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Практический курс английского языка - Камянова Т.

Камянова Т. Практический курс английского языка — М.: Дом Славянской Книги, 2005. — 384 c.
ISBN 5-85550-177-9
Скачать (прямая ссылка): praktichkurseng2005.djvu
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22. 36 Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. Under which circumstances will you never burst out laughing? 2. Under which circumstances will you never share a room with your colleague? 3. Under which circumstances will you never offer anybody your help?
4. Under which circumstances can you change your mind? 5. Under which circumstances will you send a letter poste restante? 6. Under which circumstances will you interfere in anybody's business? 7. Under which circumstances will you never forgive your friend?
22. 37 Переведите следующие предложения, используя активную лексику урока:
1. Ты уверен, что при любых обстоятельствах ты не передумаешь и проводишь нас в полночь? 2. Моя сестра не выносит, когда к ней придираются. 3. Если бы ты не был таким любопытным, наши отношения были бы иными. 4. Я не вполне понимаю твое отношение к этому вопросу: если для тебя более важны религиозные соображения, ты честный человек, если - финансовые соображения, ты практичный человек. 5. В каком банке у тебя акции? Не говори загадками, я твой друг и не предам тебя никогда. 6. Наш поезд должен отправиться в 17.30, а у нас до сих пор нет билетов. - Это по вине моего брата, а он еще даже не появился. Едва ли мы теперь успеем на этот поезд. 7. Если бы ты зашел ко мне вчера, я показал бы тебе письмо, адресованное моему отцу, с вложенным в него счетом за нашу новую машину. 8. Ты хочешь отослать это письмо «до востребования»? - Да, при обстоятельствах, в которых находится сейчас мой друг, это единственная возможность. 9. Почему ты пришел к выводу, что эти люди никогда не окажут тебе любезность? - Я бы не хотел вдаваться в подробности, но само их отношение к жизни говорит о том, что они способны делать что-либо только для себя.
22. 38 Составьте ситуации со следующими словами и словосочетаниями:
1. a stroke of lightening, a deep feeling, similar to, to be painful, to be honest, a rumour, cannot bear, a matter of religion, not to loose one's soul, to overcome obstacles, to come true.
2. not to be sincere, to interfere, to have an effect, to change one's mind, under such circumstances, to come to the conclusion, to be unfair, to call on, bitter words, to be smb's fault.
3. to write a letter, to run as follows, to enclose, poste restante, to go into details, to be due to, to change one's mind, to write another letter, hardly, not to deny one's fault, to pretend, to betray.
22. 39 Ответьте на следующие вопросы по тексту:
1. Where did the author and Weymouth meet? 2. What did the author try to persuade Weymouth of? 3. What did Weymouth feel about it? 4. Why did the author consider the riddle of the Ages to be simple compared with the riddle of the moment? 5. What, in his opinion, could make Weymouth change his mind? 6. What were the realities of the four people involved in that drama? 7. What happened next day? 8. What was the author's attitude towards the event itself? 9. Why did he feel a sort of bitter disappointment in a tramcar on the way to Heliopolis? 10. What was the author thinking about while having Turkish coffee in the Oriental hall? 11. Why did Weymouth pretend not to see his companion? 12. Who called on the author in the evening? 13. What did they speak about, and why did Jessie Weymouth burst out crying? 14. What did the author try to persuade Jessie of? 15. What was said in the letter from Frank Weymouth brought to the author next morning? 16. Why did the author start for Constantinople a week later? Which conclusion did he come to? 17. What did Helen Radolin tell the author as he called on her? 18. Why did the author wonder if her decision was a matter of religion or a matter of finance? 19. What was Helen Radolin really afraid of? 20. Where did Frank Weymouth live in Constantinople? 21. What did Frank Weymouth say to the author? Did he go into details? What did he hope for? 22. Whjch conclusion did the author come to looking at Frank Weymouth at that time? 23. What kind of job did the author manage to find for his friend? 24. What did they speak about the day before the author's departure? 25. Why did the author come to the conclusion that it was a mania? 26. What impressed the author so much when he called on Helen Radolin before his departure? 27. Why did he get an impression of frozen lava? 28. Why did the author consider this story to be worth telling?
22. 40 Основываясь на тексте, выразите свое согласие или несогласие с данными положениями:
1. Watching the Sphinx by moonlight Frank Weymouth told the author that it was his mistake, and he would leave for England together with his wife on the 20th of January.
2. The riddle of that situation was quite simple compared with the riddle of the Ages.
3. Those four people could easily afford to go on enjoying their adventures.
4. A night of walls didn't have any effect.
5. The author's attitude towards the event itself was becoming more and more optimistic, because there were no obstacles in their way of those people in love.
6. The author was sure that Jessie Weymouth would overcome her tragedy, because she was not only unhappy, but also angry.
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