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Практический курс английского языка - Камянова Т.

Камянова Т. Практический курс английского языка — М.: Дом Славянской Книги, 2005. — 384 c.
ISBN 5-85550-177-9
Скачать (прямая ссылка): praktichkurseng2005.djvu
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19. 35 Выпишите из текста случаи употребления герундия с предлогами.
19. 36 Передайте диалоги из текста в косвенной речи.
19. 37 Ответьте на следующие вопросы по тексту:
1. What was the name of the amateur theatrical socity in North Crawford? 2. Who belonged to this theatrical society? 3. Which play was chosen for the spring performance? 4. What did Doris Sawyer, who always directed plays, say this time? 5. Who got the directing job? 6. What was the biggest condition of the new director? 7. What kind of person was Harry Nash? 8. Why did the new director go to Miller's Hardware Store next day? 9. Why did he stop off at the telephone company? 10. Who was behind the counter at the phone company? What was explained to the new director about an automatic billing machine? 11. What did the girl tell of herself? 12. Why did the new director invite the girl to tryouts? 13. Why did people say that Harry Nash ought to go to the psychiatrist? 14. What did Harry Nash usually say when he was asked to be in a play? 15. In which way were tryouts at the Public Library held? 16. What did Doris Sawyer and the new director say when they got to know that Helen Shaw had come for tryouts? 17. How did Helen Shaw act? 18. What kind of question did Doris ask Helen? 19. What did Helen answer to her? 20. What did Doris Sawyer and the director decide to do when they realized that there wasn't any other candidate for that role? 21. Why was Helen crying? 22. What happened after Helen Shaw and Harry Nash had played a scene together? 23. How many times a week were there the rehearsals on the stage of the Consolidated School held? 24. Why was the director so kicky looking at Harry and Helen? 24. How many times did the play run at the theatre? 25. What was the reaction of the audience? 26. What did the girls from the telephone company send to Helen? 27. Who was Helen going to give a rose to? 28. What did Harry usually do after performances? 29. What happened at the Saturday's performance after the curtain had come down on the final curtain call? 30. What kind of present did Helen give to Harry? 31. Why did Helen ask Harry to read aloud a love scene from the book? 32. What happened after Harry had read to Helen words of love by Shakespeare? 33. Why did the director go to the phone company again? 34. What did he ask Helen about? 35. What did she answer him? 36. What kind of character was Harry? 37. What kind of character was Helen? 38. What kind of character was the director?
19. 38 Основываясь на тексте, выразите свое согласие или несогласие с данными положениями:
1. Doris Sawyer always directed plays at an amateur theatrical society she belonged to, and this time she was going to put on a play by Tennessee Williams for the spring performance.
2. A salesman of windows and doors was so glad to get the directing job that he agreed without making any conditions.
3. Harry Nash was an actor who had never played main roles at the theatre.
4. The new director met Helen Show at Miller's Hardware Store.
5. Heien Show lived in North Crawford, and she also belonged to the amateur theatrical society.
6. Harry Nash was a kind of person who needed a psychiatrist, and he didn't agree to come to tryouts.
7. Helen Show was a very talented girl, and the director liked her playing at once.
8. Helen Show had never been in love, because she travelled a lot, and all the men in the different companies she visited were married.
9. Helen Shaw and Harry Nash played a scene together, but their play didn't impress the director.
10. it wasn't worth seeing how Harry Nash and Helen Shaw were working together.
11. The play failed at the first performance.
12. Heien didn't let Harry go away after the last performance.
13. Helen made Harry read aloud a love scene from «Hamlet» by Shakespeare.
14. On his reading words of love to Helen, Harry suddenly disappeared, and Helen remained on the stage alone.
15. The director decided to find new actors for his next performance.
16. Helen and her husband never took part in performances again.
19. 39 Перескажите рассказ от следующих лиц:
1. Doris Sawyer
2. A new director
3. Helen Show
4. Harry Nash
5. A girl from the telephone company
6. A psychiatrist
19. 40 Переведите и прокомментируйте следующие пословицы:
- 1. What is worth doing at all is worth doing well.
2. Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves.
3. Experience is the mother of wisdom.
4. He who would catch fish must not mind getting wet.
5. By the street of «by and by» one arrives at the house of «Never».
19. 41 Переведите на английский язык:
Курт Воннегут
Нет никакого сомнения, что Курт Воннегут принадлежит к лучшим писателям Америки. Отвечая на критические замечания, писатель шутил, что в стране множество прекрасных писателей, но недостаточно хороших читателей. Однако ничто не мешало КурТу Воннегуту развивать свой талант. Как любой настоящий писатель, он продолжал работать и представлять^итателям свои новые книги.
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