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Говорите правильно по-английски - Поуви Дж.

Поуви Дж. Говорите правильно по-английски — М.: Высшая школа, 1984. — 152 c.
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In case of is used with certain nouns in formal style meaning "if there is".

eg 12. In case of fire, ring the alarm bell. ( = If there is a fire, ...)

13. In case of illness, send for the doctor. ( = If someone is ill, ...)

14. In case of emergency, dial 999.

( = If there is an emergency, ... 999 is the number to dial in England for the police, fire brigade or ambulance.)

15. In case of difficulty consult the instruction book.

Note the difference in meaning between, for example, in case of fire (=if there is a fire. Russian в случае пожара) and in case there is a fire, which could be translated as either на тот случай, если будет пожар or чтобы не было пожара, depending on the context.

In case of is used only with certain nouns and is confined to formal style, especially official instructions and notices, as illustrated above.

In the case of means "as regards", "concerning".

eg 16. In the case of Jones I think we should make an exception. (=in his case)

17. There is no difficulty in the case of weak verbs. ( = in this case)

Exercise 1. Fill in the blanks with in case or if.

1. — . . . I manage to get tickets for the ballet, I'll ring you. 2. — ... they haven't got a small tin (of coffee), buy a large one. 3. — Set the alarm clock for 7 o'clock ... you oversleep. 4. —Don't hesitate to come and see me ... you have any problems. 5. — Take some more money ... you buy some gloves as well. 6. —I'll make a cake this morning ... Pat comes to tea. 7. —Don't make a noise . . . you wake the baby. 8. —Let's go into the country on Saturday , ,. the

79 Weather is warm enough. 9. — ... the dress costs more than ? 10 don't buy it. 10. He bought some food on the way home ... his wife was still out.

Exercise 2. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. — В случае, если вы не застанете его на работе, позвоните ему завтра домой. 2. —Возьми сумку. Вдруг ты купишь что-нибудь по пути. 3. —Позвони мне завтра на всякий случай. 4. В случае дождя экскурсия отменяется. 5. Концерты переносятся только в том случае, если музыканты заболеют. 6. —Я не возьму купальник. Сегодня прохладно. —Возьми на всякий случай. Вдруг потеплеет. 7. —В случае, если ты не успеешь на этот поезд, садись на следующий. Мы тебя подождем. 8. —Хлеб нужен? — Купи на всякий случай. 9. —В случае чего, позвони мне домой (at home). 10. —Понедельник — выходной день в Эрмитаже. — В этом случае я пойду во вторник.

Little, Small

Both little and small are used to denote below average size. In many cases either word can be used, the distinction being stylistic. Small is more formal than little, although the difference is not great and small is not confined to formal style. Here are some examples where either word can be used, the version with small being more formal:

a little/small room/flat/house town/village field/ park/garden/lake bag/suitcase knife/spoon/plate apple/pie/cake

In such cases little is the opposite of big and small the opposite of large. (See p. 17)

However, little tends to be avoided in certain grammatical functions. Firstly, it is not often used predicatively, and such sentences as The room was (very/rather/too) little are rare. Small is generally preferred here.

eg 1. The room was (very/rather/too) small.

Secondly, the degrees of comparison littler and littlest tend to be avoided in favour of smaller and smallest.

eg 2. Your room is smaller than mine.

3. This is the smallest size they've got.

In addition, both little and small have certain specific uses, when they are not interchangeable, little

(1) meaning "young", "not adult";

80 eg 4. She's got a little boyIgirL (=child)

(2) meaning "not important";

eg 5. He seemed to have forgotten all the little people who voted him to power.

(3) meaning "short" (of time);

eg 6. He'll be here in a little while.

7. Let's have a little rest.

8. We went for a little walk before breakfast.


(1) in expressions of quantity;

eg a small amount I quantity !number on a small scale

(2) in connection with sizes of clothes and other goods;

eg 9. They've only got small sizes left. 10. These tights come in three sizes: large, medium and small.

(3) in the sense of "doing a limited amount of something";

eg 11. There are many small farmers in this area.

12. This bankruptcy will be a blow to small investors.

Exercise. Fill in the blanks with little or small, taking the style into consideration where necessary.

1. —Here's a . . . present for you. 2. (In a newspaper article) He was born and brought up in a . . . mining town in Nottinghamshire. 3. — It's a very nice house but the garden is too ... . 4. — I couldn't go to the concert because my . . . boy was ill. 5. —Will this room do? — It's rather .... Isn't there a bigger one free? 6. — Shall we go for a ... walk? 7. — What a nice . . . dog! 8. — I need a . . . rest after that long walk. 9. (In an advertisement) This house would be ideal for a ... family. 10. (In a book) He grew vegetables on a scale. 11. —Please pass me a ... plate for the butter. 12. —I need a . . . size.
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