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Гравитация Том 2 - Мизнер Ч.

Мизнер Ч., Торн К., Уилер Дж. Гравитация Том 2 — М.: Мир, 1977 . — 527 c.
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152. Baierlein R. F., Sharp D. H., Wheeler J. A., Phys. Rev., 126, 1864 (1962). [5 21.9.]

153. Belasco E. P., Ohanian H. C., Journ. Math. Phys., 10, 1503 (1969). [§ 21.9.J
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154. WfeeeZer J. A., Mach’s principle as boundary condition for Einstein's

equations в книге Gravitation and Relativity, eds. Chiu H.-Y., Hoffman W. F., Benjamin, New York, 1964. [§ 21.10, 21.12.]

155. Brill D. B., Ann. Phys. (USA), 7, 466 (1959). [§ 21.10.]

156. Refsdal S., Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 128, 295 (1964). [§ 25.6, фиг. 22.2.]

157. Brill D. R., General Relativity: Selected Topics of Current Interest, report SUI61-4, Physics Department, State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa (multilithed), 1961; published in Suppl. Nuovo Cim., 2, I (1964). [§ 21.10.]

158. Misner C. W., Phys. Rev. Lett., 22, 1071 (1969). [§ 21.10, 28.2, 30.6, доп. 30.1.]

159. Gowdy R. H., Vacuum spacetimes with two-parameter spacelike isometry groups and compact invariant hypersurfaces: Topologies and Boundary conditions, University of Maryland technical report 73-089, 1973, не опубликовано. [§ 21.10, 30.6.]

160. York J. W., Jr., Phys. Rev. Lett., 26, 1656 (1971). [§ 21.11, 21.12, упр. 21.22.]

161. Lichnerowicz A., Joum. Math. Pures Emd Appl., 23, 37 (1944). [§ 21.11.]

162. Bruhat Y., The Cauchy problem в книге Gravitation: An Introduction to Current Research, ed. Witten L., Wiley, New York, 1962. [§ 21.11, 21.13.]

163. York J. W., Jr., Journ. Math. Phys., 14, 456 (1973). [§ 21.11.]

164. O'Murehadha N., Existence and uniqueness of solutions of the Hamiltonian constraint of general relativity, докторская диссертация, Princeton University, February 5, 1973. [§ 21.11.]

165. Choquet-Bruhat Y., Compt. Rend., Acad. Sci. Paris, A274, 682 (1972); fuller account в сб. Gen. Rel. und Grav. (1973), в печати [§ 21.1.]

166. Maeh E., Die Mechanik in Ihrer Entwicklung Historisch-Kritisch Dar-gestellt, Brockhaus, Leipzig, 1912. (Имеется перевод с 6-го немецкого издания: Е. Мах, Механика, СПБ, 1909.) [§ 21.1, 21.12.]

167. Fermi E., Rev. Mod. Phys., 4, 87 (1932). [§ 21.12.]

168. Wheeler J. A., View that the distribution of mass and energy determines the metric в книге Onzidme Conseil de Physique Solvay: La Structure et l'6volution de l’univers, Editions Stoops, Brussels, 1959. [§ 21.12.]

169. Honl H., Allgemeine Relativitatstheorie und Machsches Prinzip в книге Physikertagung Wien, Physik Verlag, Mosbach/Baden, 1962. I§ 21.12.]

170. Ленин В. И., Материализм и эмпириокритицизм, М., 1909 (5 изд. полного собр. соч., т. 18, стр. 7). [§ 21.12.]

171. WeyZ II., Naturwissenschaften, 12, 197 (1924). [§ 21.12.]

172. Seiama D. W., Sci. Am., 196, № 2, 99 (1957). [§ 21.12.]

173. Seiama D. W., The Unity of the Universe, Anchor, New York, 1961.

[§ 21.12.]

174. Einstein A., Phys. Zs. Sowjetunion, 17, 101 (1916). [Фиг. 21.5.]

175. Wheeler J. A., Phys. Rev., 97, 511 (1955). [§ 21.12, 25.5.]

176. Brill D. R., Hartle J. B., Phys. Rev., B135, 271 (1964). [§ 21.12.]

177. Thirring H., Phys. Zs., 19, 33 (1918). [§ 21.12.]

178. Thirring H., Phys. Zs., 22, 29 (1921). [§ 21.12.]

179. Thirring H-, Lense J., Phys. Zs., 19, 156 (1918). [§ 21.12.]

180. Brill D. R., Cohen J. M., Phys. Rev., 143, 1011 (1967). [§21.12, упр. 26.1.]

181. Lanczos K., Phys. Zs., 23, 539 (1922). [§ 21.13.]

182. Lanezos K., Ann. Phys. (Germany), 74, 518 (1924). [§ 21.13.]

183. Darmois G., Les Equations de la gravitation einsteinienne, Memorial des sciences mathematiques XXV, Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1927. [§ 21.13.]

184. Misner C. W., Sharp D. H., Phys. Rev., B136, 571 (1964). [§ 21.13, 22.2, доп. 23.1.]

185. Kuehar K., Czech. Joum. Phys. B18, 435, (1968) [§ 21.13.]

186. Papapetrou A., Hamoui A., Ann. Inst. Henri Роіпсагб, A9, 179 (1968). [§ 21.13.]

187. Pirani F. A. E., Phys. Rev., 105, 1089 (1957). [§ 21.13.]

188. Papapetrou A., Treder H., Math. Nachr., 20, 53 (1959). [§ 21.13.]

189. Papapetrou A., Treder H., Shock waves in general relativity в книге Recent Developments in General Relativity, volume dedicated to Leopold Infeld
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in connection with his 60th birthday, Feb. 8, 1958, Pergamon Press, Oxford and PWN — Polish Scientific Publishers, Warsaw, 1962, p. 351. [§ 21.13.]

190. Treder H. J., Gravitative Stosswellen, Nichtanalytischen Wellenlosungen der Einsteinschen Gravitationsgleichungen, Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, 1962. [§ 21.13.]

191. Choquet-Bruhat Y., Ann. Inst. Henri Роіпсагй, 8, 327 (1968). [§ 21.13.]

192. Israel W., Phys. Rev., 153, 1388 (1967). [Упр. 21.27.]

193. Steuckelberg E. С. G., Wanders G., Helv. Phys. Acta, 26, 307 (1953). [§ 22.2.]

194. Kluitenberg G. A., de Groot S. B., Physica, 20, 199 (1954). [§ 22.2.]

195. Meixner /., Reik H. G., Thermodynamik der irreversiblen Prozesse, в книге Handbuch der Physik, Bd. 3, Teil 2, 1959, S. 413. [§ 22.2.]

196. Зельдович Я. В., Новиков И. Д., Теория тяготения и эволюция звезд, изд-во «Наука», 1971. [§ 22.2, 23.1, 24.1, 24.3, 24.4, 24.6, 25.6, доп. 24.1,
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