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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Temperature changes were measured within 0.01 °C of their true value. The characteristic equation gives genuine eigenvalues. Such systems are true dipoles.


The opinions presented in this paper are the personal views of the author and should not be construed to represent the official policies of the government.

Истолковывать в том смысле, что

This work has been interpreted as demonstrating that ... Истолковывать как


We interpreted this experiment to mean (or as meaning) that the enzyme that synthesizes DNA from the viral RNA template is already in existence before the infection.

Истолковывать как

The apparent different behaviour revealed in ... was interpreted merely as a difference in degree of dissociation.

Исторический [см. В историческом плане].

Исторический интерес [см. Представлять исторический интерес].

История изобилует примерами

The history of technology provides many examples of (or abounds in) (cases where)...


The combustion of coal is thought to be the major contributor of sulphuric acid. Источник неполадок [см. Главный источник неполадок]. Истощать

We cannot continue to deplete (or exhaust) our natural resources at the rate we have done without suffering ...

Истощать запас

Each species would multiply until it outran its food supply. These stars have exhausted (or drained) their supply of...


The supply of coal in the bin is getting low (or dwindling, or running short, or nearly exhausted, or coming to an end).

When an oil field runs dry,...

The star may explode when most of the helium in the core is used up.


The dwindling (or depleting) oil reserves...


Depletion of hemoglobin at the blood cell walls ...

This type of blood loss anemia will cause depletion (or exhaustion) of iron reserves of the blood necessary for hemoglobin synthesis.

Истощение природных ресурсов

The depletion (or exhaustion, or dwindling) of natural resources ...


The oil field is badly depleted.

Исходить из I [см. тж. Если исходить из предположения о]

A paraboloid's light rays originate at the focus.

The light originates (or emanates) from a tungsten lamp.

The commands emanate from the locust's central flight motor.

This noise emanates (or radiates, or issues) from many sources.

All vectors emanate from a single point.

The lines emerge (or issue) from a point.

Исходить из II

We usually proceed (or start) from simple functions associated with ... Исходить из предположения


Исходить из предположения

We assume a diffuse source of illumination. We operate on the premise (or assumption) that ... We proceed from the assumption that...

All previous analyses started from (or were based on) assumptions of fixed reactor temperature. Исходное положение [см. тж. Возвращаться в первоначальное положение/ The starting position.

Исходный материал [см. тж. Сырьё]

Titanium is an ideal source (or initial, or starting) material for many processes.

Исходя из [см. тж. Если исходить из. На основании] From theoretical principles they showed that... Based on this linear speed, the speed ratio of two pulleys is ... Based upon an examination of the chart, it is believed that ... On the basis that the radio signals ... he has calculated the distance ... Reasoning from this knowledge of ... mMendeleyev stated ... Using (or Starting from) the calculated data as the base,... On the basis of indirect evidence,...

Исходя из вышеприведённых соображений

From the above (line of) reasoning it is clear that ...

Исходя из имеющихся данных

On the basis of present knowledge, the

correlation given above appears valid.

Исходя из ... , он высказал предположение, что Comparison of ... led him to propose that

continental drift had taken place.

Исходя из ошибочного предположения, что

This value is much used on the mistaken assumption that...

Исходя из предположения, что [см. тж. В предположении, что; При предположении]

We simplify this notation to ... with the understanding that the hydrogens are bound to... We start with isolated atoms in the belief that the electron wave ...

Forced circulation evaporators were studied, based on the belief that such evaporation would result in ...

The emitted resistance can be calculated on the assumption (or assuming) Ne = Nl. On this assumption most experiments were made with specimens of window glass. With this assumption we use the transformation of ...

Исходя из теоретических соображений

The strength of the magnetic field inside a star cannot be measured directly, but on theoretical grounds one would expect...

Исходя из того, что

The order of magnitude of molecular dipole moments can be deduced by recognizing that these moments result from charges like that of an electron.

Исходя из этого

On this basis the tissue can be expected to manifest ...

Исходя из этого принципа
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