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Практический курс английского языка - Камянова Т.

Камянова Т. Практический курс английского языка — М.: Дом Славянской Книги, 2005. — 384 c.
ISBN 5-85550-177-9
Скачать (прямая ссылка): praktichkurseng2005.djvu
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11. 35 Переведите предложения, используя активные слова и словосочетания:
1. Эта женщина гордится своими детьми. 2. Наш коллега гордится своим талантом к музыке. 3. Наши соседи гордятся своей ноаой машиной. 4. Ты можешь повторить это стихотворение наизусть? - Да, я знаю его наизусть и могу повторить его слово в слово. 5. Ты знаешь автора этого стихотворения? 6. Этот так называемый специалист не понимает простых вещей. 7. Этот так называемый журналист опубликовал только одну статью в своей жизни. 8. Я прочитал стихотворение один раз, потом два раза, однако я не смог повторить его наизусть. 9. Вдруг мне в голову пришла идея стать философом. 10. Какая идея пришла тебе в голову? 11. Почему эта идея вдруг пришла тебе в голову? 12. Тебе часто приходят в голову идеи? Ты гордишься этим? 13. Мой брат разговаривает высоким голосом, а моя сестра разговаривает низким голосом. 14. Этот поэт опубликовал пока только одну книгу. 15. Этот философ уже дважды опубликовал свои труды в Англии.
11. ZB*3anonHume пропуски предлогами:
1. Are you proud.....your family? 2. My friend has got no talent.....poetry. 3. How many poems do you know
heart?,, 4. Can you repeat this short story word .... word? 5. Why are you.speaking.....a low voice? 6. Are
you going .... the east or.....the west? 7. Why are you shouting.....me? 8. What are you shouting.....me?
9. Why has your friend lied.....me? 10. My friends don't hurt me......the contrary, they respect me. 11. I've got
an idea to go.....the mountains.....next summer. 12. What happened.....you? Are you.....trouble? 13. How
much have you paid.....this book.....poetry? 14. Don't worry.....this author. He has already published his new
book. 15. These children haven't washed.....a week. 16. What are you going to do.....the, week-end?
17.1 haven't seen my cousin.....a long time. 18. We have already translated this article.....Russian.....
English. Now we can go.....a walk. 19. How many countries.....the world have you already visited?
11. 37 Выпишите из текста примеры употребления Present Perfect
11. 38 Ответьте на данные вопросы по тексту:
1. What was the name of the king in the east? 2. What was he proud of? 3. What kind of talent did he have? 4. What did the king want people to think? 5. Why did king Poof-Alle often invite poets to his palace? 6. What usually happened there? 7. Why did the poets have to pay a big fine or to go to prison? '8. Why were the poets afraid to come to the palace? 9. Who were two very talented people at the palace? 10. Why was their talent a secret? 11. Who lived high in the mountains at that time? 12. What did a group of poets ask the old philosopher to do? 13. Why was king Poof-Alle glad to see the old poet and philosopher in his palace? 14. When did the poet begin to read his poem and when did he stop reading it? 15. What happened to the king and one of his wives and to his favourite soldier when the poet was reading his poem? 16. Why was it impossible for anybody to repeat the poem? 17. Where did the soldier take the old poet? 18. How much money did the poet receive from the treasurer? 19. Why did the poem weigh so much? 20. How did the old poet use the king's gold?
11. 39 Основываясь на тексте, выразите свое согласие (It Is right) или несогласие (H is not right) с приведенными ниже положениями и поясните их.
1. King Poof-Allee was proud of his talent for music.
2. King Poof-Allee could write beautiful poems.
3. King Poof-Allee often invited poets to his palace.
4. Poets read.their poems to the Wng and the king paid a lot of money for their poems.
5. One of the king's wives RoIy-PoIy and his favourite soldier Cram-Cram had an awful memory and thay couldn't repeat any poem by heart.
6. King Poof-Alle didn't want to see any poets at his palace.
7. At that time a very old and great poet and philosopher lived at the seaside.
8. The old philosopher decided to help poets.
9. King Poof-Aee wasn't very glad to see the old poet at the palace.
10. The sun was standing high in the sky when the king asked the poet to read his poem. 1
11. King Poof-Alee, one of his wives RoIy-PoIy and his favourite soldier Cram-Cram repeated the poem immediately.
12. The old poet's poem didn't weigh much.
13. The old poet received 55 645 099 rupees from the treasurer.
14. The old poet used the gold to publish the poems of all the poets in the country.
11.40 Сделайте литературный перевод стихотворения из текста.
11.41 Переведите и прокомментируйте следующие пословицы.
1. Не who makes no mistakes, makes nothing.
2. He that talks much lies much.
3. Men may meet but mountains never.
4. Easy come, easy go.
а) Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий (Degrees of Comparison) - сравнительная (Comparative Degree) и превосходная (Superlative Degree) - образуются следующим образом:
1. Односложные прилагательные и наречия приобретают суффикс -ег в сравнительной степени и суффикс -est в преаосходной степени.
e.g. long - longer - longest; short - shorter - shortest; soon - sooner - soonest
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