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Численное решение задач метода наименьших квадратов - Лоуcон Ч.

Лоуcон Ч., Хенсон P. Численное решение задач метода наименьших квадратов: учебное пособие. Под редакцией Тыртышникова Е.Е. — М.: Наука, 1986. — 232 c.
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48. D e Boor C. Rice J.R. Least squares cubic spline approximation i\ - variable knots. - Purdue Univ. Rept. CSD TR 21. Ind., Lafayette, 1968, 28 p.
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50. E b e r 1 e i n P.J. Solution to the complex eigenproblem by a norm reducing Jacobi type method. - Numer. Math., 1970, 14, p. 232-245.
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52. F 1 e t с h e r R.H. Generalized inverse methods for the best least squares solution of systems of non-linear equations. - Comput. J., 1968, 10, p. 392-399.
53. Fletcher R. A modified Marquardt subroutine for non-linear least squares. -Amonic Energy Res. Estab. Rept. № R-6799. - England, Berkshire, Harwell, 1971, 24 p.
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55. F о r s у t h e G.E. Generation and use of orthogonal polynomial for data-fitting with a digital computer. - J. Soc. Indust. Appl. Math., 1957,5, p. 74-88.
56. F о r s у t h e G.E. Today's methods of linear algebra. - SIAM Rev., 1967, 9, p. 489-515.
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64. G a s t i n e 1 N. Linear numerical analysis. - New York: Academic Press, 1971. 65.Gentleman W.M. Least squares computations by Givens transformations without
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66. G e n t 1 e m a n W.M. Basic procedures for large, sparse or weighted linear least squares problems. - Univ. of Waterloo Rept. CSRR-2068. - Canada, Ontario, Waterloo, 1972,14 p.
67. G i 1 1 P.E., Murray W. A numerically stable form of the simplex algorithm.-Nat. Phys. Lab. Math. Tech. Rept. № 87. - England, Middlesex, Teddington. 1970, 43 p.
68. G i 1 1 P.E., G о 1 u b G.H., Murray W., Saunders M.A. Methods for modifying matrix factorizations. - Stanford Univ. Rept. №CS-322. - Calif., Stanford, 1972, 60 p.
69. G i v e n s W. Numerical computation of the characteristic values of a real symmetric matrix. - Oak Ridge Nat. Lab. Rept. ORNL-1574. - Tenn., Oak Ridge, 1954, 107 p.
70. G о 1 u b G.H. Least squares, singular values and matrix approximations. - Aplikace Mathematicky, 1968,13, p. 44-51.
71. G о 1 о b G.H. Matrix decompositions and statistical calculations - In: Statistical Calculations. - New York: Academic Press, 1969, p. 365-397.
72. G о 1 u b G.H., В u s i n g e r P.A. Linear least squares solutions by Householder transformations. - Numer. Math., 1965 , 7, p. 269-276
73. G о 1 u b G.H., К a h a n W. Calculating the singular values and pseudoinverse of a matrix. - SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 1965, 2,№3, p. 205-224.
74. G о 1 u b G.H., Pereyra V. The differentiation of pseudoinversesand nonlinear least squares problems whose variables separate. - SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 1973, 10, p. 413-432.
75. С о 1 u b G.H., R e i n s с h C. Singular value decomposition and least squares solutions. - Numer. Math., 1970, 14, N»5, p. 403-420.
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79. G о 1 u b G.H., Underwood R. Stationary values of the ratio of quadratic forms, subject to linear constraints. - Z. Angew. Math. Phys., 1970, 21, p. 318-326.
80. G о 1 u b G.H., Wilkinson J.H. Note on the iterative refinement of least squares solution. - Numer. Math., 1966, 9, p. 139-148.
81. Gray bill F.A., Meyer CD., P a i n t e r RJ. Note on the computation of the generalized inverse of a matrix. - SIAM Rev., 1966, 8, p. 522-524.
82. G r e v i 11 e T.N.E. The pseudo-inverse of a rectangular or singular matrix and its application to the solution of systems of linear equations. - SIAM Rev., 1959,1, p. 38-43.
83. G r e v i 11 e T.N.E. Some applications of the pseudoinverse of a matrix. - SIAM Rev., 1960,2, p. 15-22.
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