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Практический курс английского языка - Камянова Т.

Камянова Т. Практический курс английского языка — М.: Дом Славянской Книги, 2005. — 384 c.
ISBN 5-85550-177-9
Скачать (прямая ссылка): praktichkurseng2005.djvu
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10. 29 Переведите данные прилагательные и подберите к ним подходящие по значению существительные:
clean, great, weak, strong, difficult, foreign
a room, a day, an office, a question, a person, a man, a specialist, a philosopher, a language, a boy, a journal, a magazine, a newspaper, work,, tea, coffee, the sky, a screen, clothes, a T-shirt, trousers.
10. 30 Продолжите предложения с наречием besides:
e.g. My brother fell down and broke his leg. Besides,................ - Besides, he hurt his hand.
I. We left our documents at home yesterday. Besides....................... 2. My sister lost her new pen last Friday.
Besides................... 3. Yesterday my mother cooked meat for dinner. Besides...................... 4. My father
didn't sleep well last night. Besides..................... 5. This man is a good specialist. Besides,...............>......
6. My sister bought black trousers yesterday. Besides....................... 7. There are some foreign journals on
the table. Besides......................8. My sister can play the piano. Besides,......................9. Last week I invited
colleagues to my birthday party. Besides...................... 10. My aunt doesn't eat meat. Besides......................
II. We were talking about life. Besides....................... 12. і am very tired today. Besides.......................
13. My neighbour has a new mobile telephone. Besides....................... 14. Tomorrow I will have to visit my old
uncle. Besides.......................
10. 31 Дополните следующие предложения с выражением on the contrary:
e.g. We didn't spend much time in the country yesterday. On the contrary,............................
- On the contrary, we left very soon.
1. We didn't stay at home last week-end. On the contrary, ........................ 2. Our chief doesn't smoke much.
On the contrary,........................ 3. I don't have' a headache today. On the contrary,........................ 4. My
brother doesn't help me. On the contrary......................... 5.1 didn't have to get up early yesterday. On the
contrary......................... 6. We didn't return home late yesterday. On the contrary,.........„............. 7. My
colleagues were not waiting for me yesterday. On the contrary......................... 8. We weren't free yesterday.
On the contrary,........................ 9. We weren't talking during the lesson. On the contrary.........................
10.1 won't forget the words of this great philosopher. On the contrary.........................
10. 32 Дайте реплики к данным предложениям", используя выражение it doesn't matter:
e.g. Unfortunately, I don't have a dictionary. - ..................................................................
Unfortunately, I don't have a dictionary. - ft doesn't matter. You can use my dictionary.
1. Unfortunately, I don't have a driving licence. -............................. 2. Unfortunately, I can't help you. -
............................. 3. Unfortunately, I don't speak German. -............................. 4. Unfortunately, I don't play
football. -............................. 5. Unfortunately, we won't be able to send you a fax today. -.............................
6. Unfortunately, I won"t be able to meet you after work today. -.............................7. Unfortunately, we'll return
home very late tonight. -............................. 8. Unfortunately, we didn't receive your letter yesterday.,-
............................. 9. Unfortunately, I don't look good today. -............................. 10. Unfortunately, I didn't
look through your documents yesterday. -.............................
10. 33 Дайте реплики к данным предложениям, используя выражение it won't do и модальный глагол should:
e.g. / can't tell you the truth. - Г,..................................................................
I can't tell you the truth. - It won't do. You should tell me the truth.
1.1 made a lot of mistakes in my homework yesterday. -.............................. 2.1 don't know the answer to this
question. -............................. 3. I don't get up early. -.............................. 4. I don't sleep well. -
.............................. 5. Our colleague doesn't believe us. -.............................. 6. Sometimes I don't make my
bed. -.............................. 7. My neighbour doesn't do his room. -.............................. 8. My sister doesn't
learn foreign languages. -.............................. 9. I am afraid that I'll make a lot of mistakes in my test. -
.......................ч..... 10.1 don't translate texts from English into Russian. -..............................
10. 34 Дайте реплики в ответ на вопрос what's the matter?, используя данные глаголы:
e.g. What's the matter? - ...................(to feel)
What's the matter? - I don't feel good.
1. What's the matter? - ................(to hurt). 2. What's the matter? - ................(to need). 3. What's the
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