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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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С частичной нагрузкой

The economy of operation at partial load is good.

С частотностью

Adenosine occurs in this group with a frequency of 66%.

С чётным массовым числом

Even-mass-numbered species... С чётным номером


С чётным номером

In the even-numbered tubes ...

С шарнирами [см. На шарнирах].

С экипажем

Manned (or Human-operated) flight (or vehicle).

С экспериментальной точки зрения

Experimentally, more laser power does not necessarily mean greater SNR.

С электрическим приводом

An electric(-motor)-driven pump.

The machine operates from an electrically driven (or operated) compressor. The moving components are electrically powered.

С электрической точки зрения

In electrical terms (or Electrically), the living cell is known to consist of a low-resistance interior, separated from ...

С электронным управлением

Some of these machines are electronically operated (or controlled).

С этого момента

From this point on(wards) the computer takes charge.

С этой точки зрения

From this standpoint (or viewpoint, or point of view) present-day viruses appear to possess ...

С этой целью [см. тж. В этих целях. Для этого]

It is desirable to alter the integrated transmitted energy control of one of the colour components; to(wards) this end, there are nine pneumatic switches on the encoder.

With this in mind (or With this object in view, or For this purpose) an attempt will be made to state ...

С юга [см. С запада].

С 1982 г. [см. Начиная с].

Садиться на седло (о клапане)

When pressure is reduced to that exerted by the spring, the valve disk seats again.

Салазки [см. Смонтированный на салазках].

Сам испытал

The students who have experienced earthquakes first-hand...

Сам по себе [см. тж. Как таковой]

Let us imagine that each molecule of a magnetic substance is a tiny magnet in itself. These two features alone do not provide an adequate description of... The average result has little value by itself.

Catalysis is so important that the chemist considers it a subject by itself. The rays are not in themselves colour making. Each of the density ranges is quite broad in itself. Isotope sources are not competitors of machines per se.

The large clouds and large globules will probably collapse on their own under the force of their own gravitation.

Each processing element of the computer is a powerful computing unit in its own right. Chronological age on its own is not a contra-indication to surgical intervention. The silicate framework is electrically neutral and can exist by itself. Сам по себе тот факт, что


The molten material did not burst out on (or of ) its own accord. This explanation is correct as far as it goes, but it is hardly satisfying.

None of these phenomena would seem by itself to be a convincing cause of the reptilian extinctions.

Taken alone, this shift is insufficient for describing ...

Сам по себе тот факт, что

The mere fact that the pictures show no signs of life on Mars means nothing.

Самая большая трудность состоит в том, что

The crux of the difficulty is that the Fermi theory is not finite.

Само собой разумеется, что [см. тж. Излишне говорить, что]

It is axiomatic that natural selection cannot act on nonheritable features.

Needless to say (or It is self-evident that, or It goes without saying that, or It stands to reason that) the use of such pigments...

Самого низкого сорта

The coal with the least amount of carbon is the lowest ranking.


Ranging from "make-it-yourself" gadgets to expensive commercial devices ...

Самое бо'льшее [см. тж. Максимум]

These systems will have only one, or at most a few turbines. Such an electromagnet can reach 60,000 gauss at most (or at best).

Самое важное [см. Главное].

Самой высокой энергии

A few of the most energetic cosmic rays have energies more than a billion times greater than...

Самой различной формы

The bourdon pressure element may be made in any one of a number of shapes.

Самолет [см. Доставлять на самолёте (вертолёте)].

Самонаводиться на луч

Anti-radiation missiles will home in on the radar beam.

Самонаводиться по шуму

To home on the noise produced by ...

Самоподдерживающаяся реакция A self-maintaining геа^^.

Самопроизвольно возгораться

Sulphur ignites spontaneously in fluorine at room temperature. Amorphous boron is spontaneously flammable (or combustible) at 800°C.

Самопроизвольное возгорание

Coal is subject to spontaneous combustion.


In order to investigate these figures on your own ... He was urged to observe the experiments for himself.

Самостоятельный I

We must look upon the Moon, then, as nei-ther a true satellite of the Earth nor a captured one, but as a planet in its own right.

Самостоятельный II

One must first take dual instruction before making a solo flight. Самотёком [см. тж. Двигаться самотёком, Под действием собственного веса, Поступать самотёком] 809(996)
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