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The word office is very widely used in Britain to denote any room or set of rooms (sometimes a whole building) where administrative or clerical work is done. All business organizations (industrial and commercial companies, banks, etc.) have offices, as do ministries, local councils, educational institutions, hospitals, shops, and so on. A man with his own small business (for example, a carpenter) may have an office in his house, a room where he does his paperwork (accounts, estimates, orders for materials, bills, receipts, etc.). This is different from a study, which is meant for reading and writing (for example, books, articles, or simply letters).
Office is not normally used to denote a whole organization but only that part of it where administrative and clerical work is done. In industry, office(s) can be used in contrast to factory or works (see p. 48).
eg 1. (Speaking of a company which produces agricultural machinery) — The offices are in London but the factory is in Leeds.
In the case of a large company with several offices in different places, office is used in the following way:
— (the) head office
— the London!Manchester!Bribtol office
eg 2. He's been transferred to head office.
3. He's gone to a meeting at the Bristol office.
92Although the singular is used here, these expressions usually denote a set of offices, sometimes a whole building. Office in the singular may also denote one room in a set of offices.
eg 4. Mr Smith's office is on the fourth floor. Office is used attributively in the following common expressions:
— office work — administrative or clerical work
— office worker — a person who works in an office, for example a clerk, typist or accountant, in contrast to, for example, a factory worker or a shop assistant
— office furniture — desks, special chairs, etc. for offices
— office equipment — typewriters, adding machines, lamps, etc.
— office building/block — a building occupied by offices (either belonging to one organization or more)
Office is also widely used as a general or collective term in such sentences as:
5. He works in an office.
6. He was late for the office.
7. On bank holidays all factories, offices and shops are closed.
8. Most of the buildings in Fleet Street are offices, mainly newspaper offices.
Office has a slightly different meaning in the following expressions:
— inquiry office — a place where one can get information, for example, at a station.
— booking office — a place where one can buy tickets
— box office — synonym of booking office used in the theatre and cinema
— lost property office—a place where things which have been left somewhere (for example, in a train or bus) are taken and can be claimed.
Here office means something like department. The word means government department, ministry in the expressions: the names the Home Office (the ministry responsible for home, or internal, affairs) and the Foreign Office (responsible for foreign affairs).
Office may also mean a position of authority, especially in government.
eg 9. The new president takes office on March 20th.
9310. The Conservative party has been in office for over five years, during which time unemployment has risen steadily.
It is clear from what has been said above that office has a wide variety of uses. This word has no general Russian equivalent and therefore has to be translated in various ways, depending on the context, for example, as учреждение, контора, канцелярия, администрация, административное здание, кабинет, отдел, отделение, бюро, министерство, пост (=должность), у власти (in office).
Exercise. Suggest the most appropriate translations for the examples given in the above discussion of the use of office and then translate the following sentences into Russian.
1. His father works in an office. 2. —I left my umbrella in the bus.—You'd better go to the lost property office. 3. He used to work in the factory but now he's in the office, in the planning department. 4. Hardly anybody lives in the City of London. Nearly all the buildings are banks or offices or shops. 5. She rang him at the office but was told that he was at a meeting. 6. He went to the booking office and bought a ticket to Hull. 7. The Foreign Office refused to comment on the decision. 8. These snack bars are used mainly by office workers. 9. Wait here while I go to the inquiry office. 10. We must get permission for the change from our London office. 11. The House of Lords is unlikely to be abolished or reformed while a Conservative government is in office. 12. (One employee to another) — Do you know where Mr Dent is?—Isn't he in his office?
Once, One Day/Morning, etc.
Once usually means "on one occasion", in contrast to twice, three times, etc.
eg 1. I've done this exercise once. Why should I do it again?
2. We have conversation lessons once a week.
Sometimes the numerical aspect is less important, and once means simply "on a certain occasion in the past".