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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Последнее время [см. В последнее время, До последнего времени].

Последнее нововведение

This is the most recent (or the latest) innovation.

Последние достижения

Recent (or The latest) advances in optical bistability ...

Последний [см. тж. За последние годы]

Those portions of the casting that are last to solidify ... In the last-mentioned group these are found in ...

The two diesel engines last mentioned (or named) have also seen service elsewhere.

This isotope is called deuterium and its ions are called deuterons; these latter, when moving with

high energy,...

According to recent (or the latest) experiments ...

Последний из двух

These coefficients can be found either as ...

or as ...; the latter approach is adopted in Section 35-14.

Последний из нескольких

In the last-named disease there is paroxysmal labirinthine...

Последний по порядку, но не по значению

Last but not least, man's internal electrostatic processes rival in ingenuity any that man has been able to devise.

Последний удар по

That was the last (or final) blow to the phlogiston theory.

Последовательно I [см. тж. Нумероваться по порядку]

The glassware was then rinsed successively (or sequentially) with distilled, deion-ized water. Последовательно II


The carbon atoms of the basic chain are numbered sequentially. Firing sequentially, this laser arrangement could achieve unparalleled repetition rates. The system requires the red, blue and green components to be printed in succession. Operations are performed on two components in tandem.

The machine performs all operations on the stationary workpiece simultaneously rather than


Последовательно II

For large objects several spray guns can be used in tandem.

Used in tandem with a sock-type filter, the charcoal performs two functions.

Последовательно включённый [см. Включённый последовательно].

Последовательно соединённый [см.. Соединён(ный) последовательно].

Последовательно установленный [см. Установленный последовательно].

Последовательное сопротивление

A capacitor with a low resistance in series ...

Последовательность [см. тж. В следующем порядке]

The sequence of processes is intake, compression, addition of heal, expansion, and exhaust. The numerals indicate the consecutive order in which the lines are drawn. The order of the principal steps in the treatment of...

Последовательность операций

The operating sequence (or The sequence of operations).

Последовательные и параллельные реакции Consecutive and parallel reactions.

Последовательные приближения

The successive approximations used in interpreting X-ray data ...

Последовательный I [см. тж. В последовательном порядке, Ряд реакций] Three consecutive five-hour runs ...

A number of successive measurements are usually sufficient. The solution is made acid with successive additions of HCl. Automatic functions include sequential or simultaneous positioning of...

Последовательный II

The series resistance in the winding ...

Последовать за этим

A furious controversy ensued.

Последствия [см. тж. В результате, Вызывать опасные последствия, Далеко идущие последствия]

The ecological impact (or consequences) of pollutants ...

Such a rise of sea water could have serious repercussions for coastal areas.

Последствия, отрицательно влияющие на окружающую среду

Extraction of mineral resources from the earth has many serious environmental impacts: deep scarring of the land,...

Последующий [см. тж. В последующие годы, В последующих главах, И последующий, С последующим]

These problems are discussed in later sec-lions. Послойный


Subsidence of the basin continued through the ensuing Devonian, Mississipian, and Pennsylvanian periods (geol).

In succeeding years several other designs appeared.

The ensuing (or subsequent, or succeeding, or following) chapters discuss ...

Some of these rules will be used in the discussion that follows.

This will be investigated in the following sections.

In subsequent experiments ...

All the ensuing development...

Such films must be removed by subsequent cleaning operations.

Forecasts normally cover a period of 24 to 30 hours with an outlook for the succeeding 24 hours.


Layer-by-layer adsorption...

Посмотреть на [см. Заглядывать в].

Посмотрите внимательно на

Take a good (or detailed) look at the parts shown here.

Посредине [см. В центре, Внизу посредине].

Посредине между

The point halfway between the ambilicus and the anterior prominence of the right hip bone ... The line drawn midway between the upper and lower surfaces ...


This includes the formation of estrogen through a series of oxidation and reduction reactions.

Neutralization of the acid through the addition of (or by adding)...

These data can be obtained through long-term observation.

The spring acts on the valve spindle via (or through the medium of) the yoke.
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