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eg 3. I once saw him waiting for a bus.
. I Once he came to see me, \ . ,
4• \ He came to see me once, } to ask тУ admce-J / once went to the theatre with him. \ I went to the theatre with him once.
In such cases, however, once is not the only possibility, and not always the best choice. One dayImorninglafternoonlevening is often preferable. This applies particularly to the beginning of a story.
94eg 6. One day John met an old friend of his on the way to work.
7. One evening, while we were having supper, the telephone rang.
Once in the morning/afternoon/evening is not usual, nor is once with days of the week. Here we use one Monday/Tuesday, etc.
eg 8. One Sunday (morning) Philip went out into the garden to mow the lawn. 9. I saw her one Saturday (afternoon) in the •market.
Note. Once alone is occasionally used in the sense of "at some time in the past", without any numerical idea at all.
in TT { lived in London.
eg 10. He once \ worked for the Post Qfficeu
11. There was once a market here.
Exercise. Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Он ко мне однажды приходил на лекцию. 2. Однажды вечером в дверь тихо постучали. 3. Однажды в среду он по привычке включил телевизор, чтобы посмотреть свою любимую передачу. 4. Однажды мы решили провести каникулы на Черном море. 5. Однажды утром он отправился на рыбалку. 6. Только однажды мне пришлось проезжать этой дорогой. 7. Однажды днем я заметила, что в городе почему-то горят все уличные фонари. 8. Однажды в воскресенье они пили чай на веранде. 9. Он вспомнил, что однажды встречал этого человека. 10. Однажды ночью город проснулся от сильного подземного толчка ("tremor". Use the passive with by). 11. Я его однажды видел по телевидению. 12. Однажды в субботу его неожиданно вызвали в больницу.
Person, Persons, People Person is used widely in general statements, definitions,
eg 1. A solicitor is a person who gives legal advice.
It is also characteristic of official language (laws, regulations, etc.).
eg 2. Any person causing wilful damage to trees and other vegetation is liable to a fine not exceeding ? 50.
Person occurs in everyday speech, too.
eg 3. There was only one person at the bus stop. 4. She's a very interesting person.
95In other cases, however, person would sound strange. For example, we do not say * A person came to see you while you were out but Somebody I Someone came to see you or A man/woman came to see you, not * He saw a person waiting by the entrance but He saw somebody /someone ... or: Hesaw a man/woman ... (.Someone is more formal than somebody.)
In certain cases person is possible but derogatory.
eg 5. Who is that person?
If no derogatory connotation is intended, Who is that man! woman? or simply Who's that? should be used instead. (See also the derogatory use of the plural form persons discussed below.)
The plural form persons is now mainly confined to official language, where it corresponds to the Russian лица.
eg 6. Persons born in foreign countries of British parents or born in the United Kingdom of foreign parents, may possess a foreign nationality in addition to British nationality.
7. Alcoholic drinks may not be served to persons under the age of 18.
In other situations persons may be derogatory, as illustrated by the following quotation from "I Like It Here" by King-sley Amis:
8. His mind drifted back to the time when he had been too hard up to resist an invitation to Birmingham, where some foreign persons needed to be addressed on uContemporary British Novelists (vi): Graham Greene."
Non-derogatory usage here would be foreign visitors/students.
This derogatory use of persons in modern English can be contrasted with its neutral use by such writers as Somerset Maugham, who were writing at the beginning of the century.
eg 9. The Stricklands owed dinners to a number of persons. (Somerset Maugham. The Moon and Sixpence)
10. There, as is notorious, he (Strickland. — JP) spent the last years of his life; and there I came across persons who were familiar to him. (ibid.)
Nowadays a writer would use people in such sentences.
People is also the usual form in conversation.
96eg 11. How many people are there in your group?
12. There were about ten people in the room.
13. There were a lot of people at the exhibition.
14. Some people find this sort of book boring.
15. All thinking people are worried about the arms race.
People now tends to be used also with adjectives denoting nationality.
eg 16. English people drink a lot of tea.
17. There were some French people on the bus.
Englishmen/Frenchmen, etc. is increasingly felt to refer only to men. The English/French, etc. is still used in general statements such as sentence 16 above but is more formal.
Exercise 1. Fill in the blanks with either person or some more suitable word (for example, somebody /someone, man/woman/boy, etc.). In some cases there is more than one possibility.