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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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б) Напишите утвердительные, вопросительные и отрицательные формы глагола to drive в будущем совершенном времени.
в) Напишите утвердительные, вопросительные и отрицательные формы глагола to teach в прошедшем совершенном времени.
3. Перепишите следующий отрывок, заменяя, где это возможно, род существительных и местоимений на мужской, и употребите глаголы в прошедшем времени:
A small girl lives with her mother and her aunt. Every day she goes along the road to play with the daughter of the doctor. The two girls play many games. Sometimes they are great actresses, sometimes famous heroines or great ladies. At other times they cross the fields to the farm and watch the ducks and hens and cows eating their food.
4. Ответьте на вопросы:
How many: 1. ounces in a pound? 2. hundredweights in a ton?
3. inches in a foot? 4. feet in a yard? 5. yards in a mile? 6. pints in a quart? 7. What is usually bought by the ton? 8. What is the weight in stones and pounds of someone who weighs 148 lbs.?
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5. Вставьте в пропуски слова:
enjoyed, black, fit, whole, caught, cat, mind, lots, a, home, once, all, company, doubt, fail
_ upon a time there was____dog called Jock. He was____in colour,
and there is no__that he was a handsome dog. He kept______by taking
____of exercise, and sometimes he was out for the_day trying to catch
a rabbit. He never___one, but he didn't___, because there was always
a good meal waiting at___. Jock liked__the other animals who lived
near, but every day without___he visited his best friend, Sally, Mr.
Priestley's_. He was very glad of Sally's____, and Sally_his visits
6. Допишите следующие предложения, образуя разделительные вопросы:
1. You won't drop it,______? 2. There are no bulls here,______?
3. It's time for dinner,___? 4. You can do this,____? 5. The flies
didn't bite,_____? 6. Hob has done his work,________? 7. Jock didn't
visit Sally,_____? 8. Grandpa was a grocer,_______? 9. We are working
hard,_______? 10. This is nearly the end,____?
7. Напишите следующие предложения а) в настоящем времени:
1. Jan often looked at Frieda. 2. Mr. Wiggins bought a new car.
3. He wrote a letter, but forgot to put the stamp on. 4. The grocer weighed the butter, and 1 watched him. 5. The teacher came in and saw that the boys were working hard, б) в будущем времени:
6. He went to London in April. 7. Mr. Wiggins carries the picnic basket. 8. Lucille drove the car. 9. The cat tried to catch a mouse.
10. The mouse ran away.
8. Придумайте предложения со следующими словами и словосочетаниями:
proud; pardon; recognize; bunch; market; abroad; all the time; looking forward; nothing in between; fault; landlady; beside; job; strict; much better; all over the place; scenery; for a change; pain; patient (noun)
9. Скажите, к какой части речи принадлежат выделенные курсивом слова:
1. We went for a ride. 2.1 can ride a horse. 3.1 talk too much. 4. Hob gave an interesting talk. 5.1 had many presents for my birthday. 6. Hob likes to wear a paper hat. 7.1 am writing on paper. 8. These are good paint brushes. 9. He painted very well. 10. Jock will jump through the window. 11. This is a through train to Brighton.
10. Образуйте отрицательные предложения в упражнении 9.
11. Посмотрите на картинки и ответьте на вопросы:
1. What people do you see in picture 1?
2. What relation do you think the man is
3. Who has got a black eye? How do you think he got it?
4. What do you think he is saying to his father?
5. Why is he pointing with his finger?
6. Do you think it was a small boy or a big boy who had given him the black eye? (Picture 3 may help you to give the answer.)
7. In picture 2, the father looks angry.
Where do you think he is going? What for?
8. He's come back now. What is he doing?
9. Who has a black eye now?
10. What do you think has happened?
А теперь перескажите или напишите рассказ "A Black Eye or Two".
1 black eye - синяк
to the boy?
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Hob Gives His First Impressions of England
[ The students whom we have met in Books land II, Lucille, Frieda, Olaf, Jan, Pedro and Hob, are back again with Mr. Priestley, their teacher, in his study.]
HOB: Do you remember, sir, that at our last lesson before the holidays, you promised to let me tell the story of my first day in England? MR. PRIESTLEY: I remember it very well; and so now, at our very first lesson, we are all waiting to hear what you have to tell us. HOB: Thank you, sir. Well, my first impressions of England are connected with food-
LUCILLE: You don't need to tell us that!
HOB:... and, strange to say, they are of how an English breakfast beat me.
FRIEDA: You don't really expect us to believe that, do you, Hob? HOB: Well, it's quite true. Of course, it was some time ago and, though I say it myself, I'm a better man now than I was then, but, honestly, I was beaten. But let me begin at the beginning.
* * *
When I left the train at Victoria Station my first impression was of rain and fog and people with umbrellas. A taxi-cab, which might have been used by Lot and his family as they left Sodom and Gomorrah, took me and my luggage and struggled bravely through the traffic. And what traffic and what crowds! I had never believed my geography teacher when he told us there were more people in London than in the whole of my country. I thought he had just said it to make his lesson more interesting, but 1 believed him now
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