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Эффект Ганна - Левинштейн М.Е.

Левинштейн М.Е., Пожела Ю.К., Шур М.С. Эффект Ганна — М.: Советское радио, 1975. — 288 c.
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34. Jeppesen P., Jeppson B. The influence
of diffusion on the stability of the supercritical transferred electron
amplifier.- "Proc. IEEE", 1972, v. 60,
X° 5, p. 452-454.
35. Charlton R., Treeman K- R., Hab-son G. S. Stabilization mechanism
for supercritical transferred-electron amplifiers. - "Electron. Lett.",
1971, v. 7, № 19. p. 575-577.
36. Thim H. W. Linear microwave amplification with Gunn oscillators.-
"IEEE Trans.", 1967, v. ED-14, № 9, p. 517-522.
37. Thim H. W. Linear negative conductance amplification with Gunn
oscillators. - "Proc. IEEE", 1967, v. 55, № 3, p. 446-447.
38. Olfs P. An Oscillating Gunn-ampli-
fier with Ecno-resonator.- In.: 8th
Int. Conf. on Microwave and Optical Generation and Amplification (MO-GA).
Amsterdam, 1970, paper 6.5.
39. Kuno H. J. Self-pumped parametric amplification with GaAs
transferred- electron devices. - "Electron. Lett.",
1969, v. 5, № 11, p. 232.
40. Абдель Фаттах X. А., Ржевкин К- С. Усиление СВЧ-колебаний в объеме
GaAs при генерации доменов.-"Радиотехника н электроника", 1970, т. 15, №
6, с. 1247-1250.
41. Carrol J. Е. Resonant-circuit operation of Gunn diodes: a self
pumped parametric oscillator. - "Electron. Lett.", 1966, v. 2, № 6, p.
42. Vinney D. J. Possible traveling-wave parametric amplifier using
Gunn effect. - "Electron. Lett.", 1966, v. 2, № 10, p. 357-358.
43. Aitchison C. S., Corbey C. D., Newton В. H. Self-pumped Gunn-effect
parametric amplifier. - "Electron. Lett.", 1969, v. 5, № 2, p. 36-37.
44. Бородовский П. А., Булдыгин А. Ф. Усиление СВЧ колебаний при пе"
риодическом возбуждении и подавлении будущего домена в диоде Ганна
внешним сигналом. - "ФТП",
1971, т. 5, № 2, с. 247-250.
45. Judd S. V., Hewitt S. J. Phase-locking of Gunn-effect oscillators.
- "Electron. Lett.", 1967, v.' 3, № 8 (March), p. 107-108.
46. Spiwak R. R. Frequency conversion and amplification with an LSA
diode oscillator. - "IEEE Trans.", 1968, v. ED-15, № 8, p. 614-615.
47. Quine J. P. Injection phase-locking
characteristics of LSA-mode transferred-electron oscillators. - "Proc.
IEEE", 1969, v. 57, № 4, p. 715- 717.
48. Curtice W. R. Comments on "Injection phase-locking characteristics
of LSA-mode transferred-electron oscillators.- "Proc. IEEE", 1970, v. 58,
№ 1, p. 138-139.
49. Hines М. E. X-band power amplification using Gunn-effect diodes. -
"Proc. IEEE", 1968, v. 56, № 9, p. 1590-1591.
50. Hines М. E., Buntschuh C. Broad-band power amplification with Gunn-
effect diodes. - "IEEE J.", 1969, v. SC-4, № 6, p. 371-376.
51. Califano F. P. Negative-resistance amplifiers using three-terminal
Gunn devices. - "Electron Lett.", 1968, v. 4, № 25, p. 568-569.
52. Gunshor R. L. Broad-band amplification with Gunn diodes. -
"Electron. Lett.", 1969, v. 5, № 14, p. 305- 306.
53. Hakki B. W. GaAs post-threshold microwave amplifier, mixer and
oscillator. - "Proc. IEEE", 1966, v. 54, № 2, p. 299-300.
54. Baynham A. C. Wave propagation in negative differential
conductivity media: n-Ge. - "IBM J. Research and Dev.", 1969, v. 13, № 5,
p. 568-572.
55. Baynham A. C. - Emission of ТЕМ waves generated within an я-type
Ge. - "Electron. Lett.", 1970, v. 6, № 10, p. 306-307.
56. Boynham A. C., Colliver D. J. - New Mode of Microwave Emission from
GaAs. - "Electron. Lett.", 1970, v. 6, № 16, p. 498-500.
57. Baynham A. C. Absolute instability of electromagnetic waves within
ge subcritically doped gallium arsenide samples. - "J. Appl. Phys.",
1973, v. 44, № 3, p. 1247-1250.
1. Braddock P. W., Gray K- W. Wideband InP transferred electron
amplifiers. Abst. - "Sol.-St. Devices", 1972, In.: Proc. 2nd Eur. Conf.
"Lancaster, 1972", London - Bristol, 1973, p. 205-206.
2. Dean R. H., Matarese R. J. The GaAs travelling-wave amplifier as a
new kind of microwave transistor.-"Proc. IEEE", 1972, v. 60, № 12, p.
3. Spitalnik R., Shaw M. P., Rabier A., Magarshach J. On the mechanism
for microwave amplification in supercri-tically doped я-GaAs. - "Appl.
Phys. Lett.", 1973, v. 22, № 4, p. 162-163.
4. Hillbrand H., Rees H. D., Jones D. Theoretical characteristics of
transferred electron amplifiers. -"Electron Lett.", 1974, v. 10, № 7, p.
5. Grubin H. L., Kaul R. Depletion layer
amplification from negative differential mobility elements. - "IEEE
Trans.", 1973, v. ED-20, № 6,
p. 600-602.
6. Talwar A. K., Curtice W. R. An expe-
rimental study of stabilized transfer-red-electron amplifiers. - "IEEE
Trans.", 1973, v. MTT-21, № 7,
p. 477-481.
7. Jeppesen P., Jeppsson B. A simple analysis of the stable field
profile in the supercritical TEA. - "IEEE Trans.", 1973, v. ED-20, № 4,
p. 371- 379
8. Lidgey F. J., Foulds K. W. An X-band LSA amplifiers. - "IEEE
1973, v. MTT-21, № 11, p. 736-738.
К главе 11
1. Sandbank С. P. Synthesis of complex electronic functions by solid
state bulk effects. - "Sol.-St. Electron.",
1967, v. 10, № 5, p. 369-380.
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