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Говорите правильно по-английски - Поуви Дж.

Поуви Дж. Говорите правильно по-английски — М.: Высшая школа, 1984. — 152 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): govoritepoenglishtru1984.djvu
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1. —There are ... interesting books on sale. (IF) 2. —Have you got ... work at the moment? 3. ... people visited the exhibition. (F) 4. —I don't spend ... time watching television. 5. —A typewriter costs . . . money. (IF) 6. —Don't hurry. There's . . . time. 7. —Has he got . . . friends? 8. —Did you find . . . mushrooms? — Yes, .... 9. The president received . . . letters of protest. 10. — He smokes .... (IF) 11. —I've read ... books by Graham Greene. 12. —There was . . . good food in the house, so we didn't need to go shopping. 13. The interviewer asked him . . . searching questions. (F) 14. — ... roads are blocked by snow. (IF) 15. —Do English people drink . . . tea? 16. —I found . . . interesting material for my essay in the library. 17. —He works ... . 18. The man broke into the house and stole . . . money. (F) 19. —Does she read . . . ? 20. —They gave her . . . flowers. (IF)

Note (v), Notice, Take Notice, Mark, Pay Attention

Notice is the most widely used of these verbs and verbal expressions, and usually corresponds to the Russian замечать or обращать внимание. Here are some examples of its use in various types of sentence:

1. — She was wearing a new dress but he didn't even notice.

2. — Did you notice him hesitate?

3. She noticed that he left early.

4. — Alan was drunk tonight.

— Was he? I didn't notice.

5. — I noticed his car standing outside the house.

6. — Susan's always in a hurry to get home.

— Yesy so I've noticed.

Take notice is used especially in negative sentences, implying a deliberate withholding of one's attention, disregard.

eg 7. She could see that the boy wanted to speak to her but she took no notice (of him).

8. — Margaret's always making sarcastic remarks about my work.

— Take no notice or: — Don't take any notice.

Pay attention is occasionally used in the sense of "notice" but it usually has a slightly different meaning, namely

67 "to direct one's thoughts consciously towards somebody or something."

eg 9. — Pay attention to what you're doing. (=Don't let your thoughts wander.)

This expression is used in the classroom.

10. — Pay attention (to what Fm saying).

(Note that attention alone is not used in this situation.)

11. — I wish you'd pay attention^ ^ ^owr ^work^^'

to D -і T і don't understand. iz. Fupil: I I сапЧ гететьегш

Teacher: That's because you weren't paying attention {when I explained).

Except for the context of the classroom, however, pay attention is seldom used in conversation. It is confined mainly to formal style, especially written English.

eg 13. The writer pays great attention to historical detail.

14. Greater/More attention should be paid to preventive medicine.

15. Artists of that period paid little attention to line, concentrating on colour.

Note has a similar meaning to notice, but with the additional idea of remembering what one notices for the future.

eg 16. She noted that he gave no explanation or apology for his absence.

In the above sentence notice could be used instead, but this is not so in the following sentences:

j/y \t j. j.1 f use of the definite article here.

17. Note the j speiiing of the plural.

18. Note that "penny" has two plurals: "pennies" and "pence".

19. Please note that this bill must be paid within ten days.

Here the writer draws attention to some fact which he wishes the reader to notice and remember. Such use is restricted to formal style, mainly written, and rarely occurs in spoken English.

Note is also occasionally used in the sense of "draw attention to by mentioning, record".

88 eg 20. He began his speech by noting the importance of the occasion.

Mark in the sense of "note" is archaic, except in the phrase (You) mark my words, meaning "Pay attention to and remember what I say (because future events will show that I was right)". This is now used jocularly.

Exercise. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of note, notice, take (no) notice (of)t mark or pay attention (to).

1. —I didn't . . . him come in. 2. Please ... the change of address. 3. He ... that the door was still open. 4. —Was John at the meeting?

— I didn't ... . 5. —What did the lecturer say about his work in the theatre? — I don't know. I wasn't . . . at that moment. 6. —. . . the use of the present perfect in this type of sentence. 7. She ... a worried expression on his face and wondered if anything had gone wrong. 8.

— Did you . . . whether the light was on? 9. —He'll get into serious trouble one day. You ... my words. 10. —Peter seems to think it's all my fault. — Don't ... . 11. He didn't . . . how much the book cost. 12. Please . . . that late-comers will not be admitted to the auditorium until the interval. 13. (Teacher to pupil) — Stop looking out of the window and ... . 14. When the lift stopped nobody ... . 15. —I didn't . . . that my coat was dirty until I got home.

Nothing To Do But

To express the idea that no other solution is available, the words nothing to do but may be used with there is/was, etc.
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