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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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This causes drops of blood to ooze out at the knees.

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The ends of the main valve project beyond the port face.

One thread of the segment should show (or extend, or protrude) below the outer end of the nut. Выступать в виде [см. Проявляться].

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Physicists have long advocated international collaboration.

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The length of the tube is such that it extends about 3/16 in. beyond the tube sheet. When riveted, the end of the stay before riveting should extend not less than 1/4 in. from the surface of the plate.

Выступающий наружу

The upper portion of each valve disk is provided with outward-projecting lips [or lips projecting (or extending, or protruding) outward/. Выступы и впадины на поверхности


Выступы и впадины на поверхности

In the dissolution of benzoic acid from the inner cylinder, peaks and valleys developed on the acid surface, corresponding to the location of the vertices.


The borax obtained is washed with water, and allowed to dry (or is dried). To dry the surface...

Высушивать без подогрева

The precipitate is dried without heat.

Высшего качества

This tube is second to none (or of highest quality).

This gives a top quality material (or material of top quality).

Высшего класса

The extreme requirements of a modem aircraft call for design of the highest order.

Высшие растения, животные Higher plants, animals.


Ore pours into the skip.

Some of the ore spills to the bottom of the



The pressure of the gas forces out a stream of liquid.

Выталкивать вверх

The pressure would force the lighter fractions upward.

Вытекать [см. тж. Следовать]

The fluid is exhausted (or flows, or pours) into a chamber.

Вытекать из I [см. тж. Из этого вытекает (или следует), что; Объясняться]

The mass ratio follows from the amplitudes of both velocity curves. The term R /n2 results from the simple Bohr theory.

Much of the utility of the binomial theorem stems from the properties of the coefficients. The most important conclusion to emerge from such a model is that... The above advantages result from the high spectral irradiances of lasers.

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Lava flows emerge from fissures on the flanks of the dome.

Turbid water which issues from the mouths of streams inhibits reef development.

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This property is readily apparent from the molecular formula.

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The most obvious opportunity afforded by laser excitation of cryogenic samples is the increased ease of...

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A cylindrical liquid issuing from (or flowing out of) a sharp-edged orifice is the equivalent of a solid rod.


Platinum and osmium have been used for making filaments , but they have been superseded (or supplanted, or replaced) by tungsten and tantalum. Вытеснение



Compaction of clay sediments into rock is largely a process of exclusion of water under the pressure of the overlying sediments.

Вытеснять [см. тж. Заменять, Практически вытеснивший]

The liquid is expelled (or displaced, or driven out) by the admitted air. The transistor ousted the thermionic valve from its place in electronics. Better preparations have supplanted (or displaced) these drugs. The myeloblasts crowd out other blood-forming elements.

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As the confining pressure increases, water is driven out of the sediment, and the mineral particles

become more closely packed.

Air is displaced from the bulb by oxygen.

Air is forced out of the bottle by a stream of water.

Вытирать [см. Протирать].

Вытирать дочиста

Wipe the shank clean.

Выточенный на токарном станке

The fixture consists of a turned wooden stand and...


The oxide between the electrodes is etched off.


An exhaust fan to draw off (or exhaust) the dry dust should be applied to...


The polymer chains become slightly extended.


The escape (or exhaust, or discharge) of

the hot combustion products into the atmosphere...

Выхлопной газ [см. Отработанный газ].

Выход I [см. тж. Вход в ... и выход из него,Давление на входе (выходе), Мощность на выходе, На выходе]

After leaving the crushers, the ore passes to the wagons... Gas outlet...

The egress of tracer from the organ...

Выход II

The yield of pig iron...

Выход III

The oil possibilities of Hungary were recognized because of the numerous seeps. An oil or gas show in a nonproductive well...

Выход IV [см. При входе и выходе].

Выход в космос из космического корабля

Extra-vehicular excursion (or activity). Walking in space. Выход газа [см. Вход и выход газа (на схеме)].


Выход газа [см. Вход и выход газа (на схеме)].

Выход из положения

The theory's supporters could only hope that some way out would be found.

Выход из строя

The reliability of a valve can be defined as the probability of its failure after a certain length of time.
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