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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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The median survival of untreated patients is about 2 months.

Средних размеров

Bubbles of intermediate (or medium) size [or Medium-size(d) bubbles] become distorted.

Средняя линия

The centre line of the plotter...

Средняя продолжительность жизни

Average (or Mean) length of life (or Mean life time). Expectation of life. Life expectancy.

Средняя точка

The machine base and the vertical posts are joined together near the midpoint of the base.

Средняя широта (долгота)

The mid-latitude (longitude).

Средство для [см. тж.. Метод, Навигационные средства, Являться средством]

A softening agent ...

This provides a means for the removal of corrosive compounds. The use of transistors is evaluated as a means of alleviating this problem. The twentieth century's potent technological media of mass communication ... The representation of electrical quantities as ... is a useful tool of circuit analysis. Средство связи


The reflected shock technique is a valuable tool for chemical kinetic studies. Electron diffraction is also used as a research tool in studying ...

Средство связи

The telephone is the major vehicle for personal communication.


Thin sections were prepared for microscopic analysis.

Сродство к

The great affinity of this element for halogens ... This compound has an affinity for free electrons.

Сродство к электронам

The electron affinity of fluorine ...

Срок [см. В короткий срок. Время].

Срок выходит

Time is running out.

Срок вышел

The time is up.

Срок службы [см. тж. Время жизни. На весь срок службы]

The battery has greater reliability and increased expectation of life (or life expectancy). This tank bottom is expected to last indefinitely. Highly abrasive flowing media can shorten bearing life.

The lower operating temperature makes the bath long lived (oppos. short lived).

The plastic bottom should outlast (or outlive) for many years the side walls of the tank.

Service (life) up to 20 years can be anticipated.

The useful life of automobile engines ...

It is difficult to predict the life-in-service of the components.

Срок существования

Other pollutants have a relatively short life.

Срок хранения

The shelf life is the length of time after manufacture that the product will remain in good usable condition.

Срок хранения скоропортящихся продуктов

To increase the storage life of perishables, ...

Срочная необходимость [см. тж. В случае необходимости]

There is a particularly pressing (or urgent) need for such a resource estimate.


It is necessary to terminate the chain reaction promptly in order to prevent damage to the reactor.

Срывать провода

Telephone wires were torn down by windstorms.

Срывать резьбу

A coarse thread is recommended to reduce the possibility of its being stripped.


A discussion of ... may be found in Brown1. Ставится задача

It is proposed to recover acetone from an acetone-air stream by absorption in water, using ... Ставить вопрос о том


Ставить вопрос о том

This raises (or poses) the question as to whether there exists a smoother transition from ...

Ставить задачу [см. тж. Излагать задачу]

Then we can pose the problem in a more tractable way.

Ставить заплаты на

To apply patches to the tank wall,...

Ставить на пути луча

The slide is inserted (or interposed) in the beam.

Ставить на теоретическую основу

To place the concept of intelligence on a theoretical footing, ...

Ставить опыт

Experiments were run (or carried out, or performed, or made, or staged, or set up) to

determine the effect of ...

Ставить ... перед

We can sufficiently describe substitution by prefixing the amide name with N-(eg N-bromoacetamide).

Ставить под сомнение

This finding did not cast any doubt on our previous statement.

Recent experiments have cast some suspicion (or doubt) on the importance of hydrogen bond patterns in this role.

Quantum fluctuations of space-time call into question the very meaning of ...

Ставить под угрозу

Various contingencies may jeopardize the lifting operation.

Ставить проблему

Isomeric differences pose numerous problems in various aspects of the chemist's work.

Ставить условие

The condition laid down in Sec. 5 requires that...

Ставить часы по

Set your watch against the accepted standard.

Стадии прохождения реакции

The description of steps by which a reaction proceeds is called the reaction mechanism.

Стадия [см. Двустадийный, Достигать стадии, На более поздней стадии, На первой стадии, На этой стадии, Одностадийный].

Стадия проектирования (или конструирования)

Starting with the conceptual phase, rigid controls on weight and size are needed.

Стал использоваться

Cinnabar came into use at first as a pigment.

Стал широко применяться

The cotton stripper came into wide use in 1926.

Стали называть [см. тж. Как его стали называть]
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