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Практический курс английского языка - Камянова Т.

Камянова Т. Практический курс английского языка — М.: Дом Славянской Книги, 2005. — 384 c.
ISBN 5-85550-177-9
Скачать (прямая ссылка): praktichkurseng2005.djvu
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4. Форма Future Perfect Continuous in the Past образуется no общим правилам:
will have been studying — would have been studying e.g. My brother said that he would have been studying English for nine months by the end of May.
5. Форма Perfect Continuous Passive отсутствует.
b) Употребление существительных только в единственном (Singular) и только во множественном числе (Plural) имеет следующие особенности-
1. Только в единственном числе употребляются существительные неисчисляемые (1), отвлеченные (2), а также существительные, обозначающие вещество или материал (3):
(1) work advice (2) music (3) water
hair information time coffee
frort progress success tea
money news science [ 'saisns] наука sugar
gold weather courage ['клпф] мужество beer
luggage furniture friendship sand
food permission разрешение love marble
bread knowledge знание trouble blood
Такие существительные не употребляются с неопределенным артиклем, употребляются с местоимениями much / little и в 3-м лице заменяются местоимением it Глагол-сказуемое после этих существительных всегда стоит в единственном числе.
2. Только во множественном числе употребляются существительные, обозначающие парные предметы: trousers, spectacles (glasses) очки, scissors ножницы, pincers щипцы, а также существительные clothes, goods товар, товары. Глагол-сказуемое после этих существительных всегда стоит во множественном числе.
(after Ray Bradbury)
He didn't want to be the father of a small blue pyramid. Peter Horn hadn't planned it that way at all. Neither he nor his wife imagined that such a thing could happen to them. They had been talking quietly for days about the birth of their coming child, they had eaten normal food, slept a lot, and when it was time for her to fly in the helicopter to the hospital, her husband held her and kissed her.
«Honey, you'll be home in six hours,» he said. «These new^birthmechanismus do everything for you.»
The doctor, a quiet gentleman named Wolcott, was very confident. Polly Ann, the wife, was made ready for the task, and the father was put, as usual, out in the waiting room where he could have a cigarette. He was feeling quite good. This was the first baby, but there was not a thing to worry about. Polly Ann was in good hands.
Dr. Wolcott came into the waiting room an hour later. He looked like a man who had seen death. Peter Horn couldn't move. Then he whispered:
«She has died.»
«No,» said Wolcott quietly. «No, no, she's fine. It's the baby.» «The baby has died, then.»
«The baby is alive too, but - come along after me. Something has happened.*
Yes, indeed, something had happened. The «something» that had happened had brought the entire hospital out into the corridors. People were going and coming from one room to another.
They entered a small clean room. There was a crowd in the room, looking down at a low table. There was something on the table. A small blue pyramid.
«Why have you brought me here?» said Horn, turning to the doctor.
The smalt blue pyramid moved. It began to cry.
Peter Horn got very white and he was breathing rapidly.
«You don't mean that's it?» .
The doctor named, Wolcott nodded.
The crying blue pyramid had six blue snakelike appendages and three eyes.
Horn thought to himself that it might be a joke. Someone must knock at the door any moment and cry «April Fool!» And everybody will laugh - «That's not my child. Oh, horrible!»
But Dr. Wolcott was very serious «That is your child,» he said, «understand that, Mr. Horn.» «No. No, it's not. It's a nightmare. Destroy it!» «You can't kill a human being.»
«Human?» There were tears in his eyes. «That's not human! That's a crime against God!»
«It's not that,» said the doctor. «Your child is alive, well, and happy. But it was bom into - another dimension. It has a shape different to us. Our eyes can't recognize it as a baby. But it is.»
Horn closed his mouth and shut his eyes. «What we'll tell Polly? What happens after that? Is there any way to -change it back?»
«We'll try. That is if you give us permission to try. After all, it's your child. You can do anything with him you want to do. I realize what a shock it is to you, Mr. Horn. If you don't mind we'll be glad to look after him here, at the Institute, for you.»
Horn thought it Over. «Thanks. But he still belongs to me and Polly. I'll give him a normal home life. Try to learn to love him. Treat him right. But I don't want Polly to be killed by the shock of this whole thing.*
They told Polly the next day. Not everything. Just enough. Just a hint. They told her that the baby was not well, in a certain way.
Polly finally sat up in bed and said, «What's all the talk for? What's wrong with my baby?» Wolcott tqld her.
Then after a small pause she said simply, «Bring me a baby. I want to see him. Please. Now.» They brought the «child».
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