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9. He tends to exaggerate the importance of minor incidents.
Incident is also used more specifically to denote a relatively minor hostile act, for example, a protest, an attack, a clash between small numbers of troops.
eg 10. The Conservative candidate was shouted down in an incident at last night's election meeting.
911. A bomb exploded in a department store in Londonderry yesterday. No one was killed but several people were injured in the incident.
12. There have been several border incidents during recent weeks.
With reference to a literary work (a story, novel or play) incident has practically the same meaning as episode, that is, a piece of action which can be considered separately.
eg 13. The incident in the restaurant shows Brian's character very clearly.
Incidental means "occurring as an occasional part, accompanying but not forming an essential part."
eg 14. Thai conversation was purely incidental. Everything had been decided long before.
15. He was given an extra ?50 to cover incidental expenses.
Incidentally means "by the way".
eg 16. Vm sure you'll enjoy the book. Incidentally, the author went to the same school as my brother.
Exercise. Which of the two words accident or incident would you apply to the following situations?
1. Your mother burns herself with an electric iron. 2. You leave the key in the lock of your front door. 3. There is a confrontation between some strikers and the police. 4. Some workmen on a building site are injured by falling bricks. 5. During a performance of "Hamlet" a cat walks onto the stage. 6. A bomb explodes in a street in central London. 7. Л friend of yours drops tea on a book which you have lent him. 8. Some foreign soldiers are driven back by border guards. 9. A car crashes into a tree. 10. While walking along the street you are stopped by a man who mistakes you for a friend of his. 11. A forest fire is started by a cigarette end thrown down by a hiker. 12. A holiday-maker is diowned while bathing. 13. A customer in a shop is unjustly accused of stealing. 14. An intruder manages to get into Buckingham Palace. 15. Your sister slips on the ice, falls and breaks her arm.
Again, Once Again, Once More, One More Time
Again is the most widely used.
eg 1. Please come and see us again some time.
2. You must never do that again. It's dangerous.
3. I enjoyed the film so much that I should like to see it again.
4. I as!:ed him again the next day.
10It is also the usual form for teachers to use in such orders and requests as:
5. Say that again.
6. (Will you) read the last sentence again, please.
The form with llWill you" is more polite. (See p. 98.)
Once again and once more are more formal in style and tend also to be more emphatic.
eg 7. (On the radio)—And now (to end the news) here are the main points once again.
8. Once more he gazed in wonder at the beautiful view before him.
One more time is mainly confined to the context of jazz and similar music, when during the performance the singer or leader calls for the tune (with or without the words) to be repeated, usually for the last time. It is not usual in ordinary conversation.
Exercise. Translate the following sentences into English taking the style into consideration.
1. (Преподаватель на занятиях)—Прочтите, пожалуйста, еще раз. 2. (Преподаватель на занятиях) — Повторите последнее слово еще раз. 3. Через месяц ему пришлось еще раз поехать в Москву. 4. Советские хоккеисты (ice-hockey players) еще раз проявили свои преимущества (superiority). 5. —Хотелось бы еще раз поблагодарить профессора Джоунса за его блестящий доклад. 6. Я хочу еще раз сходить на выставку. 7. В своей речи премьер-министр еще раз подчеркнул важность договора о разоружении. 8. —Спроси его еще раз. Он, наверное, не слышал. 9. Снова пришла весна, но ни ласковое солнце (gentle sunshine), ни пение птиц уже не доставляли ей радости. 10. (Преподаватель на занятиях)—Вы отвечали плохо. На следующей неделе я спрошу вас еще раз. 11. Еще раз напоминаю: курить в университете строго воспрещается. (Note that remind must be followed by a personal object.) 12. —Давайте выкупаемся еще раз.
Already is often more emphatic than the Russian уже and means "sooner than one would expect". It therefore sounds strange when no emphasis is intended, as in the sentence My father is sixty already. In most situations it would be better to say simply My father's sixty (now).
It should also be noted that already in final position is particularly emphatic and carries the main stress:
eg —I Jznow those words already.
— I've {seen that film already.
11More often already occupies one of the other (less emphatic) positions characteristic of adverbs, namely:
(1) between the subject and the verb;
eg 1. I already know those words.
2. He already speaks English fluently.
except with the verb to be, when it follows the verb;
3. Don't slop me now. I'm already late.