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Практический курс английского языка - Камянова Т.

Камянова Т. Практический курс английского языка — М.: Дом Славянской Книги, 2005. — 384 c.
ISBN 5-85550-177-9
Скачать (прямая ссылка): praktichkurseng2005.djvu
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14.4 Ответьте на данные вопросы:
1. Will you be staying at home when we go to the country? ....................................................
2. Will you be translating articles before we meet?................................................,....................
3. Will you be having dinner when we phone you?.....................................................................
4. Will you be sleeping when we return home? ................................^........................................
5. Will you be using my computer when I am not at home?........................................................
6. Will you be crying if your friend hurts you?............................................................................
7. Will you be laughing if you see your uncle in women's clothes?.............................................
8. Will you be smoking if your doctor says that you shouldn't...................................................7
9. Will you be thinking over our agreement if you have time?....................................................
10. WiH you be learning English if I help you?............................................................................
14.5 Переведите следующие сложноподчиненные предложения. Обратите внимание на употребление Future Continuous в главном предложении и Present Simple'в придаточных предложениях времени и причины:
1. Если ты позвонишь мне завтра в 3 часа, я буду ждать тебя до четырех на работе. 2. Когда мои коллеги приедут, я буду работать на свежем воздухе. 3. Если погода завтра будет хорошая, я буду одета в новый белый костюм. 4. Если мы купим завтра рано утром все необходимые вещи, то с 12 до 2 мы будем плавать в бассейне. 5. Если приедут наши друзья, мы будем весь день завтра гулять в лесу. 6. Если ты попросишь меня, я буду все время пытаться тебе помочь. 7. Прежде чем я соглашусь на ваши условия, я завтра весь день буду их обдумывать. 8. Если эта книга появится в сентябре, мы будем ею пользоваться весь год. 9. Если мой брат простудится, он будет всю неделю сидеть дома. 10. Если я разобью эту чашку, моя сестра будет весь день кричать на меня.
14. 6 Передайте следующие высказывания в косвенной речи: My friend said (asked),
I. «I'll be waiting for you at 6 o'clock at the cinema.» 2. «ГІІ be working all the day tomorrow.* 3. «VII be using my father's old car all the time.* 4. «I * 11 be wearing these trousers all the time at the Office.» 5. «Ut will be raining all the day tomorrow.* 6. «I won't be staying at the office at 5 o'clock tomorrow.* 7. Where will you be staying all the day tomorrow?» 8. «What will you be doing alone in the country all the time?* 9. «Whcf will be answering telephone calls from 2 till 3 tomorrow?» 10. What will be happening in this square from 10 till 12 tomorrow?»
II. Will you be watching TV all the day on Sunday?* 12. «Will you be playing computer games aH the evening tomorrow?» 13. «Will you be having dinner at 6 o'clock?» 14. «Will you be speaking ail the time on the phone to your friends?» 15. «Will you be sleeping till 12 o'clock in the afternoon tomorrow?»
14.7 Поставьте следующие глаголы в форму Future Perfect:
to finish, to start, to write, to read, to translate, to buy, to sell, to pay, to move, to appear, to leave, to return, to part, to look through, to answer, to agree.
14.8 Поставьте все виды вопросов к данным предложениям:
1. We'll have finished this work by the end of the month. 2. They will have read these books by the week-end. 3. i'll have translated this article by the evening. 4. They will have returned from England by June. 5. He will have woken up by 12 o'clock. 6. We!H have prolonged our contract by the end of the year. 7. They will have bought a new car by the end of the month. 8. This book will have appeared by September. 9. They will have moved in a new house by that time. 10. We'll have answered all the questions by the end of the lesson.
14. 9 Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. Will you have finished your homework by 7 o'clock in the evening?..............
2. Will you have gone to bed by 11 o'clock in the evening? .............................
\ 3. Will you have learnt English by July? ...........................................................
4. Wilt you have got up by 8.30 tomorrow? ......................................................
5. Will you have had lunch by 2 o'clock? .............¦............................................
6. Will you have found a new job by the end of the year?.................................
7. Will you have invited anybody else to your birthday party by the week-end?
8. Will you have forgotten new words by the next lesson?................................
9. Will you have left Moscow by the 1 of January? ...........................................
10. Will you have bought a new suit by the end of the month?........................
11. Will your friends have married by summer? ...............................................
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