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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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As things now stand, the two kinds of transistor complement one another.

As for now, a satisfactory explanation is as elusive as before.

На две половинки [см. тж. Пополам]

The cell divides into approximately equal halves.

На... действует

A comet tail is acted upon by a repulsive force.

The glucose-1-phosphate is acted on by the phosphorylase present in the droplets.

На... действует сила

The particle experiences a force acting in the z direction.

На ... длиннее, чем

This bond is 1.8 times as long as the intramolecular О-H covalent bond.

На длину [см. тж. На расстояние]

The valve should be filed, but only for the length of the valve travel. The bolls are threaded for a length of 150mm. На дне [см. Осаждаться на дне].


На дне [см. Осаждаться на дне]. На дно

Some of the ore spills to the bottom of the shaft.

We place a liquid A at the bottom of a tube containing a gas B. На... долготе [см. На широте]. На дому [см. Лечение в домашних условиях].

На достаточном расстоянии друг от друга

The two images will have to be far enough apart so that...

На его место

The hot body is removed from the cylinder head, and an insulating cover is put in its place.

На единицу

e is the internal energy per unit mass. ... per unit of enclosed area ...

На единицу времени

The number of deaths per unit time ...

На единицу длины

Per unit length.

На единицу объёма

This provides a large contact area per unit volume.

На единицу продукта (реакции)

A lower cost per unit (quantity of) product formed.

На единицу смещения

The force constant is equal to the restoring force operating for a unit displacement from the equilibrium position.

На завершающем этапе

In the closing stages of World War II ...

На заднем плане

The feed conveyor belt is in the background.

На заказ [см. По заказу]. На западе [см. На востоке, западе]. На заре

Even at the dawn of the age of electricity power engineers saw ...

На земле

Almost all terrestrial hydrogen occurs in combination.

На значительном расстоянии от

Studies of the stock at a distance well removed (or away) from (or at a considerable distance from) the diaphragm have been conducted.

На... или около него

On or near the surface ... На индивидуальной основе


На индивидуальной основе

Because customers may request thousands of modifications to basic valves, the modifications are made on a custom basis according to the particular specifications desired.

На интервале (мат.)

On the initial interval ...

На испытаниях

On trials the tug achieved a speed of 12 knots.

На каждом из нас лежит доля ответственности за All of us share in the responsibility for

these choices.

На каждый

There are three hydrogens for every carbon in the sample. For every ^'-centre created, two ^-centres are destroyed.

На каждый... приходится

For each silicon there are three oxygens.

На катоде

The hydrogen is produced at the cathode. На конус [см. Сводить на конус. Сходить на конус].

На концах обмотки

The voltage developed across the winding is approximately in phase with the mains.

На конце

A bolt is a rod with a head at one end and a screw thread on the other.

На корабле [см. На борту судна].

На коротком расстоянии

At short range, over distances of a few atomic spacings,...

На корпус [см. Заземлённый на корпус].

На котором нож оставляет царапину

Calcite is a soft mineral scratched with the point of a knife.

На котором устанавливается

A device has a turret that mounts six pins.

На который

The lime fur which the electrons remain free ...

На который навит

An induction coil may simply consist of an iron bar wrapped with two insulated windings.

На который приходится (или падает)

The chief clove-producing countries are Zanzibar with 90 percent of the total output, Indonesia,...

На который способен только [см. Который характерен только для].

На кривой

There is one peak in the frequency curve. На лакмус [см. Реакция на лакмус].


На лакмус [см. Реакция на лакмус]. На линии

In this case the centre of buoyancy and the centre of gravity are in the same vertical line.

На маховике

The traxcavator delivers 100 hp at the flywheel.

На машине

Only one spindle at a time is operated on this machine.

На... меньше

The average power of the N2-laser-pumped dye laser is approx 102 less. This element has one less neutron.

На... меньше, чем

Carbon has one electron less than nitrogen.

На месте [см. тж. Проверка на месте, Удерживать на месте]

The principal dimensions of the arch may be dictated by the conditions at the site.

These units will be assembled at site.

The magnetic field was scanned with plugs in position.

This is a method for in situ insulation.

The units may be fitted to an existing valve in situ.

We found a locally available supply of aggregate.

On-the-site casting of concrete.
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