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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Forces acting on an aerodynamic surface can be resolved into a lift and a drag, and a pitching moment.

Thus the while sunlight is spread out (or dispersed) into a spectrum.

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A continuous function ... can be expanded in(to) the Fourier-Bessel series. Expand this function in a Taylor series.

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To expand F as a power series in r / p...

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The starches and cellulose may be broken down (or degraded) to D-glucose.

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Bacterial activity breaks down the carbohydrate molecules into carbon dioxide and water. This catalyst is used to dissociate a halogen molecule into a halid ion and a positive halogen ion. An element is a substance which cannot be broken down to simpler substances by chemical reactions.

To decompose water into oxygen and hydrogen, ...

We decompose (or resolve) the electric

field into plane-wave components.

The distortion term is broken down into

its components.

This motion can be analyzed by resolving it into components.

The action of the prism in resolving while light into its constituent colours is called colour dispersion.

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To expand the number into factors...

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The exact Hamilton-Jacobi equation may be expanded in powers of фі.

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White light is composed of various colours that can be spread out (or decomposed) into a rainbow by a prism.

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Freons are decomposed by ultraviolet light.

The rise in amino acids is an indication that proteins in the skeletal muscles are being broken down to provide material for the production of glucose for the liver.

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In the reverse reaction, water breaks down (in)to hydrogen and oxygen. If heated, nitrogen dioxide dissociates into nitrogen oxide and oxygen.

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A beam of white light on passing through a prism is separated into its component colours. Разлагаться на элементы


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B2H6 can be completely decomposed to its elements at 500-600°C.


These nuclei contain so much positive charge and so much electrostatic energy that they are ready to fly apart at the slightest provocation. The particles bounce apart.

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The burden is poured out for distribution into moulds.

Различается несколько семейств (биол.)

Several families are differentiated (or distinguished), mainly by the method of attachment and ...

Различать I [см. тж. Отличать от]

A distinction is made between the boiling point and the condensation point.

Colour vision is the ability to discriminate (or distinguish) lights on the basis of their wavelength


To discriminate between a fluorescence signal and a background interference, ... The eye can distinguish among (or identify) a great number of shades. The light microscope cannot distinguish objects smaller than about 10-5 centimetre. Geologists recognize (or differentiate) three major classes of rocks.

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The normal eye readily distinguishes the figure. To perceive the subtle differences between them, ...

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We recognize four major classes of geosynclines.

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The passenger cars are distinguished by the horsepower of the engine, the number of cylinders,... Различаться

Four functional groups of adrenocortical steroids are recognized (or distinguished).

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These chambers vary in size.

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The extractable species vary in composition.


Three general types of comet tails are recognized (or distinguished).

Различие [см. тж. Проводить различие между. Разница между, Резкое различие между]

Although these viruses show many similar-ides, they also exhibit a number of distinctions.

Различие во взглядах [см. Нет согласия между ... относительно].

Различие между [см. тж. Проводить различие между]

In chromosomes, distinctions between chromatin and heterochromatin acquire significance. Measured neutron cross sections show considerable variation from one nucleid to another.


Iron wire burns in oxygen with no discernible flame.

The Mississippi river has formed five clearly discernible delta complexes.

Distinguishable features, such as jets, are seldom observed. Различно [см. По разному].


Различно [см. По разному].

Различного цвета

Variously coloured pieces of wood ...

Различной длины

Sequences from a single source were heterogeneous in length (or of different length) (biol.).

Различной формы

Variously shaped orbits ...

Различные I [см. тж. Выполнять самые разнообразные функции] Varied responses are obtained.

Различные II [см. тж. Отличаться друг от друга]

Each processing element has more than 100,000 distinct electronic components.

Examples are found in such diverse cells as the algae Valonia Halicyslis and Nitella.
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