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Говорите правильно по-английски - Поуви Дж.

Поуви Дж. Говорите правильно по-английски — М.: Высшая школа, 1984. — 152 c.
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Here are some more examples illustrating the difference between bring and take:


1 a. Come to the front and

bring your book with you.

2 a. Bring me that chair

so that I can sit down.

3 a. Why haven't you

brought a medical certificate if you were ill?

4 a. Pve brought you some



b. Go back to your place and take your book with you.

b. Take this chair away.

It's broken, b. You are to take these invitations home to your parents, b. Let's take Helen some flowers.

22 5 a. Come to the concert on b. If you don't behave your-

Saturday and bring self I won't take you to

your friends. the concert.

6 a. She brought her fian- b. She took the children to

сё to see me. see their grandparents.

To fetch means "to go for something and bring it to the speaker or centre of attention". To fetch a person means "to go to the place where he or she is and accompany him/her to the speaker or centre of attention".

eg 7. (Go and) fetch some chalk, please.

8. There was nowhere to sit, so he fetched some chairs from the next room.

9. I must (go and) fetch my skirt from the cleaner's.

10. Fetch a doctor at once.

11. It's time to fetch the children from school.

As can be seen from examples 7 and 9, go and fetch can be used instead of simply fetch. Strictly speaking go is superfluous here, as fetch includes the idea of going. The use of go in such cases can be understood as a means of emphasising the first stage in the process, the initial movement away from the speaker or centre of attention.

There are various situations where we first take something or somebody to a certain place and later go back to the same place to fetch it/him/her. For example, when a child is small, one of the parents takes him/her to school in the morning and fetches him/her in the afternoon. Bring is not appropriate in the last clause, because the parent does not stay at the school in the morning but goes back home or to work. Thus in the afternoon he/she has to go to the school again. Similarly we take our shoes to be mended and fetch them a few days later. Other situations include taking anything to be mended or cleaned, taking washing to the laundry, taking a prescription to the chemist's. Here are some sentences used in such situations:

Take Fetch

12a. I must take my shoes b. I must fetch my shoes

to be mended. from the mender's.

13a. I spilt tea on my dress b. I wanted to wear my

so I had to take it to blue dress but I didn't

the cleaner's. have time to fetch it

from the cleaner's.

14a. Why didn't you take b. Why didn't you fetch the

the washing to the laundry? You know we

23 laundry? I got it all ready for you.

haven't got any clean sheets left.

15a. I took the prescription

b. I went to fetch the medicine this morning but it wasn't ready.

to the chemist's straight away.

Fetch may be replaced by collect in situations where the thing or person is ready or waiting to be fetched (or at least should be ready). For example, collect could be used in all the examples given above (nos. 12b-15b). It may also be used in such sentences as:

16. I must go to the post office to collect my mail.

17. Tickets booked by telephone must be collected at least half an hour before the performance.

18. She collected the children from school.

19. Her husband collected her in the car after the

However, we cannot say, for example:

* Go and collect some chalk.

* There was nowhere to sit so he collected some chairs from the next room.

* Collect a doctor.

Collect is slightly more formal than fetch, although it occurs in conversation, too. The phrasal verb pick up may be used as a more colloquial alternative.

Exercise. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of bring, take or fetch. Say in which cases fetch can be replaced by collect or pick up.

1. —Don't forget to ... the keys when you go out. 2. —Have you ... the magazines you promised me? 3. —You can come but don't ... Mike with you. He gets on my nerves. 4. — I shall be a bit late because I've got to ... some tablets from the chemist's first. 5. — ...your tape-recorder to the party on Saturday. (The host is speaking.) 6. — Andrew's got a bad cough. I shall have to ... him to the doctor's. 7. —I usually .., sandwiches to work. (The speaker is at work.) 8. —I usually ... sandwiches to work. (The speaker is at home). 9. —She's gone to ... a parcel from the post office. 10. —If you don't ... the money for the excursion by tomorrow it will be too late. 11. —Oh, dear. It's beginning to rain. I wish I'd ... my umbrella. (Think carefully here. In which direction is the movement?) 12. —Will you go and ... the newspaper while I make the tea? 13. — Could you please ... this letter to the post office? It's rather urgent. 14. — Would you like to ... John with you when you come to see me on Sunday? I haven't seen him for so long. 15. —Wbsre's Helen? —She's ,.. the children to her mother's.
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