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Практический курс английского языка - Камянова Т.

Камянова Т. Практический курс английского языка — М.: Дом Славянской Книги, 2005. — 384 c.
ISBN 5-85550-177-9
Скачать (прямая ссылка): praktichkurseng2005.djvu
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16.1 am afraid that my brother............... this song by Beatles (not + to remember). 17. When you have a lot
of work, don't forget..........and have tea (to relax). 18.1 usually ..........when I listen to the music (to relax).
19. My brother.............. at the week-end because he was writing a long article (not + to relax)..
8.22 Поставьте общие и специальные вопросы к данным предложениям:
1. People in every country believe their President. 2. My cousin and her friend are going to marry in August. 3. My mother married my father when she was 21 years old. 4. These programmers often laugh at our secretary. 5. My colleagues are laughing at our new manager. 6, My friend remembers all'the prices in their catalogue. 7. My aunt always remembered her first love. 8. After work we relaxed, and then we left our office.
8.23 Дополните предложения:
1. My friend is right
2. My friend isn't sure
что он не верит этому человеку
что он не женится на этой девушке
что он не смеется над своими коллегами
что он помнит наш совет
что он отдыхает (расслабляется) после работы
что наш начальник ему верит
что секретарша собирается выйти замуж за нашего начальника что коллеги вчера целый день над ним смеялись что он помнит дорогу на вокзал
8.24* Заполните пропуски вспомогательными глаголами в соответствующей временной форме:
1.......you leaving soon? 2......your chief leave for London yesterday? 3.......you remember our uncle's
address? 4......you forget Ms telephone number? 5......you laughing at your new colleague the whole day
yesterday? 6......you lose your passport yesterday? 7......you find it yesterday? 8......you finishing your
work now? 9......you usually walk to your office? 10......the sun shining yesterday? 11.....you return home
late last Sunday? 12......you waiting for me now? 13......you believe your colleagues? 14......you continue
your exercises yesterday? 15......you going to the country at the week-end? 16......your watch cost much?
17...... you going to wait for us yesterday? І 8.......your friend marry last month? 19......you walk much?
20......you sure that you left your bag at the office?
8.25 Выберите пары антонимов из данных глаголов:
A. to remember, to finish, to ask, to return, to lose, to send, to stop, to open, to laugh, to take, to look
B. to find, to receive, to show, to cry, to forget, to continue, to leave, to answer.to start, to give, to close
з 65
8.26 Дайте коротше положительные или отрицательные ответы на данные вопросы, не употребляя наречия yes и по:
e.g. Do you like music? - I do (I don't) Are you going for awalk? - I am (I am not)
1. Do you study German? 2. Do you eat much? 3. Are you leaving for London soon? 4. Did you marry last month? 5. Do you believe your parents? 6. Were you busy yesterday? 7. Is your friend a student? 8. Did you lose your documents yesterday? 9. Do you often forget telephone numbers? 10. Are you answering questions now? 11. Does your friend help you? 12. Were you reading all night long yesterday? 13. Did you have lunch at the office yesterday? 14. Are you going to marry? 15. Do you remember any funny stories? 16. Was the sun shining yesterday? 17. Does a new Mercedes cost much? 18. Were you walking from 3 till 5 o'clock last Sunday? 19. Did you break your mother's cup yesterday? 20. Do you like dogs? 21. Did you receive any letters yesterday? 22. ATe you a manager? 23. Were you at the cinema last week? 24. Were your friends waiting for you after classes yesterday?
8.27 Переведите следующие сочетания, используя предлог of и данные существительные:
a price, a watch, an address, a tree, a place, a job, a plan, a way, a bride.
Цена билета; цена часов; цена бутылки воды; адрес нашего офиса; адрес университета; название этого дерева; название этого места; название этой улицы; многие из этих деревьев; некоторые из этих мест работы; немногие из наших планов; некоторые из часов; одна из цен; один из этих путей; одно из этих мест; многие из невест.
• 8. 28* Заполните пропуски предлогами:
1. A secretary brought a cup .... coffee, and told me to wait .... the manager. 2. Are you going to leave .... Moscow .... Petersburg? 3. When we were returning .... home yesterday, we were laughing .... some .... our colleagues. 4. The weather is not good. We are not going .... a walk today. 5. Is this girl going to marry .... our
lawyer? Does she really believe .... him? 6.....the way .... the university we didn't meet any students .... our
group. 7. Our country house is not far ....the railway station. lfwedon'tgo....car, we get .... the station.... foot. 8. Today is my brother's birthday. He was bom .... the 21 .... November.... 1982. 9. Will you wait.... me .... a
quarter.... six the cinema. 10.....a quarter.... seven .... eight o'clock we were waiting .... our friends .... the
railway station. 11. Did you get.... home .... 1 o'clock .... night yesterday? 12. What were you doing.....the
week-end? 13. When did you speak.... the phone .... the manager? 14. What is the price .... this watch?
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