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Английский язык для экономистов - Малюга Е.Н.

Малюга Е.Н., Ваванова Н.В. Английский язык для экономистов: Учебник для вузов — СПб.: Питер, 2005. — 304 c.
ISBN 5-469-00341-8
Скачать (прямая ссылка): angliyskiydlyaeconomistov2005.pdf
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D.4. Find an appropriate word or expression in the list below to complete each sentence.

balance of trade specializes transport banking

embargo visibles tax bonded

services euro insurance yen

1. When a country ... it concentrates on the production of certain goods or services.

2. ... is the name given to the trade in goods.

3. Another name for the visible balance is the ... .

4. Invisibles is the name given to the trade in ... .

5. Two examples of invisibles are ... and ....

6. The units of currency of West Germany and Japan are the ... and the ... .

7. The ECGD provides ... for exporters.

8. HM Customs and Excise control... warehouses.

9. A tariff is a ... placed on imports.

10. An ... is a complete ban on imports.

D.5. Translate from Russian into English using the active vocabulary.

1. Страны вынуждены принимать участие в международной торговле, которая заключается в покупке и продаже товаров между странами.

2. Доходы рабочих увеличиваются, что влияет на повышение жизненного уровня. Unit 14. International Trade


3. Когда товары перевозятся на большие расстояния, существует риск повреждения или воровства.

4. Клиринговые банки могут помочь в обмене иностранной валюты и получении денег из других стран.

5. Товары, за которые должны быть уплачены налоги, могут храниться на таможенном складе.

6. Если товары забирают со склада до уплаты налога, то владелец склада должен заплатить большой штраф.

7. С импорта взимаются налоги, которые приносят правительству деньги на расходы.

8. Эмбарго — полный запрет, установленный на определенные товары.

9. Если правительство может сократить стоимость импорта, тогда дефицит платежного баланса может быть превращен в излишек.

Е* Make a summary of the text

Use the active vocabulary.

^ R Grammar revision

F.l. Fill in the gaps with the grammar forms given below. Pay attention to the grammar material learned in the previous units.

could help; is delighted;
coming; are due to;
to open; to continue;
to put; to be treated;
has had to; have to;
granting; has been signed;
has been damaged; may rise;
gruelling; paving;
to convey; to join;
increased; are opposed to;
unexpected. requiring.

China Drops Trade Barriers

A historic trade deal... the way for China ... the World Trade Organisation ... by Chinese and American negotiators. 250

Английский ЯЗЫК ДЛЯ экономистов

The deal, which will involve major opening of China's markets, will provide a significant boost to China's economic reforms and to the reformist politicians around Prime Minister Zhu Rongji.

It will also strengthen the legitimacy of the world trading system, which ... by disputes between the United States and Europe.

The downside for China is that unemployment... sharply as its inefficient state industries face ... competition.

uThe China-WTO agreement is good for the United States, it's good for China, it's good for the world economy," — US President Clinton said.

"Today, China embraces principles of economic openness, innovation and competition that will bolster China's economic reforms and advance the rule of law,1' — he added.

The deal clears the way for China to join the World Trade Organisation, subject to the agreement of other members, after 13 years of negotiations. "We are looking forward to the day when China will become a full member of the WTO within this year," — Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Shi Guangsheng said.

US Trade Representative Charlene Barshefsky and Mr. signed the agreement after six days of ... negotiations to open China's relatively closed markets to American products and services.

American businessmen in China hailed the deal.

"... hard for years ... to the two governments how China's WTO accession ... both countries, the American business community here ... it is now at hand and we pledge our full support for the implementation process in ... years," — said Richard Latham, chairman of the American Chamber of Commerce.

Historic Step

The deal makes it likely that China will be a member of the World Trade Organisation in time for the next round of global trade talks which ... start in Seattle at the end of the month.

The US team has been pushing China ... its markets to American products and services, especially in the areas of telecommunications and financial services.

The deal will give foreign firms new access to the fields of insurance, telecommunications and banking, including auto finance.

That should boost foreign investment in China and speed up the process of economic reform.

It will also give China, the world's ninth-largest exporter, non-discriminatory access to markets around the world. Unit 14. International Trade


"This is a major step forward in China's accession to the WTO. I have said many times that we are not a World Trade Organisation until China has joined," — said Mike Moore, Director-General of the WTO.
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