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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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These colours are also being used despite (or in spite of) the fact that relatively expensive raw materials are sometimes required. Несовместим с


The radiant power differs in wavelength, even though the monochromator is set to the same nominal wavelength.

The subesophageal and thoracic ganglia, even though near one another, usually remain distinct. Although most common minerals are relatively inactive,... Notwithstanding the fact that ...

Несовместим с

The temperature and pressure in the thermionic diode cell were incompatible with a purely thermal

collisional energy augmentation process.

The results of some of the experiments are

not compatible (or are incompatible) with the filter theory.

The phenomenon was (totally) irreconcil-able with the most elementary physical laws. Несовпадение [см. Расхождение между].

Несомненно [см. тж. Бесспорно самый лучший]

These impressions in the lunar surface are indubitably craters. There is no question (that) the devices could be made much smaller.

Without question (or Unquestionably, or Doubtless(Iy), or Undoubtedly, or Undeniably) the

major source of man's intake of mercury is his food. This is far and away your best buy.

To be sure (сої.), the ratio of ... is 100 times greater in the sun than ...

Несоответствие [см. тж. Расхождение между] Failure to meet the specifications .

A gap (or discrepancy) between estimated and observed ultraviolet radiation ... There is still an unbalance between the development of these two branches of industry. To avoid an inconsistency between quantum mechanics and ...

Несостоятельный [см. Оказаться несостоятельным].


Carbon is incapable of possessing more than an octet of...


The failure of such methods to resolve energy differences... The inability of the molecules to acquire...

Несправедливый [см. Оказаться несправедливым].

Несравненно больше, чем

The gravitational influence of Neptune on Triton is overwhelmingly (or incomparably) greater than...

Несравненно меньше

Early blimps were only a fraction of the size of the rigid airships of that period.

Нестандартное содержание

Then the analyzer signals that the molybdenum content is out of range for this type of steel.

Нестандартной формы

This facilitates the accurate machining of odd-shaped surfaces.


Sometimes the new part demands a gauge or jig that must be custom built.

Нестандартных размеров

When an off-dimension part has been produced, ... Нестационарное состояние


Нестационарное состояние

The unsteady-state diffusion equation.


Non-steady-state conduction ...

Нести в себе информацию

This message carries more information than ...

Нести заряд

The fragment B-- bears (or carries) a negative charge.

Нести нагрузку

Both worms bear equal loads.

Нести потери

Certain losses in efficiency may have to be borne (or incurred, or sustained, or suffered).

The resonator will suffer some loss.

Нести расходы

One must incur considerable expense in gathering the data to be used in the model. The development costs have been borne primarily by the government.

Несущая поверхность

The carrying surface of the belt.

Несчастный случай со смертельным исходом A fatal accident.

Нет [см. тж. Не существовать]

For such gases an equation of state is not available (or is unavailable).

Нет большого выбора

We have little choice.

Нет в продаже [см. Имеется в продаже, Распродан].

Нет готовых рецептов [см. Для ... нет готовых рецептов].

Нет данных о том, что

The electron gives no evidence yet of hav-ing an internal structure (Пока нет дан- ных о том, что электрон обладает внутренней структурой).

Нет двух одинаковых

No two of the four groups attached to the central carbon are the same.

Нет единого мнения относительно [см. Нет согласия между ... относительно].

Нет единого мнения среди ... относительно

There is no agreement (or consensus of opinion) among mineralogists regarding the origin of ...

Нет конца

There is no end (in sight) to the continu-ing evolution of... Нет недостатка в

Fortunately, there is no lack of examples of geosynclines being formed at the present time. There is no shortage of questions to be answered.

Нет необходимости

The chamber need not be removed. We need not go into the details here. Нет необходимости останавливаться на


There is no need for a stiff pendulum rod. There is no need to mount the pendulum.

Нет необходимости останавливаться на

I need not dwell on the elaborateness of the network.

Нет ни малейшего сомнения в том, что

It cannot be doubted that this process contributed to ...

Нет ни малейшего указания (или признака)

There is not a grain of evidence to suggest the Triassic appearance of western Utah.

Нет никакого сомнения в том, что

There is no question (or doubt) that

nuclear power is a saving technical devel-opment.
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