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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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These compounds may be rendered harmless by treating with ... Обеспечен I

The cells are fitted (or provided, or equipped, or supplied) with interlock systems.

Обеспечен II

The supply of phosphate is assured (or provided for).

Обеспече'ние[см. тж. Для обеспе'чения]

The provision of adequate plant facilities for...

Обеспече'ние совместимости ... с

This problem is to be considered when interfacing the electromechanical limit switch to solid-state circuitry.

Обеспе'чивать [см. тж. Давать]

The combination of so many properties is difficult to achieve. A coating of zinc is deposited on the wire to afford protection against corrosion. The unit assures electrical system reliability. Reliability is a difficult thing to build into equipment.

It may become necessary to reduce the amine concentrations to effect easier stripping of the amine solution.

The system is used to ensure a constant rate of flow. The cylinder furnishes radiation shielding. To gain the flexibility needed for ... Four-wheel steering gives exceptional manoeuvrability.

The hard metal and ceramic structures adopted make for mechanical ruggedness.

To obtain correct filter operation,...

These gases offer better performance than nitrogen.

The machines have been designed to permit of almost limitless possibilities in the field of... Обеспечивать безопасность


The diffuser provides a uniform illumination of the negative.

The use of very large antennas will secure high efficiency in the radiation of ...

The above engineering features have given these boring mills a leading position throughout the


To maintain high accuracy in milling operations,...

The machine provides for copying intricate masters.

Tunable dye lasers afford (or ensure) temporal resolution.

The engine delivers (or gives) enough power.

The overall goal is to realize the following characteristics: ...

In most finishing operations it is only necessary to impart a smooth finish to the wheel.

The electronegativity difference between carbon and hydrogen is insufficient to produce a bond

polarity high enough for effective hydrogen bonding.

Обеспечивать безопасность

The concrete reactor vessel affords (or provides) a high degree of safety.

Обеспечивать более глубокое понимание

This will give new insight into the phenomenon.

Обеспечивать большие возможности для

The species are interchangeable, thereby providing great scope for experimentation.

Обеспечивать возможность [см. тж. Давать возможность, Позволять]

Thermocouples made of semiconductors offer the prospect of operation at high tem-peratures. It is not unusual to find two or three tanks for each product to allow for receiving in one while pumping from or settling in another.

The testing machine makes possible testing of (or makes it possible to lest) large components. This provides a means for the removal of corrosive compounds.

Обеспечивать высокую разрешающую способность The method yields a high resolution.

Обеспечивать доступ к

Access to the under-chassis components is gained by removal of the base plate. A turnout from the machine hall pilot tunnel provides access to the transformer hall.

Обеспечивать защиту

The optimum protection would be afforded (or provided, or given) by the addition of... Обеспечивать значительное повышение This precision can pay a big bonus in production speed and quality.

Обеспечивать лёгкий доступ к

This allows the diesetter easy access to his group of machines.

Обеспечивать наиболее эффективное использование

Reflectors are especially designed to give the most effective use of the light.

Обеспечивать напряжение

The sections can be connected in series to furnish (or provide, or supply) 240,000 volts. Обеспечивать необходимый эффект Short-duration irradiation will do the job.

Обеспечивать оптимальное сочетание

A compromise had to be reached between

the sensitivity, precision and ...

Обеспечивать понимание

This description gives physical insight into the difference between ... Обеспечивать превышение предложения над спросом


Обеспечивать превышение предложения над спросом

The previous techniques that geologists developed to keep supply ahead of demand ...

Обеспечивать преимущества

Britain's impressive resources could give it an edge in the economic competition with...

Обеспечивать путём

A considerable OH- concentration is available by hydrolysis of ...

Обеспечивать работу двигателя

To keep the engine running, ...

Обеспечивать стимул

Incentives should be offered to speed development ...

Обеспечивать широкие возможности для

The use of empirically determined parameters allowed much room for manipulation of the models.

Обеспечивать экономию

These factors effect a saving in operating costs. This provides a saving in power consumption. A saving in timber can be obtained.

Обеспечивающий экономию
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