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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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In this case high tensile strength and corrosion resistance are (critical) requirements.

Some revisions seem imperative.

Having set the requisite number of bolts in...

The potentiometer offers the wanted performance characteristics.

Необходимый для того, чтобы

He has measured the time it takes a compression wave to travel from ... to ...

Необходимый и достаточный

This indicates sets of properties that are necessary and sufficient for para-unitariness.


When a variable increases beyond all bounds, it is said ... As т increases indefinitely,... As n is increased without bound,... The gas would expand without limit.

Неограниченное количество [см. Вмещать неограниченное количество].


These machines have been designed to permit almost limitless possibilities in the field of... The wave propagates in an unbounded medium.

Неограниченный по протяжённости

The cladding is unbounded in extent.

Неодинаково [см. По разному].

Неодинаковые [см. тж. Разные]

Two dissimilar (or distinct, or different) conducting materials are joined in a continuous loop.


The non-uniqueness (or ambiguity) of this reduction may be seen by considering ...


As a result of ... the coil may exhibit several resonance modes, and a self-resonance determination is then ambiguous.

Неоднократно [см. тж. Многократно]

We have spoken repeatedly of ...

This belting has proved time and again (or has repeatedly proved) its complete reliability.

Неоднократно повторяться

This process was repeated over and over again.

Неоднородной толщины

These fibres were irregular in thickness. Неоднородный [см. Неодинаковые].


Неоднородный [см. Неодинаковые].

Неопределенная глубина [см. На неопределенную глубину]. Неопределенное время [см. В течение неопределенного времени]. Неопределенное расстояние [см На неопределенное расстояние].


By averaging many exposures the uncertainty may be reduced to ...


Let ф be the manifold across which the

normal derivative of U is indeterminate.

The position of the electron within the wave train is uncertain.

The prospects for ... seem dim at the moment.


The principal conclusion that amino acids and the genetic code coevolved seems irrefutable.

Неопровержимое доказательство того, что [см Неоспоримое доказательство того, что].

Неоспоримое доказательство того, что

This is decisive evidence that the surface

layers of the Moon are quite different from the surface layers of the Earth.

Such a spectrum can furnish unambiguous (or unassailable) proof of the compound's identity.

Неотличим от [см. тж. Нельзя отличить от]

Many living species are almost indistinguishable in structure from species that flourished a billion or more years ago.

Неотъемлемая часть [см. тж. Составлять неотъемлемую часть]

A calibrating device and a recorder are integral parts of the unit. Today, synthetic polymers are an integral part of our lives.

Неотъемлемая часть нашей жизни [см. Настолько глубоко войти в нашу жизнь, что].

Неоценимое преимущество

An inestimable advantage.

Неочищенный газ

Sulphur contained in crude coke-oven gas...


The reflector is sufficiently off parallel with the other reflector.

The measuring surfaces of the micrometer may thus be forced out of line (or become nonparallel). Неперетачиваемая пластинка (в резце) The new cutler with throwaway inserts is set up quickly on a simple and easy-to-use fixture.

Неплотно закупоренный

The glass tube is loosely plugged with cotton.

Неплотно прилегающие друг к другу

Adhesives of heavy-body consistency can be used in the joining of loosely mating structure parts.


The gas had escaped through a leaky valve.

Неповрежденные детали

In this way you can produce damage-free workpieces. Неповреждённый [см. Оставаться нетронутым].


Неповреждённый [см. Оставаться нетронутым].

Неподвижен [см. Быть неподвижным по отношению к].

Неподвижная точка

Let 0 be a fixed point.

Неподвижно закреплённый [см. Закреплён неподвижно, Прочно закреплён]. Неподвижное состояние [см. В состоянии покоя].

Неподвижный [см. тж. Оставаться неподвижным]

The Earth's magnetic poles are not fixed, but lend to move at a known rate.

The model pertains to transport between an immobile surface and a turbulent stream of fluid.

We studied mass transfer inside a completely stagnant drop.

The rim of the brake rotates with the shaft; the remaining parts of the assembly are static. Planed work, boiled to the machine table, reciprocates, while the tool remains fixed. A "motionless" satellite.

The drill is moved from one hole to another in a piece of work, while the work remains stationary. If at the points A and В there are two stationary clocks, ... Stagnant air...

The magma source in the mantle remains fixed (in position), while the lithospheric plate above it moves steadily over the source (geol.).
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