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Отрывные течения. Том 2 - Чжен П.

Чжен П. Отрывные течения. Том 2 — М.: Мир, 1973. — 280 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): otrivnietecheniyatom21973.pdf
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Turbulent Wakes by an Exact Numerical Method, Paper presented at the
Sixth BOWACA, Symposium on Aeroballistics, Oct.-Nov., 1963.
122. ДородницынА. A., Об одном методе численного решения некоторых
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съезда, т. 3, М., 1958.
123- Чёрный Г. Г., Метод интегральных соотношений для расчета течений
газа с сильными ударными волнами, ПММ, 25, № 1 (1961).
124. Pallone A., Hypersonic Wakes and Transition Studies, AIAA Paper
presented at AIAA Summer Meeting, June 1963.
125. Steiger М., Improved Rate Chemistry Program for One-dimensional
Inviscid Air Flow with Prescribed Pressure Variation, General Applied
Science Laboratories Inc. Tech. Rept, 246, Aug. 1961.
126. Lees L., Convective Heat Transfer with Mass Addition and Chemical
Reactions, Third AGARD Colloquium on Combustion and Propulsion, Pergamon
Press, p. 451-498, March 1958.
127. Webb ff. H., Hromas L. A., Turbulent Diffusion of a Reacting Gas in
a Wake of a Sharp-nosed Body at Hypersonic Speeds, BSD-TDR 63-138, Space
Technology Laboratories Inc., April 1963.
128. С h u a n R. L., Y a n g H. Т., Hypersonic Low Density Wakes, Paper
presented at Sixth US Navy Symposium in Aeroballistics, Washington, DC,
Oct.-Nov. 1963.
A d a г к a r D. B., Kays W. М., Heat Transfer in Wakes,
Stanford Univ.,
Dept, of Mech Engng, Tech. Rept, № 55, April 1963.
Albernathy F. J., Krona uer R. E., The Formation of Vortex Streets, J.
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В a i 1 e у A. B., Effect of Unit Reynolds Number on Transition in the
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Batchelor G. K., A Proposal Concerning Laminar Wakes behind Bluff Bodies
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Baum E., Re-entry Observables in the Near Wake of a Slender Ablating
Teflon Body, Electro-Optical Systems, Inc., Research Notes, RN-22, Jan.
Baum E., Denison M. R., Interacting Supersonic Laminar Wake Calculations
by a Finite Difference Method, AIAA 4th Meeting, Los Angeles, Calif.,
Paper № 66-454, June 1966.
Bearman P. W., On Vortex Street Wakes, National Physical Lab.,
Aerodynamics Div., NPL AERO Rept 1199, ARC 28 143, FM 3722, April, 1966.
Behrens W., Flow Field and Stability of the Far Wake Behind Cylinders,
AIAA 5th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Paper № 67-32, N. Y., Jan. 1967.
Berger E., Die Bestimmung der hydrodynamischen Grossen einer Karman-schen
Wirbelstrasse aus Ilitzdrahtmessungen bei kleinen Reynoldsschen Zahlen,
Z. Flugwiss., 12, № 2 (1964).
Berger E., Unterdrueckung des Karmanschen Wirbelstrasse im Nachlauf von
Kreiszylindern durch gesteuerte Querschwingungen des erzeugenden
Zylinders im Uebergangsbereich oberalb Re 160, DVL Institut fuer Tur-
bulenzforschung, 1965.
Bloom М. H., Hypersonic Axisymmctric Laminar Wakes, Including Rate
Chemistry and Streamwise Pressure Gradients, Radio Corporation of
America, DAMP Technical Monograph, № 62-34, Dec. 1962.
Bloom М. H., On Viscous Wakes of Yawed Infinite Cylinders and Analogous
Jets., Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, PIBAL Rept As 730, Nov. 1961.
Bloom М. H., Pallo ne A., Shroud Tests of Pressure and Heat Transfer Over
Short Afterbodies With Separated Wakes, J. Aerospace Sci. (Oct. 1959),
В 1 о о г М. S., The Transition to Turbulence in the Wake of a Circular
Cylinder, J Fluid Mech., 19, 290 (1964).
Bowman J. E., Pitot Pressure Measurements in the Wakes of Unsupported
Models in a Hypersonic Gun Tunnel, Royal Armament Research and
Development Est., RARDE Memo, 54/65, Dec. 1965.
Brcslin J. P., Odenbrett C. L., Blade Frequency Harmonic Content
of the Potential Wake of Single Screw Ships, Davidson Laboratory, Rept
956, April 1963.
Brighton I. A.,A Study of Wakes of Hypersonic Vehicles, Final Report to
the National Science Foundation, Covering Period Sept. 1, 1964 - Aug.
1965, Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh, Pa., Aug. 1965.
Brown A. C., Kramer R. L., Smith С. E., Hypersonic Cylinder Wake Studies
at Mach 20, Tech. Rept Gas Dynamics RR-9-63-14, Sept. 1963, Lockheed
Missiles & Space Co., Sunnyvale, Calif.
Bryson A. E., Symmetric Vortex Separation on Circuit Cylinders and Cones,
J. Appl. Mech., 643-648, Dec. 1959.
Carlson W. 0., Heat Transfer in Laminar Separated and Wake Flow Regions,
1959, Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics Institute, preprints of paper
presented at University of California, Los Angeles, Calif., p. 140- 155,
June 1959.
Carlson W- О , A Solution for Heat Transfer in Laminar Separated and Wake
Flow Regions R59SD356, 1959, Aerophysics Operation RM 29, General
Electric Co.
Cheng S. I., Flow Around an Isolated Stagnation Point in the Near Wake
(Task 3.1-Flow field Analysis - REST Project), Air Force Ballistic
Systems Division, Norton Air Force Base Calif., RAD-TM-63-23, July 1963.
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