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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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This reaction will proceed only at elevated temperatures.

Повышенное давление

An elevated (or heightened) blood pressure.


Steels containing up to 1% chromium give enhanced (or increased, or improved, or better) resistance to atmospheric corrosion. Higher than usual, Rather high.


The plant dies when the seeds mature.

Погибнуть в результате

When a teloblast dies of malfunctions, ...


Поглотитель энергии

The controlled system is the sink for the energy (or the energy sink).


At-211 is readily taken up (or absorbed) by the thyroid gland. The nutrients are taken up by the plants.

When the amount of air passed over a surface is sufficient to take up the heat dissipated from,...

Поглощаться атмосферой

The convected heat is lost to the atmosphere.

Поглощаться и высвобождаться

Carbon dioxide is taken up by plants during their growth cycle and released by the decay of plant material.

Поглощающий инфракрасные лучи Infrared-absorbing gases...


The take-up (or absorption) of oxygen by the plants ... Поглощение в инфракрасной области


There should be air-conditioned cooling so that there will be a minimum of moisture pick-up by the material.

Поглощение в инфракрасной области Infrared absorption.


Only a small fraction of the water taken up by the roots serves as a reactant in photosynthesis.


The equipment is weather-proof (or weather resistant).

Погрешность [см. В пределах ошибки эксперимента, Вносить ошибку, Инструментальная погрешность, Отклоняться от истины на].

Погружаемый аппарат

Manned and unmanned submersibles ...

Погружаемый в

The geothermal gradient is measured by a probe dropped into the soft sediment.

Погружать в

The components are dipped in (or into) molten metal and ... The container may be immersed in cold water. The test specimens were submerged in the solution. The interacting mass was plunged into the water.

Погружаться на дно

Then the sphere sinks to the bottom.


Neither on this dive, nor on others ... (offrogmen). They regretted the brevity of their plunge

(in a bathyscaphe).

The record submersion (or submergence) (of a submarine)...

The process of downsinking of the plate beneath the edge of another is called sub- duction.

Погружение в

This is accomplished by dipping the part in a two-layer liquid.

The coatings are obtained by immersing the pan to be coated in ...

The lowest temperature was obtained by immersion of the specimen in liquid hydrogen.

Погружён в

The pump mechanism is entirely immersed (or submerged) in oil.

The metal electrode dips (or is dipped) into a solution containing ions of the metal.

Погружённый наполовину

A ball floats on the surface exactly half submerged.

Под I

The steel cylinder lies beneath an electrostatic field.

A tray is fitted underneath (or below, or under) the electrodes for storage of unheat-ed rivets. The region beneath the dotted curve represents ... Под II [см. Нарезать под, Отверстие под, Сверлить под].


Под II [см. Нарезать под, Отверстие под, Сверлить под].

Под III [см. Отделывать].

Под I [см. Подразумеваться под].

Под II

The storage ring was later moved to the Orsay Laboratory outside Paris. Под атмосферным давлением [см. Находиться под атмосферным давлением]. Под болт [см. Нарезанный под болт].

Под вакуумом [см. тж. Плавиться под вакуумом]

The melting was carried out under vacuum, The stripper operates under a slight vacuum.

Под влиянием [см. тж. Под действием]

The device changes resistance in response to (or under the effect of) light. Electric charges move in response to electric fields.

Под водой

The rocket is launched underwater. Под вопросом

The degree of further development is open to question because of increasing technological difficulties.

Под вороток

The tap shank has a square end to accommodate (or receive, or fit) a tap wrench.

Под давлением [см. тж. Находиться под давлением]

The calorimeter is filled with oxygen under a pressure of... The molten metal is injected into moulds under pressure.

Под давлением ниже атмосферного

Potable water can be produced by subat-mospheric boiling.

Под действием [см. тж. Находиться под действием. Находящийся под действием, Под влиянием]

Lead (II) nitrate is often used to make nitrogen dioxide by the action of heat (or under the action of heating).

The enzyme accepts histidine when acted upon by (or under the action of) an appropriate ligase. Corrosion by acids ...

Chrysotile is subject to progressive embrit-tlement on exposure to temperatures above 400°C. The motions of objects under the influence (or effect) of gravity ...

Then the electron starts falling back toward the proton under the attraction of the Coulomb force.

Под действием вибрации

Electrical characteristics under strong vibration ...
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