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Практический курс английского языка - Камянова Т.

Камянова Т. Практический курс английского языка — М.: Дом Славянской Книги, 2005. — 384 c.
ISBN 5-85550-177-9
Скачать (прямая ссылка): praktichkurseng2005.djvu
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to need) 17. What .......from the table? (to fall down) 18. My friend............ football since August (to play)
19. What.....you .......from 6 till 8 a.m. yesterday? (to do) 20. in two weeks we............to drive our old uncle
to the country (to go). 21. What time .....the film .......tonight? (to begin) 22. What .....you .......to do
yesterday? (to decide) 23. Our chief.....already ....... for London (to leave) 24. When .....he .......for
London? (to leave) 25......your mother often .......about you? (to worry) 26......you .......to find a new job
soon? (to hope) 27. Why.....you.......at your friends? (to laugh) 28. He............home as soon as he .......his
work (to return, to finish) 29. My cousin .......tired because she ............ good (to look, not + to feel). 30......
you often.......a headache? (to have) 31......you.......today? (to be free) 32......your sister .......English?
(to learn)
11. iS Дайте короткие ответы, не употребляя наречия yes и по:
1. Are you busy tonight? 2. Are you tired now? 3. Is your friend ready to help you? 4. Do you drive a car? 5. Do you like to chat? 6. Does your sister laugh at you? 7. Does your mother cook well? 8. Were you upset yesterday? 9. Were you in time for the lessons yesterday? 10. Did you sleep well last night? 11. Did you hurt our friend yesterday? 12. Will you use your old computer? 13. Will you stay at home tomorrow? 14. Have you ever been to London? 15. Have you just had lunch? 16. Has your mother come home yet? 17. Has your friend 1 phoned you today?
11. № Заполните пропуски сложными неопределенными местоимениями somebody, someone, something, everybody, everyone, everything или сложными наречиями somewhere, everywhere. Обратите внимание на употребление данных местоимений в 3 лице единственного числа.
1............has" phoned me to the office this afternoon, but I wasn't there. 2.1 was chatting with...........in internet
aK night iongVesterday. 3. Our chief has told ...........to my colleague this morning. 4. We need to buy...........
for lunch. 5. My colleague has bought ...........for his girl-friend today. 6.1 know that my friends are having a
rest ...........now, but I don't know where. 7. We can stay...........in the country this week-end. 8............has
taken my pen from the table. 9............tried to open my bag when I was taking a bus. 10............has
happened to my friend. 11............is at home today. 12............has already returned home. 13............is
busy at the office now. 14............likes this song. 15. They often talk about ...........that happens in their life.
16. This child eats ...........his mother cooks for him. 17. Our parents have...........in their country house.
18. There is green grass...........in the forest. 19. There are a lot of people ...........at this shopping center
11. 20 Переведите следующие предложения:
1. Когда моя сестра упала на улице, кто-то помог ей подняться. 2. Кто-то взял свежие журналы с моего стола. 3. Кто-то принес цветы в наш офис. 4. Кто-то открыл окно в моей комнате. 5. Кто-то решил надо мной посмеяться. 6. Дети нашли вчера что-то на улице. 7. Что-то только что упало со стола. 8. Мы что-то уже слышали об этом специалисте. 9. Мои часы где-то на кухне. 10. Мой брат сейчас где-то играет в футбол. 11. Мои друзья только что пошли куда-то гулять. 12. Все рады видеть тебя у нас. 13. Все знают этого человека. 14. Все уже проснулись. 15. Все уже позавтракали. '16. Сегодня мы все купили в одном магазине. 17. Когда я пришел на занятия, я все забыл. 18. Не волнуйся! Все в порядке. 19. МЫ знаем что-то об этом поэте, но не все. 20. Мой кузен везде хорошо себя чувствует. 21. Моя подруга всюду всем показывает свои фотографии. 22. Наш коллега приглашает всех на свою дачу.
11.21 "Заполните пропуски в следующих парах предложений сложными неопределенными местоимениями anybody, anyone, anything, сложными отрицательными местоимениями nobody, no one, nothing или наречиями anywhere, nowhere. Обратите внимание на правило однократного отрицания.
e.g. / havent seen.........in the street this morning. - I havent seen anybody in the street this morning.
I have seen.:........in the street this morning. - I have seen nobody in the street this morning.
1. We haven't invited..........to the party so far. We have invited..........to the party so far. 2. I haven't hurt
........... I have hurt........... 3. He hasn't driven..........to the office. He has driven..........to the office. 4. This
man doesn't believe........... This man believes........... 5. We haven't laughed at...........We have laughed at
........... 6.1 didn't take..........from your table. I took..........from your table. 7. We haven't bought..........at the -
shopping center today. We have bought..........at the shopping center todayi 8. My friend hasn't told me..........
so far. My friend has told me..........so far. 9.1 didn't lose..........yesterday. I lost..........yesterday. 10. We are
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