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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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"Wait a moment. I learned French at school, maisj'aipresque tout oublie. Prenez cette route, allez tout droit, et la onzieme rue a gauche с'est Addison Road."3 The French was bad and the pronunciation worse, but it was more beautiful to me then than all the words of all the poets. He smiled and then he raised his hand. How wonderful! The traffic stopped; even the red buses stood still and waited until I crossed the road. I soon found myself in streets and roads that I recognised again. Life was grand once more. The sun came out from behind the cloud and London was a beautiful city; but for me, the best thing in it was the big policeman at Marble Arch.
' to take one's courage in both hands - вести себЯ1как можно храбрее
2 Фриде лучше было бы сказать: Can you tell me the way to Addison Road, please?
3 Но я почти все забыл. Идите прямо по этой дороге и одиннадцатая улица слева и будет Эддисон Роуд.
285 ¦
1. Придумайте предложения со следующими словами: cloud, smooth, pool, horror, confused, path, to my surprise, slight,
group, despair, wonderful, earnestly
2. Поставьте вопросы к следующим предложениям, используя слова:
How much? How many? Who? When? Did you? Have you? What? Where? Why? Which? What sort?
1.1 had come from a quiet little town in Switzerland.
2. There was a bright sun and a cloudless sky.
3.1 had never been in a big city before.
4. There was a slight wind that moved the trees.
5. As I walked in the park I thought, "Life is grand."
6. The beauty of the gardens nearly took my breath away.
7. There were beds of flowers in the grass under the trees.
8.1 had never seen such a thing before.
9.1 passed a pool and a children's playground.
10.1 ran to the left and to the right.
11. There were ten children playing by the pool.
12. It was about five o'clock then.
13. The people were listening and asking questions.
14. Most of the buses were red.
3. Покажите разницу (если она есть) в произношении и значении следующих слов в двух группах. Придумайте предложение на каждое из слов. Все слова встречались в книгах I и II:
wear, where, were; there, their; air, hair, her; buy, by; eye, I; and, hand; hour, our; know, no, now; its, it's; cloth, clothes
Напишите о приключении, которое у вас было.
Ирок 32
Olaf Reads His Play
OLAF: Here's my story about the Wiggins family:
The Picnic Lunch
Mr. and Mrs. Wiggins are taking their son Timothy and Grandma
and Grandpa out in the car for a picnic lunch.
MRS. WIGGINS: It's half-past twelve, James, and time we found somewhere to eat.
TIMOTHY: Oh, good! I am hungry.
GRANDMA: I could certainly do with a cup of tea.
MR. WIGGINS: Well, all keep your eyes open, and we'll see who can find the best place.
MRS. WIGGINS: James, look! There's a field on the left that will do nicely. Quick, stop the car by the gate.
(The car stops)
TIMOTHY: Oh, look, there are cows in the field.
GRANDMA: Cows! I'm not going to eat in a field with cows breathing down my neck.
GRANDPA: I expect there are a few bulls among them. And Nellie's got her red dress on; anything red makes 'em absolutely wild.
M RS. WIGGINS: Yes, you're right. That cow by the gate has a most unfriendly look on its face. Drive on, James.
(The car moves on)
TIMOTHY: But I'm hungry.
GRANDMA: It's time I had my cup of tea.
MR. WIGGINS: Don't worry, there are plenty of good places along the road.
GRANDPA: We're passing one of them now.
MRS. WIGGINS: James, stop quickly! Here's a nice stretch of grass.
(The car stops)
GRANDMA: No, no, this is no good. There's no shade at all. I can't have the sun beating down on me. We must look for a shade place.
MRS. WIGGINS: All right, drive on, James. We all want Grandma to enjoy her cup of tea.
GRANDPA: Even if it's bedtime before she has it.
(The car moves on. A quarter of an hour later the car stops again)
MR. WIGGINS: Well, how does this suit you, Grandma? There are woods on each side.
GRANDPA: No fear of getting sunburnt here.
MRS. WIGGINS: It's far too dark, James. Almost frightening. We might as well have lunch in our coal cellar. Drive on till we are clear of these trees.
(The car moves on)
GRANDPA: Now, let's see. We're looking for something with no cows, no sun and no trees. Not too easy.
GRANDMA: When am I going to get my cup of tea? I wish I hadn't come.
MRS. WIGGINS: Now, don't worry, Grandma. We're coming to the end of the wood now. James, slow down. I can see just the right spot. Over there by the river.
(The car stops)
GRANDPA: No, Nellie, not there. That ground's damp. You can tell by the greenness of the grass. Being up to the knees in water when I eat my lunch is not my idea of a good picnic.
(The car moves on)
TIMOTHY: But I want my dinner. I'm hungry.
GRANDPA: You'll have to wait, my boy. Anything damp and my rheumatism comes back.
GRANDMA: You and your rheumatism! It's nearly half-past one. One o'clock's the proper time for lunch; and then a nice cup o'tea after it.
MRS. WIGGINS: Now, just sit back and enjoy yourself, Grandma. Look at the nice scenery.
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