him down, killing him instantly. 4. About ten minutes after the lesson had started, the commanding officer appeared in the classroom. 5. As Derek was waiting for the boat back to the mainland a naval officer appeared before him. 6. The ship appeared on the horizon. 7. At about eleven o'clock, when everybody was going to bed, Martin appeared at the house and asked