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Выбери правильное слово - Костенко Г.Т.

Костенко Г.Т., Павлович Р.П. Выбери правильное слово — М.: Просвещение, 1968. — 167 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): viberipravilnoeslovo1968.djvu
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They go home, take their father's coat and hat. And this is what they do.

They get the tickets.

But because they are small, they don't see the film. II. Вставьте вместо точек слово little или small в следующих предложениях:

1. The ... girl cannot reach the head of the snowman. She is very ....

2. This is a .. . dog. It is only two months old.

3. The girl cannot clean the blackboard, because she is very ....

4. The man with a stick is very ....

1 cashier [ka^Jia] — кассир 8 Here are little children. They are four or five years old. But which is the smallest? The boy with a little bear is. He is very small for his age.1


Which is the smallest? Кто самый маленький?

to be small for one's age быть малого роста для своего возраста

ИІ. Посмотрите на рисунки и ответьте на вопросы:

This is Father-mushroom with his little children. Which is the smallest?

Look at the birds and say which is the smallest. Here is the cat-teacher with her little pupils. Which is the smallest?

IV. Если вы живете в небольшом городе, в небольшом доме, вы скажете:

I live in a small town. I live in a small house.

Если там есть небольшая река, вы скажете: There is a small river there.

1 small for one's age — мал для своего возраста А если там есть небольшое озеро, парк, лес, сад, как вы скажете?

There is a small lake there.

............park there.

............forest there.

............garden there.

V. Если вы видите красивую игрушку, домик, медвежонка, вы говорите:

What a nice little toy! What a nice little house! What a nice little bear!

Представьте себе, что вы увидели красивую кошечку, птичку, коробочку* деревце, цветок, яблочко, что вы скажете?

What a nice little cat!

bird! box! tree! flower! apple!

VI. Составьте небольшой рассказ о себе или своем друге, используя образец:

Nick (I, my friend) lives in a small town (village). He (I, my friend) often plays with his friends in the small garden (field,, park) near his house. He has a little sister (brother). Her (his) name is Ann (Pete, Alec). Little Ann has many toys. She has a little bear, a little ball, and a little lorry. She likes to play with them.

VII. Дайте ответы на следующие вопросы:

1. Do you have a little sister (brother)?

2. How old is she?

3. Why doesn't she (he) go to school?

4. Is she (he) the smallest in your family?

5. Is she (he) smaller than other girls (boys) she (he) plays with?

6. Is she (he) very small for her (his) age?

7. Does she (he) like to play with other little children?

VIII. Переведите вопросы на английский язык:

1. У тебя есть котенок? Он очень маленький?

2. Он меньше, чем мой белый котенок?

10 3. У твоего братишки (сестрички) есть столик и стульчик? Где он любит сидеть, за большим столом или за своим маленьким?

4. Ты живешь в большом или маленьком городе?

IX. Посмотрите на рисунки и расскажите на английском языке, что наои-совала Таня.

Используйте в описании: to walk to the park; the smallest boy; what a nice little ... ; to have a doll on the arm; a little lorry, a car; a small house; to play with a ball; to sit on a horse.

Начните так:

I can see little children .... Что нарисовал Коля?

Используйте в описании: big head, big ears, small eyes, long arms, a little flower in his hand.

Начните так:

Nick drew1 a little man with ....

X. Выучите стихотворение:


I'm not small, I'm so tall, I can carry a tree on my back, When it grows,2 I grow too, That's not very hard to do. I'm not small, I'm so tall, I can carry3 a tree on my back. I'm not small, I'm so tall, I can carry a rabbit4 on my back.

1 (he) drew [dru:] — нарисовал (to draw [dro:] рисовать)

2 to grow — расти

3 to carry — нести

4 rabbit — кролик

11 When it hops,1 I hop too, That's not very hard to do. I'm not small, I'm so tall, I can carry a rabbit on my back.

H U M O U R2

— Why, boy, how is it you are so small for your age?

— I am so busy. I have no time to grow.

— And now, my little man, suppose 3 we have two pieces of cake on the plate — a large piece and a small one. Which one will you give your brother?

— Do you mean my big brother or my little one?


These boys are brothers. You know that Mike is a little boy. He is only 3 years old. His brother Nick is 13 years old. He is older than Mike. How much older is he? He is 10 years older than Mike. But Steve is older than Nick. Nick says about his brother:

"My brother Steve is 18. He is 5 years older than I am. He's my elder brother. He wants to be an engineer. He is a student now."

Mike has two cousins4, Alec and Pete. Alec is the elder of them. Mike says:

ttAlec is one year older than I am. But in a year5 I shall catch up with him6 and then we shall be of the same age." 7

Will Mike be of the same age as Alec in a year?

No! Because Alec will be one year older too.

1 to hop — прыгать

2 humour Hijuirra] — юмор

3 to suppose [sa'pouz] — предполагать
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