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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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2. Употребите глаголы в соответствующем прошедшем времени и дайте его название:
1. When I leave the train my impression is of rain and fog. 2. He takes my luggage and struggles through the traffic. 3. The first thing that takes my eye is the porter. 4. I can't understand what he says.
5. He tells one of the little boys to show me to my room. 6. When I wake 1 feel hungry. 7.1 can't understand him, but I speak my prepared words. 8. He doesn't understand me. 9.1 take out a pencil and write "breakfast". 10. Perhaps I do not pronounce it correctly. 11. The waiter brings in a tray with tea and toast, and goes away. 12. He misunderstands me. 13.1 set to work on the bacon and eggs and eat steadily. 14.1 am wondering whether I can clear the plate, or whether I shall burst. 15.1 tell him that only a man who is dying of hunger can eat such a breakfast. 16. He almost runs out of the room.
3. Замените выделенные курсивом слова притяжательными местоимениями-существительными:
11. You told me your first impressions, now I will tell you my first impressions. 2. Those are my first impressions. What are your first impressions? 3. Your taxis look very old; our taxis are newer. 4.1 shook my head, and the waiter shook his head. 5. In the breakfast-room of the hotel there were four people: a woman, her two small sons, and 1. I ate my breakfast, she ate her breakfast, and the boys ate their breakfast.
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4. Каким местоимением является myself в предложении:
I had prepared myself very carefully? Назовите соответствующие местоимения для you (ед. число), him, her, you (мн. число), it, us, them. Объясните разницу в значении в предложениях:
1. Не helped him.
2. Не helped himself.
5. Что выражают shall, will и going to в следующих предложениях:
1. Tell me what you want for breakfast and I will get it for you.
2. Shall I bring you some more sandwiches? 3. If you want more sandwiches you shall have them. 4.1 will learn to speak English even if it takes me five years. 5.1 am going to write a letter home tomorrow afternoon. 6. There are a lot of black clouds in the sky; I think it is going to rain.
6. Какое время употреблено в следующих предложениях:
1.1 am sure Hob won't be feeling hungry after that breakfast. 2. This time tomorrow I shall be flying to Paris. What will you be doing then?
7. Укажите разницу между предложением с глаголом в действительном залоге и предложением с глаголом в страдательном залоге. Преобразуйте действительный залог в страдательный:
1. Mr. Priestley teaches the students. 2. A taxi-cab took me to my hotel. 3. In this hotel the manager meets all the new guests. 4. The waiter brings the breakfast. 5.The waiter brought the breakfast. 6. The waiter will bring the breakfast. 7. They feed you well at this hotel.
1. Опишите происшествие в отеле с точки зрения официанта.
2. Напишите рассказ, который заканчивался бы словами: "... but that day I met my Waterloo."
Дрок 2
Olaf and Pedro Discuss Their Plans
PEDRO: How much longer are you staying in England, Olaf?
OLAF: Well, I don't quite know, but I shall be here for another year at any rate, probably two years.
PEDRO: That's good. I shall be here for at least another year.
OLAF: What are you going to do when you leave Mr. Priestley's?
PEDRO: I want to go to Cambridge. I discussed all this with my father before I left home and he said that he wanted me to spend a year in Paris and a year in Germany so that I could get a really good knowledge of French and German. Then he wanted me to spend two or three years with Mr. Priestley and try for an English degree at Cambridge.
OLAF: Have you enjoyed your stay in England?
PEDRO: Oh yes, very much. I knew it would be pleasant but I didn't think I should meet such interesting people. But what are you going to do when you leave England?
OLAF: I am going into my father's business, a shipping company.
PEDRO: That will be very interesting.
OLAF: Yes, I think so. At first I didn't think it would and I wanted something quite different. I thought life in an office was very dull.
PEDRO: What did you want to do?
OLAF: I wanted to be an artist and paint pictures. I said that nothing would ever make me go into an office. "The only life for me," I said, "is a life of art. In a few years I shall earn fame and fortune by my pictures." Of course I was only fifteen or sixteen and hadn't much sense.
HOB: I painted a picture once. I showed it to an artist, and do you know what he said about it? He said that my picture would hang in the British Museum long after Rubens and Rembrandt were forgotten.
OLAF: Did he really?
HOB: Yes. But he added, "But not until they are forgotten."
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PEDRO: To come back to your story, Olaf, what did your father say?
OLAF: Oh, he was very good about it. He said I could go to the best art teacher in Stockholm and have some lessons. Well, after a week or two the teacher told me that it was a waste of time for him to go on teaching me. "You will never be a painter," he said, "not if you live to be a hundred. Don't come for any more lessons. Go back to your office."
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