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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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One can say with a fair degree of confidence (or assurance) that...

С древних времен

Crude extracts of various alkaloid-bearing plants have been used since antiquity.

С другой стороны

Salt, on the other hand, presented a more complex problem. Alternatively (or On the other hand), a

more open structure can be produced in which ...

С дурным запахом [см. Дурно пахнущий].

С единичным усилением

An amplifier with unity gain.

С жёсткими допусками

This complex component must be produced to close tolerances. To produce close-tolerance balls, ...

С запасом [см. тж. Конструировать с запасом]

The structure must be designed with a safety margin of ...

С заусенцами

Burred edges.

С Земли

Ground- (or Land-)based observations ... С избытком

Afo-Propylbenzene gives benzoic acid with an excess of oxidizing agent.

С известной структурой

Crystals of known structure ...

С излишком [см. Более чем].

С изобретением [см. С появлением].

С интервалами

Samples of metal were drawn at 10-min intervals. The turns are spaced 1/8 in. apart (or at 1/8 in. intervals).

С интервалом в ... дней

Successful reinductions of interferon were obtained when the poly I:C injections were given six or seven days apart in two subjects.

С интервалом в ... секунд

The panicles come out in pulses only a few seconds apart.

С интервалом в ... часов

The two pictures of the satellite were made 11 hours apart.

С использованием

Experiments were conducted using [or by (or with) the use of] the optimum quantities of various dispersing agents.

These calculations can be carried out with (or using) the data accumulated in Table 6-5.

С использованием приборов

Instrumentally based methods ... С использованием ЭВМ


С использованием ЭВМ

The company has been operating a computerized production control system.

С каждой сторопы

Semiradial compressors have horizontal double-acting cylinders on each (or either) side. The scale beam is graduated with 100 divisions (on) each side of the zero centre. The swivel type of milling head is normally arranged to tilt 45° (on) each side. of the centre line.

С каждым годом [см. Из года в год].

С какой угодно скоростью

We can make the system respond arbitrarily fast.

С канавкой

The pulleys are grooved or flat wheels which ... Three-fluted taps produce the best results.

С кнопочным управлением

A push-button(-operated) lock secures the spindle sleeve.

С коммерческой точки зрения

Commercially, coffee is the most important caffeine beverage plant in the world.

С коническим концом

The cutter is held by a conical-ended screw.

С которым мы имеем дело

This equation can be modified to apply to other phase equilibria besides the one dealt with (here).

С красным смещением

A single line could represent almost any emitting atom red-shifted by any arbitrary amount.

С кратерами

Mars has two hemispheres, a cratered and an uncratered one.

С круглой головкой

A round-headed screw.

С крутым наклоном

When bucket conveyors operate at steep inclines, ...

С крутыми склонами

Most of the world's great steep-sided (or -sloped) volcanic cones are composed of ...

С крутыми стенами

A steep-walled canyon ...

С крыльями

A winged vehicle.

С кулачковым приводом

A cam-driven carriage moves around the periphery and across the face of the work.

С ... легко обращаться

Thionyl chloride is easy to handle.

С любой степенью точности

In this way n could be determined with any degree of exactness (or accuracy). С макрокристаллмческой структурой


С макрокристаллмческой структурой

Bismuth is a coarsely crystalline metal.

С максимальным эффектом [см. Наиболее эффективно].

С малым ... или совсем без

They may elute rapidly with little or no resolution.

С малым увеличением

Fast photography at low magnification.

С малым числом оборотов

A slow-speed electric motor.

С мелкими делениями

A finely-graded rheostat for fine variation...

С меньшими затратами

By modifying specifications we can produce pans at less cost.

С металлическим экраном (см. Кабель с металлическим экраном].

С минимальными усилиями

The turbine components can be removed with minimum effort.

С минуты на минуту

An individual's blood composition will vary somewhat almost from minute to minute.

С момента

Since the invention of the wave digital filters ...

С момента его появления

The diesel is about to enter a period of development more significant than any other since its inception (or advent).

С надрезом, без надреза

The test bar may be notched or unnotched.

С наклоном

The tube is placed at an inclination (or at a slant). The equator of Mars is tipped (or inclined, or tilted)...

A straight line with a slope equal to ...

С наклоном в ... градусов

It was necessary to sink a shaft inclined at 17 deg.

С наклоном от

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