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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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1. No, I don't. 2. It has slopped raining. 3. Yes, if you hurry. 4. It's a quarter to four. 5. The 14 bus will take you there. 6. He's called Jock.
7. Yes, if you want to. 8. That's Big Ben.
Напишите небольшой рассказ (около 200 слов) на одну из следующих тем:
1. A visit to a big city.
2. A sea voyage.
Црок 13
Should and Would
Суммируем все употребления глаголов should и would.
(1) Они используются как формы прошедшего времени глаголов shall и will для образования времени "будущее в прошедшем" (Урок 3).
(2) Они используются в условных придаточных в сослагательном наклонении с "подразумеваемым отрицанием".
(3) Should используется, чтобы показать обязанность (duty) или долженствование (obligation). В этом значении он сходен с глаголом ought. Например:
You should do better work than this (=you ought to do better work than this).
If he left here at four o'clock he should (=ought to) be home by now.
The students should (=ought to) know by now that the teacher won't accept bad work.
You shouldn't (=oughtn't to) eat peas with a knife.
HOB: One day I heard Aunt Aggie talking to a workman. She said: "When I use a hammer I always hit my thumb with it. What should I do to prevent that?" He said: "The only thing that I can think of, madam, is that you should hold the hammer with both hands." PEDRO: I knew a poet (not a very good poet) who said to a friend: "Do you think I should put more fire into my poems?" His friend said: "No, I really think you should put more of your poems in the fire."
HOB: Oh, I must tell you about my young cousin, Ted. One day he came downstairs crying loudly. "What's the matter now?" I said. " Father was hanging a picture and hit his thumb with the hammer, " said Ted. "Well," I said, "that's not serious. A big boy like you shouldn't cry about a little thing like that. Why don't you laugh? " " I did," said Ted.
MR. PRIESTLEY: We also express the idea of past obligation or duty by means of should and the Perfect Infinitive, like this:
"You should have done better work than this."
(=You ought to have done better work than this.)
"You should have known by now that the teacher won't accept bad work."
"You shouldn't have eaten your peas with a knife."
Or, to take Hob's story:
"What should I have done to prevent that?"
"You should have held the hammer with both hands."
(4) Should and would are used to express a wish, e.g.
We should like to know what he is going to do next (=we wish we knew what...).
I should like you to play some Chopin for me (= I wish you would...).
Hob would like to know when this lesson is going to end (=he wishes he knew when...).
(5) Would is sometimes used in making requests (especially in the phrase "Would you mind...?") because we feel it is rather more polite than a direct Imperative or will, e.g.
" Would you shut the door, please?"
(Imperative-Shut the door, please. With will: Will you shut the door, please?)
Would you mind opening the window, please?
Would you mind passing me the salt?
359 ¦
HOB: You know that reminds me of a story of the old gentleman and the impolite little boy. It goes like this:
Old Gentleman: Would you mind telling me the way to the London Home for Lost Dogs?
Little Boy. It's a long way; are you in a hurry?
Old Gentleman-. Yes, I am.
Little Boy: Then, if I were you, I should bite a policeman.
MR. PRIESTLEY: There is just one other use of should and would that I want to mention.
(6) They are sometimes used in an Adverbial Clause of Purpose, e.g.
"I got up early, so that I should not be late for the train."
"Hob had a good breakfast, so that he wouldn't feel hungry before
11 o'clock."
And that's enough of should and would.
1. Перепишите предложения, используя should вместо ought to:
1. He ought to work much harder.
2. Aunt Aggie ought to hold the hammer with both hands.
3. You oughtn't to cry about a little thing like that.
4. The children ought to be asleep by now.
5. That bicycle ought to be big enough for you.
6. Hob ought to have passed that exam.
7. My doctor says that I oughtn't to lift heavy things.
8. You oughtn't to have smoked a cigarette in class.
9. What ought Ted to have done, when his father hit his thumb?
10. He ought to have kept quiet.
2. Вставьте в пропуски would или should:
1.1____like to hear that song again.
2. Do you think I______take a holiday?
3. No, it_____be better if you got on with your work.
4 . you mind carving the meat?
5. The boys_____play more quietly.
6. The fire___have burned better, if I had more wood.
7. If I were you, 1____go for a bathe now.
3. Напишите в вежливой форме следующие просьбы, начиная словами Would you mind...? и заканчивая please: Образец: Come here.-Would you mind coming here, please?
1. Open the window.
2. Stop the car.
3. Get on with your work.
4. Tell Timothy to come here at once.
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