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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Вплоть до уровня, на котором

We increase the flexibility of optical processors to the point of being able to perform any operation that...


Machinability is very important and could easily be the topic of a separate chapter. These differences can be reasonably expected.

Вполне возможен

The interaction of these nucleosides is a distinct possibility (or is quite possible).

Вполне возможно

This seemed entirely (or quite) possible at the time.

Вполне возможно, что

It seems plausible that the earth acquired much of its carbon in the form of ... It is entirely (or quite) possible that the

first polymers were comprised of...

It is a distinct possibility that some of this condition might be attributable to ... Such asteroids stand a good chance of orbital changes.

It is not unlikely that controlled fusion will some day help relieve the world's energy crisis. It may well be that further knowledge of cloud behaviour will suggest new possibilities. It is not inconceivable that further investigators may find ways to ...

It is not unlikely (or is not improbable) that this "powder laser" opens up new possibilities in display technology.

It is conceivable (or is not improbable) that most of the published data are in error. Вполне достаточно


What took place on the Earth more than three billion years ago may well take place on innumerable planets in the universe.

Вполне достаточно

Nine or ten decimal places would be ample (or quite sufficient).

Вполне достаточно пространства для

bach of these planets has ample room for large satellite systems.

Вполне естественно, что

It is reasonable that alkenes do not undergo nucleophilic addition unless the negative charge can be stabilized by ...

Вполне может

The activity-coefficient term may well change if...

Вполне может конкурировать с

This process is quite competitive with

chain propagation.

Вполне можно

These parameters can be safely ignored.

Вполне можно ожидать, что

On the basis of the foregoing discussion, it is reasonable to expect that...

Вполне обоснован

This view is well founded (or substantiated).

Вполне пригоден для

These instruments are well (or fully) suited for such measurement.

Вполне резонно

It is not unreasonable to ask why ...

Вполне сравним с

The method is satisfactory, and the results compare well with those obtained by the previously described technique.

Вполне удовлетворительный

No wholly satisfactory theory is yet available.

Вполне укладываться в допустимые пределы This is well within the permissible limits.

Вполовину [см. Меньше вполовину, Наполовину, Уменьшать вдвое].

Вполовину меньше [см В два раза меньше, чем].

Впоследствии [см. тж. В дальнейшем, Затем, Как мы увидим дальше]

The Moon first formed outside of the Earth's orbit and was subsequently captured by the Earth.

Впоследствии стал известен как

The Brookhaven synchrotron came to be known as the Alternating Gradient Synchrotron.

Впотай [см Заподлицо].

Вправо или влево

This chute can be directed to(wards) the right or the left of the separator. Впредь [см тж. И впредь будет]


Впредь [см тж. И впредь будет]

The original matrix (матрица-матем.) will henceforth (or henceforward, or from now on) be

referred to as the "cost-weight" matrix.

The Director of the Office [here(in)after in this section referred to as "Director"/ shall ...

Впредь до

This was a temporary measure pending completion of the launch pads.

Впредь до подтверждения дальнейшими исследованиями

This structure is presumed to be correct, subject to further confirmatory investigation.


The automatic water valves open for the admission of (or to let in) water during the cooling cycle. To preheat the gas before admission to the burners ... Valves for admitting and releasing air ...

Впускать в

A small amount of gas is drawn (or admit-ted) into the mass spectrometer and analyzed. Впускаться

The air is admitted (in)to the shell by opening a shooting valve. Some hot condensate is let into the purifier.

Впускаться через

The oil under pressure is admitted by way of a radial port.

Вращательное движение Rotary motion.

Вращать [см. Поворачивать].

Вращать вокруг

We rotate the profile shape about (or around) the fibre axis.

Вращать на угол

Such an object can be rotated through (or by)180°.

Вращаться [см. тж. Заставлять вращаться]

The rear turret is indexed about a vertical axis and serves for drilling, boring and other end-working operations.

The assembly moves (or rotates) about (or on, or around) its axis. The electron and nucleus revolve about their common centre of gravity. To revolve about (or around, or round) the Sun... The planetary electrons revolve in their orbits.

The Earth rotates daily (on its axis) and revolves annually (about the Sun). Individually driven tandem wheels pivot around the main axle.
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