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Выбери правильное слово - Костенко Г.Т.

Костенко Г.Т., Павлович Р.П. Выбери правильное слово — М.: Просвещение, 1968. — 167 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): viberipravilnoeslovo1968.djvu
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4. ... him that he must bring that book today.

5. Our teacher ... we must read many English books.

6. ... me how to write this word.

7. The old man often ... us about the October Revolution.

23 II. а) Прочитайте предложения в левой колонке. Скажите, кто их обычно произносит (используйте слова из правой колонки).

The teacher says, "Good morning!" And who says this:

Wash your hands before dinner! How are you feeling today? Here is a letter for you! You may cross the street now. Tickets, please.

the conductor 1 the doctor the militiaman2 the postman3 mother

б) А теперь скажите, с какими распоряжениями обращается к вам учитель.


The teacher tells us to open the books.

to raise our hands, to answer the question, to come up to her table, to go to our desks, to spell a word, to clean the blackboard, to bring her our day-books.

в) Ответьте на вопрос, используя предложения из левой и правой колонок. What does your mother usually tell you to do:

in the morning?

when you come home from school? in the evening? before you go to bed?

to do your homework to go for a walk to wash your hands to help her

ill. Переведите на английский язык, используя глаголы to say, to tell:

1. Катя говорит, что она любит кататься на коньках.

2. Расскажите нам о вашем городе.

3. Петя рассказал нам о своих рыбках.

4. Скажите мне, где вы живете?

5. Учитель говорит, что мы хорошо поработали в саду.

likes to skate about your town about his fish where do you live worked hard in the garden

IV. Выучите диалог наизусть:

1. — Ann always tells us something interesting.

— What does she tell you?

— She tells us about her summer holidays, about the books which she read, about films.

1 conductor [kon'dAkte] — кондуктор

2 militiaman Jmi7IiJgman] — милиционер

3 postman ['poustimn] — почтальон

24 2. — What does Kate say?

— Kate says that we must go to the pioneer room.

3. — Alec, I must tell you something.

— What is it, Nick?

— Come to me, I can show you an interesting thing. V. Посмотрите на картинки и ответьте на вопросы:

1. What does the boy tell his friends?

2. What does the woman say?

3. What does Nelly tell her mother?

VI. Выучите стихотворение:


to see the big fish not to play football in the street about her first day at school

"It's four o'clock," Said the cock.

"It's still dark," Said the lark.1

"What's that?" Said the cat.

"I want to sleep," Said the sheep.

"A bad habit," Said the rabbit.

"Of course," Said the horse.


Tommy came home from his first day at school and said: "The teacher spoke to me."

"Well," said the father, "what did she say?" "She told me to sit still," answered Tommy.

1 lark [lcr.k] — жаворонок

25 TEACHER: Who can tell me what a zebra is?

PETE: I can.

TEACHER: Well, what is it?

PETE: A zebra is a pony 1 with a sailor shirt2 on.


Kate or talk? KATE:





does not know what is the English for говорить — speak She asks Valya to help her. Valya, can you tell me how to use the words speak and talk? I know they mean говорить but I do not know when I must use talk and when speak. Oh, it is very easy. Listen to my story.

We have our English lessons three times a week, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. We all like our lessons very much. We read, write and speak English in class. We never talk at the lessons. When the teacher speaks we sit still and listen. We talk during 3 the intervals.4

Oh, I see. When your friends are together, you like to talk about many things. You talk about books and games, and about films.

Yes, we tell one another 5 many interesting things but we don't talk in the classroom. We don't talk when our teacher speaks to the class.

When somebody speaks, others listen to him. Is that so?

Yes, yesterday I spoke to the whole class. We had a meeting.6 ttWe must speak only English when we are at school," I often say to my friends.

1 pony ['pouni] — пони

2 sailor shirt [7SeibrJait] — тельняшка

3 during ['djuorig] — во время

4 interval pintavol] — перерыв, перемена

5 one another — друг другу

6 meeting ['mi:tig] — собрание

26 KATE: We do not use the word talk when one speaks to many-people at a meeting or on other official occasions.1 VALYA: That's right.

KATE: Thank you. It is really very easy.


to speak (spoke) говорить, выступать с речью, выступать на собрании ¦ to talk говорить, разговаривать, беседовать


I. Что рассказала Валя о своих уроках английского языка? Составьте не менее пяти вопросов по тексту, ваши товарищи ответят на них.

Образец: 1. What do Valya and her friends do at their

English lessons?

2. Do the pupils speak English in class?

3. Do they talk at the lesson?

4. When do the pupils talk to one another?

5. What do they talk about during the intervals?

II. Какой глагол to speak или to talk нужно употребить, давая описание к этим картинкам?
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