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Практический курс английского языка - Камянова Т.

Камянова Т. Практический курс английского языка — М.: Дом Славянской Книги, 2005. — 384 c.
ISBN 5-85550-177-9
Скачать (прямая ссылка): praktichkurseng2005.djvu
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e.g. They are at home. - They may (might) be at home.
1. My friend is not in the mood for going out. 2. This place is worth visiting. 3. These people are short of money. 4. It is not his fault that he failed at an exam. 5. There is a rumour that our colleague is goipg to leave his wife. 6. This man has no soul. 7. He finds faults with everybody. 8. In the depth of his heart he hopes for success. 9. It is forbidden to smoke here. 10. My colleagues are still arguing about this matter. 11. There are obstacles on their way. 12. My cousin is not riding a horse now. 13. These people aren't looking forward to our next meeting. 14. Their solution will depend on circumstances. 15. This young lady will be looking after their children. 16. Our partners will appoint a meeting for Wednesday. 17. I am afraid that they will not fulfil their task in time. 18.1 accept that these people will be arguing every point of my report.
24. 3 Замените данные предложения предложениями с модальным глаголом may (might) в значении прошедшего времени:
e.g. Perhaps, these people have achieved their purpose. -These people may(might) have achieved their purpose.
1. Perhaps, our colleague has changed his mind. 2. Perhaps, he has betrayed us. 3. Perhaps, he pretended not to be interested in anything. 4. Perhaps, this man hasn't been accused of robbery. 5. Perhaps, he has influenced his colleagues. 6. Perhaps, he accepted that we were right. 7. Perhaps, his character was spoilt because of his criminal activity. 8. Perhaps, he came to the conclusion that it was his fault. 9. Perhaps, he persuaded his girl-friend to marry him. 10. Perhaps, she has been treated by this doctor. 11. Perhaps, he has paid no attention to her new dress. 12. Perhaps, they are still arguing about this matter. 13. Perhaps, our colleagues haven't been discussing this matter for half a day. 14. Perhaps, they have been looking for a new secretary for half a year. 15. Perhaps, they have been arranging this meeting for a couple of weeks.
24. 4 Переведите данные предложения, используя модальный глагол may (might):
I. Возможно, наш коллега заболел. 2. Возможно, с ним что-нибудь случилось. 3. Возможно, доктор прописал ему новое лекарство. 4. Возможно, он бросил работу. 5. Возможно, его идея осуществилась. 6. Возможно, эти люди не узнали о нашей победе. 7. Возможно, они преодолели все препятствия на своем пути. 8. Возможно, отношение нашего коллеги к этому событию не изменилось. 9. Возможно, этот человек стал тайным агентом. 10. Возможно, он познакомился с этим известным бизнесменом.
II. Возможно, их отношения с партнерами стали лучше. 12. Возможно, они обратились к этой проблеме. 13. Возможно, они поддерживали этих людей в течение нескольких лет. 14. Возможно, эти люди долгие годы боролись друг с другом. 15. Возможно, они рассматривали этот вопрос в течение нескольких недель. 16. Возможно, они не хотели вдаваться в подробности. 17. Возможно, мы не знаем всего об этой истории. 18. Возможно, они получают секретные письма из-за границы. 19. Возможно, они не считают, что мы правы. 20. Возможно, в Лондоне сейчас идут дожди. 21. Возможно, наши друзья приедут в воскресенье. 22. Возможно, никто не будет задавать нам этого вопроса. 23. Возможно, мой брат провалится на экзамене. 24. Возможно, ему придется искать новую работу.
24. 5 Образуйте, используя модальный глагол must, сочетания с инфинитивом Indefinite, Continuous, Perfect, Perfect Continuous от данных глаголов:
e.g. to approach - must approach must have approached
must be approaching must have been approaching
to predict, to suggest, to object, to destroy, to develop, to apologize, to fix, to dream, to suspect, to report, to choose, to examine, to discuss, to promise, to use, to joke, to laugh.
24. 6 Образуйте из данных предложений предложения с модальным глаголом must в значении настоящего времени, выражающие твердое предположение. Обратите внимание на употребление глагола must в данном аспекте только в утвердительной форме. Переведите предложения на русский язык:
e.g. Probably, our colleague is sincere in his wish to help us. Our colleague must be sincere in his wish to help us.
1. Probably, this artist has a soul above material pleasures. 2. Probably, these people throw obstacles in his way. 3. Probably, there is a rumour that his life has radically changed. 4. I am sure that this rumour is hardly true. 5. Probably, our partners see poverty of ideas in this suggestion. 6.1 am sure you feel cold, will you shut the window! 7. Evidently, we have similar tastes in music. 8. Obviously, these people try to be honest in their business. 9. I am sure that there are reasonable prices in this new shop. 10.1 am sure that your colleagues share your opinion. 11.1 am sure that there is no point in insisting on such a solution. 12.1 am sure that every piece of art depends on the spirit of the moment which it was created at. 13. Probably, my colleagues are explaining their plan point by point to our chief now. 14. Probably, these people are fighting for their rights. 15. Evidently, our neighbours are making a bicycle tour of France. 16. Probably, my colleagues are making a new attempt to draw attention to this matter.
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